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  Michel Fornengo | DataStead (Michel Fornengo) [email][Home]

    Datastead develops multimedia components for Delphi and C++Builder




[ ] [ 1,254,936 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
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With THTTPSCAN you access to web sites as a collection of links to files and data, instead of as graphics and text. THTTPSCAN recursively analyzes HTML pages and reports all the links it finds to a text file: html, mail, jpg, mpeg, mp3, etc. THttpScan navigates through HTML pages in the neighborhood of the initial URL. The links appearing several times are treated only once. The LinkScan property allows you to limit the scanning to the initial site or the initial URL path. The LinkReport property allows you to report only links owned by the current site or even with the same path name. The DepthSearchLevel allows you to limit the level of pages scanned, starting from the initial page, especially when not limiting the scanning to a site. Using the LinkScan and LinkReport properties with a high DelphSearchLevel value, you can easily scan a whole site or only a subdirectory of a web site. Events are generated for each link found and each page read, returning URL, meta tags, document type, referrer, host name,... According to your line speed, you can grab thousands of links from a starting URL in a few minutes. THTTPSCAN saves you having to tangle with the HTML parsing. Most common parameters can be simply set from the Object Inspector. It can be placed on any window, it is only visible at design time. Full source code optional.
Added: 20-08-2000/25-04-2005   |  Version: 4.5   |  Downloads: 1469/1350/3
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,839,763 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
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TActiveMovie is a VCL component for Delphi or C++ Builder that allows you to embed the Microsoft's Media Player within your project. You can play forwards, backwards, zoom in, zoom out, scroll horizontally and vertically, display videos in full screen mode, capture frames individually or automatically to TBitmap, TImage, BMP or JPEG files. You can adjust the audio volume, speed rate, select the start and end positions of video clips. Full source code available.
Added: 3-10-2001/10-03-2003   |  Version: 5.4   |  Downloads: 1837/1705/9
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 3,241,929 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
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TVideoGrabber is a versatile video component for Delphi or C++Builder. TVideoGrabber captures analog or digital video sources like Firewire (IEEE1394) cameras, DV camcorders, USB web cams, TV cards, PCI composite cards, USB devices. Features include video capture, AVI and ASF recording, compression on-the-fly or after recording, direct network streaming, network streaming to a publishing point, media player, video clip reencoding, DV timecode, DV date/time, DV camcorder control, motion detection, frame capture, text and graphics overlays, TV tuning, videos built from set of images, deinterlacing, video rotation, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, dual display on 2 separated monitors.
Added: 2-12-2001/15-11-2005   |  Version: 7.3 build 156   |  Downloads: 2086/1933/12
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 733,337 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
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TMotionDetector Delphi/C++Builder VCL component is an add-on for TVideoGrabber that detects motion from live video sources and returns motion ratios. The video frame can be divided as a grid that defines different areas of sensitivity.
Added: 24-03-2002/16-02-2004   |  Version: 2.7   |  Downloads: 825/796/5
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,218,701 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
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TRemoteControl is a Delphi/C++Builder component that allows you to add remote control capabilities to your project, using the ATI/Hercules Remote Wonder control device. Up to 16 remote control devices can be used concurrently. When a remote control button is pressed, the OnReceive event returns the remote control id, the button state (on, off, repeat), the button name, id and repeat count.
Added: 1-04-2003/6-12-2004   |  Version: 2.4.2   |  Downloads: 355/352/4
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,201,855 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
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PropertyPageSaver is a non-visible component that lets you easily save and restore the current settings of COM property pages, programmatically or through a property pages dialog. You can use several different sets of values for each interface, according to the current context of your application. PropertyPageSaver has been designed: - to let you save/restore properties of COM interfaces programmatically when the interface does not implement this feature for some or all its properties, and/or when no SDK is available for this interface, - to let you to use more than one property set for a given interface, according to the different interface contexts used within of your application.
Added: 19-07-2004/26-07-2004   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 147/147/3
Author:Michel Fornengo   Michel Fornengo | DataStead   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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