Category: Multimedia


Site Name ( Author )UpdatedDSP page
 SkyLine Tools
    In the US : 800 404-3832
    international: (818) 766-4561
    fax: (818) 766-9027
16-01-2000[DSP page]
 Alfredo Milani-Comparetti
07-01-2003[DSP page]
 Robert Rossmair
    main topic of interest is audio signal processing. At present I'm working on an additive software re-synthesizer.
13-02-2000[DSP page]
 Janez Makovsek
    SBCA features programs for business, entertainment, and utility, featuring Attend for Windows employee attendance database and timekeeping utility.
15-11-1998[DSP page]
 3iSoft GbR
23-08-1999[DSP page]
 Henrik Fabricius
    Delphi3DX is a homepage for Delphi programmers working with 3D-programming. It is possible to down-load different Delphi components and tutorials with source code.
23-08-1999[DSP page]
 Bernard Deveza
    TIFF component for Delphi3
06-04-1999[DSP page]
 Media Programming Group
    Media Programming Group. Russian multimedia development firm. All kinds of programming, web design and multimedia
27-02-2000[DSP page]
 Volker Berninger
    Software for elections
20-08-2000[DSP page]
 MindBlast Software (MBS)
    MBS (MindBlast Software) specializes in the creation of Multimedia components. Components like AnyShape Transpack that creates transparent forms & MP3Remote - a component that allows you to control Winamp - has made MBS a recognised name in the Delphi community.
05-09-2000[DSP page]
    Components and tools for Delphi and C++Builder. Native Delphi code. Download trial-version, demo, samples and help. We are developing skin technologies, graphic effects and algorithms.
10-10-2005[DSP page]
 Alexander S. Tereschenko
    Futuris web site dedicated to Futuris imaging tools and programming thingies.
16-05-2001[DSP page]
 Michel Fornengo | DelphiCity
    Web and multimedia related VCL components
18-08-2003[DSP page]
 Urry Software Lab
    Urry Software Lab - company, specialised in shareware development. The main trends of our software are multimedia, 3d - design tools, web authoring tools, winsock and communications. We also have some Delphi components. More information on sites and
29-01-2002[DSP page]
 Paraschiv Cristian
09-02-2004[DSP page]
 Lincoln Beach Software
    Variety of graphics tools for developers and webmasters
08-10-2002[DSP page]
 Michel Fornengo | DataStead
    Datastead develops multimedia components for Delphi and C++Builder
15-11-2005[DSP page]
 Michael Porer
    TMP3Reader is a Delphi component for reading mp3 files. Simple playback with positioning pause etc...; Reads file information (Bitrate, Layer, MPEG Version, ID3 Tag); Supports variable bitrates (VBR); Simple access to formatted waveform audio data stream; Fast fourier transformation (fft) included for spectrum visualisation or frequency analysis;
03-12-2002[DSP page]

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