Top Downloads by Category
Freeware Last week

Category NameDownloadsFileAuthor
 Apps WITH sources22 Hevesi Róbert (Hevesi Róbert)
 Apps WITHOUT Jose Maria Gias
 Barsmxoutd5.exe Lajos Farkas
 Buttons21 Peter D Johnson Qarsoft
 Classes and units25 Peter D Johnson
 Common Michael Frank (micro dynamics GmbH)
 Communication (I/O)38 Dejan Crnila
 Component building tools11 Accalai Ferruccio
 Components Collection35 Fedor Koshevnikov ...
 Compression, Encryption67 Hagen Reddmann Poul Bak (Bak-O-Soft)
 Dialogs23 Poul Bak (Bak-O-Soft)
 Example Standaert Benoit
 Experts and Property Editors14 Richard Hollerich
 Files and Drives20 Angus Robertson (Magenta Systems Ltd)
 Form Enhancement15 Accalai Ferruccio
 Game Tools22 Bisma Jayadi
 Glyphs, Icons and Tools16 Kambiz R. Khojasteh
 Graphical Controls29 Peter Bone
 Grids44 Michael Dürig
 IDE Mauro Venturini (Mauro Venturini)
 Improved Olivier Touzot D.Sofyan, Adrian Hafizh & Inge DR. (aa)
 Internet19 Angus Robertson (Magenta Systems Ltd)
 InVisible Components27 Lee Christensen
 Labels12 Peter D Johnson
 Localization, Multilingual & Spell Checkbalmsoftpolyglot.exe Vladlen Fomushkin (Balmsoft)
 Maths, Stats & Algorithms16 Aleksey Kuznetsov (UtilMind Solutions)
 Menus21 Peter D Johnson
 Messaging14 FINANCES Ltd
 Miscellaneous10 Mauro Venturini (Mauro Venturini)
 Multimedia31 Kambiz R. Khojasteh
 OCX, Serhiy Perevoznyk (Serhiy Perevoznyk)
 Print, Print Preview and Reporting Tools23 Adrian Gallero
 Programming Tools11 Ralf Junker (The Delphi Inspiration)
 Shareware Protection18 Alcides Valega
 Sound Andy Preston (Apollo Developments)
 Strings31 D.Sofyan, Adrian Hafizh & Inge DR. (aa)
 System Components Win API based39 Peter D Johnson
 VBX and 
 Visible Components16 cyberbobjr ...
 Web Application Jerome Forestier
 Winsock & Internet25 Angus Robertson (Magenta Systems Ltd)
 Winsock and Communications26 Ward van Wanrooij
 Wizards10 Craig Chapman
 Word Processing Henrick Hellström (FHH Firma Henrick Hellström) ...




Apps WITH sources

[ ] [ 7,110 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 ]
This is a telephone register, which ask some properties (name, username, mobile number) using LDAP. You can use it to list all Windows Domain users using ADsDSOObject (LDAP).
Added: 16-11-2004   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1169/1169/22
Author:Hevesi Róbert   Hevesi Róbert   [DSP files]



Apps WITHOUT sources

[ ] [ 218,343 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 ]
Example of working with Microsoft Excel 97 from Delphi, with examples of to create and to select several sheet, ranges, cells, colors, fonts, grid, patterns, print, shapes, text effects, save, chart incrusted in sheet, sheet of chart, types of chart, to import data from .dbf file, and an example to generate a report with Excel and to copy to MsWord and to open it.
Demo application
Added: 11-05-1999/12-05-1999   |  Version: q.0   |  Downloads: 3858/3858/6
Author:Jose Maria Gias   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




[ mxoutd5.exe ] [ 441,638 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
TmxOutlookBar Component.
Key features:
  • Supports look and feel introduced in Microsoft Office 97
  • Scrolling headers
  • Icon highlighting and positioning
  • Small and large icons
  • Gradient, normal and tiled bitmap backgrounds
  • Works in design time
  • Header tabs can have individual font, alignment, color

Added: 13-05-2001/23-07-2001   |  Version: 1.34   |  Downloads: 3562/3562/4
Author:Lajos Farkas   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




[ ] [ 27,588 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]

This unit contains a set of three speed button derived components that either display pop-up menus associated with the buttons or form connected button / menu button pairs. The components are:

  • TPJMenuSpeedButton -- which can display an associated pop-up menu when clicked.
  • TPJLinkedMenuSpeedButton -- links to a master button and displays an associated pop-up menu when clicked.
  • TPJLinkedSpeedButton -- a speed button that can link to and control a slave button that accesses a pop-up menu.

Comes with fully integrated help and a demo project.

Tested with Delphi 4, 6 and 7
Added: 26-06-2001/6-10-2003   |  Version: 1.0.1   |  Downloads: 4249/4234/21
Author:Peter D Johnson   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




[ ] [ 32,181 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
Paint Grid Components.
The package includes two components: PaintBoxGrid and BitmapGrid
for construction of dynamic grids by auto scaling and decent numbering for drawing 2D charts on it.
Numbering happens by ranges of 1eX, 2eX and 5eX from zero.
Also there are Events for Labels modification possibilities.
Added: 21-10-2002/17-02-2003   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2495/2446/9
Author:Qarsoft   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Classes and units

[ ] [ 31,891 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 ]

This unit contains classes that encapsulate Windows 32 bit binary resource files and the resources contained in them. The main functionality is provided by two classes:

  1. TPJResourceFile # encapsulates the contents of a whole resource file and provides methods and properties for reading, finding, editing, adding and deleting resources. Resource files can be read from and written to files or streams.
  2. TPJResourceEntry # encapsulates a single resource within the file and provides properties to access its header record and its raw data. The class also provided methods to check the identity of the resource. The resource's raw data is made available as a TStream and so is easily read and written using familiar TStream methods.

Note that the classes have no knowledge of resource data formats and see the resource data simply as a raw sequence of bytes. It is for the user of the class to interpret the data correctly.

In addition to the two main classes, some useful helper functions and constants are also provided.

The download includes a UserGuide that provides detailed description of the classes, along example code for the key methods.

Added: 7-11-2005   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 214/214/25
Author:Peter D Johnson   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Common Controls

[ ] [ 37,491 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 ]
Set of Windows XP Visual Styles supporting controls. New in version 2.30: - TXPBitBtn - TXPSpeedButton
Added: 6-01-2002/30-06-2003   |  Version: 2.30   |  Downloads: 5871/5782/8
Author:Michael Frank   micro dynamics GmbH   [DSP files]



Communication (I/O)

[ ] [ 148,579 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
A set of components for writing serial communication program. Components included: TComPort, TComDataPacket, TComTerminal TComComboBox, TComRadioGroup and TComLed. With these tools, you can write serial application faster and easier than ever. A Delphi context sensitive file included.
Added: 11-10-1998/14-05-2000   |  Version: 2.60   |  Downloads: 45149/28506/38
Author:Dejan Crnila   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Component building tools

[ ] [ 34,555 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D6 | D7 ]
This is a redone from MAS-CompMaker (copyright # 2000 by Mats Asplund.) This wizard integrates nice with the Delphi IDE. It puts a new item in the Component menu called 'New AFComponents...' and it works like the standard Delphi component creation wizard. With this wizard you can easily build a component-skeleton ready to register with Delphi. Handles both ordinary and compound-components. The wizard lets you add nice comments to your components. The compound-classes used by this wizard are in the file compound.pas created by Thomas Quester
Added: 19-05-2003   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2238/2238/11
Author:Accalai Ferruccio   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Components Collection

[ ] [ 1,233,627 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
Unofficial Delphi VCL Extensions (RX version 2.75) Library port to Borland Delphi 7
Added: 12-02-2003   |  Version: 2.75   |  Downloads: 5938/5938/35
Author:Fedor Koshevnikov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Igor Pavluk   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Serge Korolev   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Oleg Fyodorov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Markus / NONAME   [DSP files]



Compression, Encryption

[ ] [ 692,947 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
Delphi Encryption Compendium Part I.
A Compendium of various fast Hash-,Checksum- and Encryption algorithm, includes:
  • 40 Ciphers (IDEA, Blowfish, Twofish, DES, Square ...)
  • 23 Hashs (MD4/5, SHA/1, RipeMD, Havel, Tiger ...)
  • 5 Checksums (CRC32, CRC16-CCITT, CRC16-Standard ...)
  • 6 Textformats (MIME Base 64, XX/UU Coding, RFC1760 Six Word ...)
  • 2 Randoms (LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register with variable Period upto 2^2032-1 ...)
  • with Ciphers can be encrypt in Modes CTS/CBC/CFB/OFB/ECB
  • Ciphers supports Message Authentication Codes in CBC-MAC/CFB-MAC/CTS-MAC
  • fast Implementation (i.E. Blowfish > 8Mb/sec, MD4 > 27Mb/sec)
  • full and easy objectorientated
  • High optimized Assembler Core
  • Designtime Components to managing Cipher- and Hashclasses
  • Message Authentication Codes for all Hash's (Internet RFC2104-HMAC's ...)
  • Internet RFC2289/RFC1760/RFC2444 One Time Password Routines as Component
  • Self Test Support for all Cipher-, Hash- and Checksumclasses
  • multiple cascading (chanining) from all Cipher-, Hash-, Random- and Compressionclasses
  • all Cipher-, Hash-, Randomclasses can be encrypt, decrypt, scramble and wipe any Inputs as String, Stream, File or Buffer in multiple chaining modes
  • detailed and full DEMO, Docus for implemented RFC's

Added: 18-04-1999/5-09-1999   |  Version: 3.0   |  Downloads: 32126/27671/67
Author:Hagen Reddmann   [DSP files]




[ ] [ 71,287 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
PBWatcher is a supplement to the Delphi Watch debugger. Watch variables and expressions inside/outside the Delphi environment at both runtime and designtime with/without breakpoints. Use it anywhere in your code, even before any forms are created. Easy to At designtime it acts as a Delphi add-on and at runtime it acts as an add-on to your application. Settings are automatically saved and loaded. Save/load/print and search the watchlog. AutoSave. View one line per variable or add continuously. Change settings (show/hide watchwindow, enable etc.) at designtime/runtime. Watch for instance local variables and timerevents/paintevents realtime without breakpoints. Debug your components designtime/runtime interface. Help-file is included. Version split into design/runtime package - makes designtime watch easier. [more]
Added: 6-08-2000/8-11-2004   |  Version:   |  Downloads: 9235/9009/7
Author:Poul Bak   Bak-O-Soft   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




[ ] [ 45,109 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 ]
TPBPrinterSetupDialog is a TPrinterSetupDialog component with capability of getting/setting printersetup-values (orientation, papersize etc) at designtime and runtime. Settings can be saved so users don't have to setup the printer every time they run your program. Standard PrinterSetupDialog is used as propertyeditor. At runtime you can switch between 4 setuptypes: stDefault (like standard PrinterSetupDialog), stInitial (settings set at designtime), stSaved (user defined settings saved) and stUser (settings set when the dialog has executed). AutoSave and ForceInitialSetupValues. Version 6.00 supports long printernames for Windows 2000/XP. Version 3.00 has a small unit that, when installed, automatically saves and reloads the printersetup in Delphi (for instance to print code in low quality). Context-sensitive help is included. Compiled demo can be downloaded from my homepage. [more]
Added: 17-07-2000/8-09-2005   |  Version:   |  Downloads: 11827/9747/23
Author:Poul Bak   Bak-O-Soft   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




[ ] [ 1,739,123 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 ]
Components for rendering Video, Audio, Capture Device, DVD Video, MP3, DivX, etc .... Everything that use DirectShow technologie.
Added: 3-06-2001/25-11-2001   |  Version: 1.05 RC1   |  Downloads: 9366/9263/10
Author:Henri GOURVEST   Henri GOURVEST PROGDIGY   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Example Sources

[ ] [ 243,750 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D6 ]
This little demo permits to learn how to: - Know the associated file program of a chosen file, - Know the path of the associated program, - Extract the icon of the associated program on a button, copy this icon into a bitmap canvas and finally use this bitmap on a button to launch the associated program (All done on the fly), - To open the folder of the associated program, - To open the chosen file with the associated program, - To create a formatted label.caption containing the full path of associated program. (Something like inside a shorty label: C:\...\MyAppFolder\Exec\Bin\ - Perform some string operation to extract the extension of the chosen file (No api)
Added: 7-03-2005   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 300/300/5
Author:Standaert Benoit   [DSP files]



Experts and Property Editors

[ ] [ 12,460 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D7 | D2 ]
An update to the Library Path Editor to add support for Delphi 7 and 2005. It embeds itself into the path editor window as if it was part of Delphi and provides a directory tree to pick the paths to add to the Library Path. This update is only for Delphi 7 or 2005. For a version that works with Delphi 4, 5 and 6 search for
This version works for both Delphi 7 and Delphi 2005
Added: 8-10-2002/6-12-2004   |  Version: 7.0   |  Downloads: 1900/1899/14
Author:Richard Hollerich   [DSP files]



Files and Drives

[ ] [ 256,709 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D6 | D7 | D2 ]
The Check Disk and Format Disk component is a Delphi wrapper around the Windows APIs exported by fmifs.dll, which are used to format fixed or removable disk drives and perform disk checks on Windows NT4 and later. It supports any local disk drive that has been assigned a drive letter by Windows, just like the normal format and check disk tools in Windows.
Added: 21-11-2005   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 20/20/20
Author:Angus Robertson   Magenta Systems Ltd   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Form Enhancement

[ ] [ 2,835 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
A component to show File Version directly in the application main form caption. Just put TAFVersionCaption on your mainform, set property InfoPrefix and ShowInfoPrefix as you prefere and that's all. [i.e. If FormCaption is 'Form1', it'll be 'Form1 (File Version']
Added: 13-11-2002/31-05-2004   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 3001/3001/15
Author:Accalai Ferruccio   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Game Tools

[ ] [ 6,566 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | K1 | K2 | K3 ]
TDominoCard is a domino card component for Delphi and Kylix.
now with correct res file
Added: 7-04-2003/22-04-2003   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 3347/3320/22
Author:Bisma Jayadi   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Glyphs, Icons and Tools

[ ] [ 12,567 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
TSysImageList is a read-only descendent of TImageList containing the icons that Microsoft# Windows uses them internally. By using this component you can easily find the associated icon for any file, folder, special folder, or even URL.
Added: 6-11-2000/9-08-2004   |  Version: 1.31   |  Downloads: 10532/10106/16
Author:Kambiz R. Khojasteh   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



Graphical Controls

[ ] [ 223,737 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | D7 ]
3D rendering engine for Delphi

Includes source code for handling 3D graphics without using an API, such as OpenGL.

Includes code for :

  • Building a 3D model
  • Translating the model
  • Rotating the model
  • Rendering the model
  • Flat shading
  • Gouraud shading
  • Lighting
  • Back-face culling
  • Z-Buffering
  • (!) Does not yet include texture mapping
Also includes an example delphi project and executable of a 3D juggling club to demonstrate how to use the code.
Added: 12-05-2003   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 4749/4749/29
Author:Peter Bone   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




[ ] [ 73,768 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C5 ]
XStringgrid is an extended version of the stringgrid which offers a lot more flexibility. It's possible to apply different colors and fonts to each column and it's header and align the content of the cells. In addition it offers different inplace editors which can be assigned to columns to edit their cells. So far edit, combo, maskedit, updown, checklist, button checkbox and form inplace editors are implemented. TXStringgrid also implements a flexible sort mechanism. This version includes a simple mechanism to control the style (i.e. color, font...) of each cell. See the demo project to get started.
Added: 18-03-1997/30-06-2003   |  Version: 2.6   |  Downloads: 18095/17452/44
Author:Michael Dürig   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



IDE Tools

[ ] [ 233,700 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D8 | D2 ]
History is a great new feature of Delphi 2005. There is only a little drawback: after project completion getting rid of all the history files is a bit annoying. Clear makes this more easy. WARNING: this is a mass deletion program, use with care and under your responsibility.
Added: 6-12-2004   |  Version: 1.3   |  Downloads: 307/307/6
Author:Mauro Venturini   Mauro Venturini   [DSP files]



Improved Components

[ ] [ 286,120 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | D7 ]
TQProgressBar is a ProgressBar replacement, which can :
  • display a flat or cylindric bar (two kind of cylinder effect available) ; the bar can be vertical or horizontal ;
  • display or not "inactive positions" (the ones not yet reached)
  • it can be with or without shape and background ;
  • with one or two colors (gradient) ;
  • all colors can be changed (shape, background, bar itself, inactive positions)
  • can show positions either in a continuous bar, or blocks by blocks ; blocks are then displayed step by step, or full block by full block ;
  • aso.

    It is freeware, comes with full source, has been developped under D6PE.

    Added: 14-06-2004   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 924/924/9
    Author:Olivier Touzot   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    [ ] [ 59,867 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ]
    Visually checks pakage / softwares distribution copy. This program makes easy checking your software distribution for novice user without any programming experience. If you're an active developer and often make a large copy of your softwares regularly, especially when they put on CD, then this program is for you. (Let them do it for you and you can concentrate with delicated algorithm within your spaghetti codes without any longer disturbtion). This program could also simply be used for (customizable) directories / files comparison. [more]
    Added: 2-04-2000   |  Version: 1   |  Downloads: 6825/6825/4
    Author:D.Sofyan, Adrian Hafizh & Inge DR.   aa   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 926,033 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
    [ D6 | D7 | D2 ]
    Magenta Systems File Transfer Components comprise three Delphi components, TMagFtp, TMagHttp and TMagFileCopy, the first two of which are high level descendants of the ICS TFtpClient and THttpCli components, all allowing transfer of multiple files and subdirectories with a single function call. The three components handle file listing from FTP, HTTP and disk volumes, and multiple file copying. They also include optional zipping or unzipping (requires TVCLZip component). There are numerous options available, including copying only newer files, deleting old target files, deletion after transfer, resumed failed FTP downloads and uploads, and a progress events with various levels of information for logging or display, depending upon application requirements that allows transfers to be cancelled. FTP and file copying supports files larger than 2 gigs (64-bit).
    Added: 21-11-2005   |  Version: 1.5   |  Downloads: 19/19/19
    Author:Angus Robertson   Magenta Systems Ltd   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    InVisible Components

    [ ] [ 7,064 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | D2 ]
    This component talks to the FireCracker rf module that connects to a serial port and allows you to turn on/off X10 devices or dim/bright lamps connected to an X10 module. Very simple and easy to use. There is a very small example included.
    Added: 3-10-1999/24-08-2005   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 3431/3349/27
    Author:Lee Christensen   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 23,443 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]

    TPJHotLabel descends from TLabel. It provides a clickable label that can start the default browser or email client to access a specific URL. Key features of the component are:

    • The URL property is used for storing the URL to be accessed when the label is clicked.
    • The Caption property can either store descriptive text or can automatically reflect the URL.
    • The label can be highlighted using a user-defined font when the mouse passes over it.
    • The label displays the "hand point" cursor by default. For versions of Delphi that do not support provide the crHandPoint cursor, a custom cursor is linked in to the program by the component.
    • The component's pop-up hints can be customised to:
      • display the normal Hint text;
      • automatically display the URL, ignoring the Hint property.
      • display custom hints set each time the hint is displayed using an event handler.

    A help file is provided that can inegrate with the IDE of Delphi 3 to 7.

    This v2 release is backwards compatible with v1 of the component.

    Added: 7-11-1999/17-11-2003   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 2967/2953/12
    Author:Peter D Johnson   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Localization, Multilingual & Spell Check

    [ balmsoftpolyglot.exe ] [ 984,443 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
    [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
    Balmsoft Polyglot contains components for localization your Delphi application. It contains IDE extension for generation files with localizable items and components for applying files with localization. You can translate any localizable property in your application and even your end users can localize your application to their language. Key features * Easy-to-start - just place component and provide a couple of properties; * Wizard for generation and update translation files; * Easy to use translation format; * Special symbols support; * Collections support; * TStrings support; * Resourcestrings support; * Flexible filtering capabilities for translation files generation; * Switching between languages in run-time; * Detailed documentation;
    Added: 1-09-2003   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 854/854/5
    Author:Vladlen Fomushkin   Balmsoft   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Maths, Stats & Algorithms

    [ ] [ 7,747 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
    The CRC Calculator unit (not component) provides three speed-optimized functions to compute (or continue computation of) a Cyclic Roundency Check (CRC). Applicable to XModem protocol (16-bit CRC), SEA's "ARC" utility, PKZip (32-bit CRC) and many others compatible software.
    Added: 15-07-1999/25-06-2000   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 12665/12656/16
    Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 42,488 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]

    This unit provides a component (TPJColourPopupMenu) that can display a menu containing the sixteen common Windows colours. The menu can take various styles - text only, text with a colour bitmap, colours only (like a palette) or can be owner drawn. It can display colours in 1, 2, 4 or 8 columns. The component is most useful when linked to a toolbar button.

    Comes with fully integrated help and a demo project.

    Tested with Delphi 4, 6 and 7.
    Added: 12-06-2001/6-10-2003   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 3632/3628/21
    Author:Peter D Johnson   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 15,577 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D6 | D7 ]
    Full control over windows Balloon Properties: AutoCloseMode [acNone, acAction, acTimeOut, acAutoCalc] BackGroundColor TextColor BalloonIcon [bNoIcon, bInfo, bWarning, bError] TimeOut Title Prompt Font Showing Methods: Show(X, Y : integer) Show(Control : TWinControl) Close Events: BeforShow AfterShow AfterClose OnClick
    Added: 7-03-2004   |  Version: 1   |  Downloads: 1500/1500/14
    Author:FINANCES Ltd   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 2,173 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D2 ]
    WinForms components normally only have FixedSingle, Fixed3D and none border styles. The results are very out of fashion forms, expecially with Win 2K. The funny thing is that .NET WinForms provides a class (ControlPaint) that can draw nice looking borders. Why they did not used it for the components is a mistery. Anyway, using an extender provider something can be done (see demo project and form image). Unfortunately, different components behave differently (combo boxes do not even have border style property!) so some experimenting is required to obtain better looking forms. The extender provider code is inside Visibles.BorderExtender.pas unit. To use it add the unit to a (new) package. This code is free, use it at your own risk. If you improve it it would be nice if you send me the improved version.
    Added: 14-09-2004/6-12-2004   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 808/800/10
    Author:Mauro Venturini   Mauro Venturini   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 81,259 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
    The Wave Audio Package provides seven components for playing and recording of wave audio formats, two components for storing wave data as Delphi resources, one audio mixer component, and one high resolution multimedia timer. The package has also a set of useful functions for manipulating wave audio's. The package's components are:
    • TAudioMixer
      Provides an easy interface to manage audio mixer controls.
    • TWaveStorage
      Stores a single wave audio and provides access to its informational fields.
    • TWaveCollection
      Stores a collection of wave audio's as resource and provides access to their informational fields.< /LI>
    • TAudioPlayer
      Plays a wave audio, which is stored in the component.
    • TAudioRecorder
      Records wave audio and stores it in the component.
    • TStockAudioPlayer
      Plays wave audio from a TWaveStorage or TWaveCollection component, a stream, or a file.
    • TStockAudioRecorder
      Records wave audio to a TWaveStorage or TWaveCollection component, a stream, or a file.
    • TLiveAudioPlayer
      Plays wave audio from user defined buffers.
    • TLiveAudioRecorder
      Records wave audio to user defined buffers.
    • TAudioRedirector
      Records wave audio from an input audio device and plays it on an output audio device.
    • TMultimediaTimer
      Is a high resolution timer.

    Added: 18-08-2003/25-07-2005   |  Version: 1.602   |  Downloads: 4086/4073/31
    Author:Kambiz R. Khojasteh   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    OCX, ActiveX

    [ ] [ 39,189 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D5 | D6 | D7 ]
    psvAppletHost component is an ActiveX Control Container that supplies the environment for an ActiveX control to run. With psvAppletHost you can use any ActiveX control in your Delphi application without creating a wrapper class for ActiveX control, just like in Visual Basic or MS Office. It lets you access the control's methods and properties using the standard Delphi mechanisms. ActiveX control can be embedded in application at run-time or design-time.
    Added: 11-12-2002   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1984/1984/5
    Author:Serhiy Perevoznyk   Serhiy Perevoznyk   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Print, Print Preview and Reporting Tools

    [ ] [ 1,789,555 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D5 | D6 | D7 | K2 | K3 ]
    FlexCel Reports is a suite of Delphi 5/6/7 components allowing to create Excel files by substituting values into a Template from a database or variables. Also, there is an api allowing to directly read/write Excel files, and a Grid for displaying/writing xls files. Features: Can create completly native (no OLE/dlls)files (biff 8 format: Xls 97-2000-XP), or create them by OLE automation. Your option. In native mode, templates can be embedded inside your exe. No additional files to distribute Can write images/comments/conditional formats/merged cells/pivot tables/charts and almost the complete Excel 2000 feature set in native or OLE mode (Writing images is not allowed in OLE, but you can include as many as you want in the template) Can save to HTML files (only in OLE mode) Exe Demo and full source code included. Also included a BiffEdit application that allows you to view and modify Biff8 files. Messages in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Brasilian Portuguese and Simplified Chinese
    Added: 29-01-2002/23-12-2002   |  Version: 2.5.3   |  Downloads: 9290/8932/23
    Author:Adrian Gallero   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Programming Tools

    [ ] [ 50,679 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
    [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | K1 | K2 | K3 ]
    DIPP is a Pascal Pre-Processor to manipulate Pascal source code files:
    • remove comments
    • process compiler directives
    • strip or keep conditional compiler directives by wild card masks
    • insert, read, or skip include files by wild card masks
    DIPP is useful to
    • simplify debugging by inserting include files and removing unnecessary conditionals
    • prepare Pascal sources to share with 3rd parties
    • target Pascal sources at specific compiler versions
    • remove conditionals unsupported by some (old) compilers
    DIPP is a tiny console application suitable for batch processing. It reads, processes and writes one file at a time, performing minimal syntax check as it goes. Output files can then be passed on to Pascal compilers.

    DIPP is freeware, no strings attatched.

    Added: 2-12-2003   |  Version: 1.20   |  Downloads: 1101/1101/11
    Author:Ralf Junker   The Delphi Inspiration   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Shareware Protection

    [ ] [ 2,919,043 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
    [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C5 | C6 ]
    The most improved package of the AVLock series. This Delphi component let you to convert your application to time limited trial in a very easy way!! In the version 5 all tasks has been integrated into a new utility called AVLockManager, namely: Configure the component. Run the application to evaluate your settings. Unregister the application in order to try again. Manage all users for each application. Generate Keys and ship it to your users. AVLockGold also allow you: Rent your software sending a new Registration Keys for each new period. Manage up to 254 extra modules. Two lock strategies; install code based and user name based. Take full control of your application through registration codes, each one of them for the main application or for a extra module, each one with its own registration settings. Manage the number of users logged to your app at the same time (instances of your app). Generate Generic Keys which allow you to register all users with the same version of your app with only one Registration Key. Utilities by generation and manipulation of registration keys. Registration data encripted for a more secure operation. Four demo applications included. Documentation in english and spanish languages. Strong Rijndael encryption algorithm used in RegKeys, registration data and all sensitive files. In v5.2 a new feature "MoveReg" has been added in order to move to another computer all registration data. Free for not commercial use. Limited edition $39.95 Standard edition $74.95 Developer edition (all sources included) $149.95
    Added: 18-10-2004/7-11-2005   |  Version: 5.3.3   |  Downloads: 611/602/18
    Author:Alcides Valega   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Sound Controls

    [ ] [ 33,401 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | C1 | C3 | C4 ]
    Control of PC Speaker in Windows. Make your programs bleep like FractInt. Play tunes in the style of GWBasic's PLAY command. [more]
    Added: 3-07-1998/13-02-2000   |  Version: 5.2   |  Downloads: 5565/706/8
    Author:Andy Preston   Apollo Developments   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 343,126 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ]
    unit cxpos version (bugfix), the extremely high performance SubString/Pattern Search & Replace library, using new proposed Sofyan-Hafizh BoundCheck algorithm. +Sample Demos (Source-code only): - SpeedTest, a benchmark suite to compare cxpos speed with others' similar libraries. - Updated SearchReplace (powerful patcher, console app) [more]
    Added: 3-05-2005/28-11-2005   |  Version:   |  Downloads: 522/519/31
    Author:D.Sofyan, Adrian Hafizh & Inge DR.   aa   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    System Components Win API based

    [ ] [ 40,370 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 ]

    System information classes and associated global variables. Information is provided via:

    • TPJComputerInfo: a static class that provides information about the user's computer.
    • TPJSystemFolders: a static class that gets full path of certain system folders.
    • TPJOSInfo: a static class that provides information about the Windows operating system including platform, product and edition, service packs, version numbers, product ID etc.
    • Global Win32XXX variables: extra variables to those provided by the SysUtils unit that provide extended OS version information on later NT platform OSs.

    Extended operating system detection improved in this release: can now detect Windows Vista, XP Tablet and XP Media Center editions, and WOW64 subsystem of 64 bit Windows.

    The TPJSysInfo component and a set of functions that were provided in earlier versions of the unit are also included but are now deprecated.

    Some OS detection code based on a translation of example C code on MSDN.
    Added: 9-12-2001/15-11-2005   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 3426/3409/39
    Author:Peter D Johnson   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    VBX and VB

    [ ] [ 14,051 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
    [ D1 ]
    ChartFX ( VBX ) using examples
    Added: 5-07-1995   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 2559/2559/3



    Visible Components

    [ ] [ 26,237 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
    This component let a form to be magnetized with another form (like WinAmp). The magnetic strength is modifiable. It is also possible to stick the form and moving the child form with his parent.
    Added: 7-07-2003   |  Version: 1.3b   |  Downloads: 1856/1856/16
    Author:cyberbobjr   [DSP files]
    Emandhal   [DSP files]



    Web Application Development

    [ ] [ 22,223 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
    [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ]
    u_http.pas is a unit to get raw http pag from a server. Just fill the structure, call HttpGet(), and you get all the data. It use only pure Winsock API (no TSocket), and work in console mode. Proxy support.
    Added: 26-06-2001   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 4078/4078/4
    Author:Jerome Forestier   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Winsock & Internet

    [ ] [ 339,493 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D6 | D7 | D2 ]
    Magenta Systems Internet Protocol Helper Component is a set of functions implementing the the Internet Protocol Helper (IP Helper) APIs. They enable the retrieval and modification of network configuration settings for the local computer. The component loads all functions dynamically so applications will still run on earlier Windows versions that did not support certain IP Helper functions. The component returns the various parameters returned by the APIs as Delphi records, for ease of integration into applications. A comprehensive TCP/IP/ARP Monitor application is included using all the APIs to display TCP and UPD Connections (and the names of applications using them), IP address and routing tables, network adaptor information (such as MAC and IP addresses), ARP table, network statistics and dynamic DNS server addresses.
    Added: 21-11-2005   |  Version: 1.8   |  Downloads: 25/25/25
    Author:Angus Robertson   Magenta Systems Ltd   [Homepage]   [DSP files]



    Winsock and Communications

    [ ] [ 47,755 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
    Freeware, full source provided, socket component with next features: -Supports both TCP and UDP protocols; -Support for blocking and non-blocking socket communications; -Listening mode will automatically accept incoming connections, create a new TSock component for the connected socket, and spawn a new thread of execution to handle concurrent blocking server connections; -Component can transfer blocks of data up to 4 gigabytes in length and more. -Package caches resolved IP Addresses for faster DNS lookups;
    Added: 10-02-1997/5-05-2003   |  Version: 1.0k   |  Downloads: 9944/9842/26
    Author:Ward van Wanrooij   [Homepage]   [DSP files]




    [ ] [ 6,416 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D7 ]
    A Component to allow you to easily add a 'wizard' to your application. Has Next, Back, Help and Finish buttons as you would expect. It allows you to alter the caption of each button. Also has an optional tree diagram on the left side to diagram the flow of the wizard.
    Added: 23-02-2004   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 1170/1170/10
    Author:Craig Chapman   [DSP files]



    Word Processing Tools

    [ ] [ 322,952 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
    [ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
    The StreamSec TDocs component for Delphi is a container for rich text documents. It facilitates the use of pre-defined rich text in Delphi applications, by making it possible to store these documents in the code of the application EXE. It lets you organize your documents in a tree structure, and displays the contents of your document collection in accordance with this structure. It provides means for associating each document with four unique macros, providing control over the mouse, selection of documents, notify events and more.
    The freeware version of this product does not include the TDocs design time interface, which allows you to create document collections, RTF documents and macros at design time.
    Added: 11-10-2000/17-10-2000   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 2713/2713/2
    Author:Henrick Hellström   FHH Firma Henrick Hellström   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
    Henrick Hellström   StreamSec HB   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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