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  PAS-co (Alex Ponomarev) [email][Home]




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"Virtual Town" is an interactive map web service. This full version included: Setup, Primary SQL data (MySQL), Client source code (Delphi 7, GPL). License is free for co-developers and translators. Features: * Navigation: moving, scaling, rotation by any angle; * User object operations: create, edit, clone, destroy; * User built-in services: chat, e-mail; * Security: user's management, security profiles, user resource profiles, user's roles; * Objects export/import: XML; * Functionality extensions: plugins; * Communication protocol: SOAP via HTTP.
Added: 4-10-2004   |  Version: 011004   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Alex Ponomarev   PAS-co   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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