Delphi 6.0x shareware
Web Application Development

[ ] [ 3,621,618 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
CGI Expert is the complete solution for Delphi (Std, Pro or C/S) and C++Builder (Std, Pro or C/S) developers who require fast and easy implementation of WEB and WAP applications using CGI, ISAPI, WSAPI or NSAPI interface with the webserver. CGI Expert coveres features like: FileUpload, SMTP mail, "state of the art" WAP support, Session variables and Powerful examples like: Userforum, Shopping, Fileupload, DBWizard, Login isapi filter, Database pool, Sendmail with attachments etc.
Added: 21-12-1998/21-01-2003   |  Version: 7.0.1   |  Downloads: 2438/1984/2
Author:Lars Akerman   Lars Akerman Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,422,588 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 | D6 ]
At a glance, DSOAP is a toolkit that wraps the Microsoft SOAP SDK in a Delphi-friendly manner. The combination of the Microsoft SOAP SDK and DSOAP allows you to expose Delphi objects to the world via SOAP and connect to them from your client applications. All the complexity of SOAP communication is hidden and with a few mouse clicks you can expose or access SOAP services. At the same time you have complete access to the inner class library and you can get to higher levels of control in case you need to (i.e. Proxy authentication or compression). Included in the toolkit you will find: 1) The WSDL Importer Utility. 2) The SOAP Tester Utility. In top of this then there's obviously the class library which contains a WSDL parser, a Microsoft SOAP SDK installed and much more!
Added: 18-12-2001   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 581/581/1
Author:Alessandro Federici   Alessandro Federici   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D6 ]
"Virtual Town" is an interactive map web service. This full version included: Setup, Primary SQL data (MySQL), Client source code (Delphi 7, GPL). License is free for co-developers and translators. Features: * Navigation: moving, scaling, rotation by any angle; * User object operations: create, edit, clone, destroy; * User built-in services: chat, e-mail; * Security: user's management, security profiles, user resource profiles, user's roles; * Objects export/import: XML; * Functionality extensions: plugins; * Communication protocol: SOAP via HTTP.
Added: 4-10-2004   |  Version: 011004   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Alex Ponomarev   PAS-co   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 | D6 ]
Web News / Update - now you can keep your customers up to date ... latest product update support and latest news too. Now you can add automatic update / version checking to all of your applications and also integrated news information.

Included in this package is TajNetTransfer - a VCL component that handles HTTP and FTP data transfer. TajNetTransfer is based on WinInet technology, providing a robust and compact method for sending / receiving data from the Internet. TajNetTransfer utilizes data streaming and incorporates resume capability on file downloads. Flexibility is the key feature and TajNetTransfer can provide lots of other functions, some of which are illustrated in the well documented example demonstration programs.

The news service is based on TajNewsTreeView, a non-visual treeview component that is actually streamed across the net. A fully featured news editor is included in the package making the task of updating news, links, updates, etc. so straightforward and when finished, a press of a button uploads the changes to your site.
Registration is US$30.00, for which all source code will be made available plus free future updates

Added: 1-04-2002   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Andrew Jameson   SoftSpot Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 2,615,102 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | D7 ]
The Nozicle WebAccess components allow your Delphi application to access a database via a webserver. TNozicleDataset interacts with a database via PHP scripts (included). This component lets you use a webserver as a database server for MySQL and other databases. No DLLs or proprietry server/middleware are required - only need to copy the two provided PHP scripts to the webserver. TNozicleDataset is a descendant of TDataset, so all data aware components can be used including quick reports. It supports most datatypes including BLOBs and Memos.

TNozicleServerScript allows your application to run an arbitrary script on a webserver. Parameters can be passed to the webscript and results sent back to your application.

These components allow you to use a webserver as platform independant middleware, i.e you can run the webserver on Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc even if your application is Windows only. You can easily host your database using an inexpensive hosting company - only requirement is PHP and MySQL database (both standard items with most hosting plans).
Added: 27-10-2003   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 216/216/2
Author:Jonathan Robinson   Nozicle   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,399,555 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
CGI component and demos for CBuilder and Delphi. DB Aware with all source code included.
Added: 17-01-2002   |  Version: 1.0a   |  Downloads: 795/795/0
Author:Kenneth Dwayne Lee   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,254,936 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | D2 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
With THTTPSCAN you access to web sites as a collection of links to files and data, instead of as graphics and text. THTTPSCAN recursively analyzes HTML pages and reports all the links it finds to a text file: html, mail, jpg, mpeg, mp3, etc. THttpScan navigates through HTML pages in the neighborhood of the initial URL. The links appearing several times are treated only once. The LinkScan property allows you to limit the scanning to the initial site or the initial URL path. The LinkReport property allows you to report only links owned by the current site or even with the same path name. The DepthSearchLevel allows you to limit the level of pages scanned, starting from the initial page, especially when not limiting the scanning to a site. Using the LinkScan and LinkReport properties with a high DelphSearchLevel value, you can easily scan a whole site or only a subdirectory of a web site. Events are generated for each link found and each page read, returning URL, meta tags, document type, referrer, host name,... According to your line speed, you can grab thousands of links from a starting URL in a few minutes. THTTPSCAN saves you having to tangle with the HTML parsing. Most common parameters can be simply set from the Object Inspector. It can be placed on any window, it is only visible at design time. Full source code optional.
Added: 20-08-2000/25-04-2005   |  Version: 4.5   |  Downloads: 1469/1350/3
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 700,415 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
Plus Package is an extention to the Web Broker components of Delphi and C++Builder. The package will add some "necessary" features that you are missing in webbroker like: fileupload , session variables etc.
Added: 16-07-2002   |  Version: 1.07   |  Downloads: 363/363/1
Author:Lars Akerman   Lars Akerman Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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