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  FHH Firma Henrick Hellström (Henrick Hellström) [email][Home]

    FHH is a small independent operation. We are dedicated to the developement of new methods for smooth, flawless and secure transmission and storage of data in multi user environments. We originated in 1998 developing tailor made multi user database / spread sheet applications. Several Swedish universities are amongst our customers. Our interest in security issues descends from our experience working with these projects.




[ ] [ 95,217 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
This Delphi package consists of two components and several classes. (1) Component TFHHSpellMaker. Enables compilation of spell check dictionaries. Includes methods for "reverse spell check" text file compression, approximately twice as effective as zip (given that you use an adequate dictionary with the same language as the text file). This method should be used as a complement to secret key encryption, instead of regular compression. Make sure your recipients share your dictionary. (2) Component TFHHSpellChecker. Since you have compiled comprehensive dictionaries and used them for text file compression, you might as well use them for spell checking too. This component hooks on to any TCustomMemo descendant and checks spelling with only one procedure call. (3) Class TWeakCipher. A 64 bit CFB mode stream cipher. The algorithm itself runs at approximately 7 MB per second on a Pentium II 300MHz computer. Don't believe us when we call it "weak": It uses two 32 bit discrete powers to encrypt and decrypt (which means that you may transmit 2 GB of data before any kind of linear cryptography might reveal a pattern). It is just that we are also dealing with REALLY strong cryptography. Coming up soon...
This package may be distributed freely, as long as no copyright notice is removed. However, no version control is guaranteed. We recommend that you purchase the registred version before distributing your source code.
Added: 27-02-2000   |  Version: v1.04   |  Downloads: 3526/3526/0
Author:Henrick Hellström   FHH Firma Henrick Hellström   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 322,952 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
The StreamSec TDocs component for Delphi is a container for rich text documents. It facilitates the use of pre-defined rich text in Delphi applications, by making it possible to store these documents in the code of the application EXE. It lets you organize your documents in a tree structure, and displays the contents of your document collection in accordance with this structure. It provides means for associating each document with four unique macros, providing control over the mouse, selection of documents, notify events and more.
The freeware version of this product does not include the TDocs design time interface, which allows you to create document collections, RTF documents and macros at design time.
Added: 11-10-2000/17-10-2000   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 2723/2723/0
Author:Henrick Hellström   FHH Firma Henrick Hellström   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Henrick Hellström   StreamSec HB   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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