Delphi 5.0x shareware Localization, Multilingual & Spell Check |
[ ] [ 2,800,172 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
Addict is a professional native VCL component suite that provides end-to-end solutions for adding spelling check and thesaurus support to your applications. With Addict you can add live-spelling ("squiggly" red underline) to your RichEdit components, add a first-class spelling checker capable of checking nearly any control available, and add automatic thesaurus lookup and replacement support. All of this and more can be done with only a few calls into Addict's well documented API. New with this release is improved DevExpress support Added: 20-08-2001/4-10-2004 | Version: 3.4.2 | Downloads: 695/671/1
[ ] [ 779,135 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
IVS Language Controller for Delphi 5 Added: 24-10-1999/8-01-2001 | Version: 1.36 | Downloads: 1363/1221/0
Compatible files: [ D3 | D4 ] |
[ link: locsetup.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
Localizer is a localization tool kit for applications written in Borland Delphi or C++ Builder. Using it you can get one executable file that supports as many languages as you want. It processes all string resources in your project: properties of components on the forms, resource string constants, VCL messages and messages from third-party packages. Support for additional language(s) can be added without recompilation the project even by the users of your application. To store localized resources Localizer can use resource DLLs (that is standard for localization applications in Windows) or special "language file" format which has less size and more easy in use. Other features of Localizer are the following: - minimizing of additional code required for application localizing. In some cases you don't need any code to add to your application; - you don't need use Delphi to translate application interface. It allows to separate application development from translation process; - you can process the resourcestring sections and, therefore, translate VCL and third-party components messages. - Special Language Repository helps you to store translations and re-use them in the future; - easy transfer from Borland's Integration Translation Environment; - "on the fly" language switching (Pro edition only). It does not require to restart your application when you switch between languages; - provides your translator with ability to increase size and position of the controls and forms, if it is necessary for some languages. Added: 1-02-2006/15-02-2006 | Version: 3.53 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 ] | ||
Helicon Translator makes it easy to localize applications written in Delphi. It uses Delphi#s native localization technology and generates localization libraries for all languages. Helicon Translator supports the translation of forms, resource strings, version resources, custom resources and so on. It keeps track of the translations, hence it is not necessary to translate the whole project from scratch each time a modification has been made. The included commandline-version of the resource generator makes it easy to automize the build-process. Feature overview Translation and Localization
Project Management
Added: 19-12-2005 | Version: 6 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
Helicon Translator 4 makes it easy to localize applications written in Delphi. It uses Delphi#s native localization technology and generates localization libraries for all languages. Helicon Translator supports the translation of forms, resource strings, version resources, custom resources and so on. Helicon Translator keeps of the translations, so it#s not necessary to translate the whole project from scratch each time a modification has been made. The built-in spell-checker and the AutoTranslation feature makes the translation easier and quicker. Added: 6-04-2001/17-04-2001 | Version: 4.xx | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | D2 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
TsiLang Components Suite allows you to build your multilingual applications in two minutes. It makes the process of building multilanguage applications so easy as writing "Hello World!" application. There are no limitations for amount of languages. You can build bilingual or multilingual applications as you decide. Using TsiLang Components Suite you're allowed to provide your user with ability to translate and adjust languages for your applications even without your assistance. Dictionary Manager tool included into delivery allows to share common translations dictionary between your projects and auto-translate functionality will translate your project by itself. There is possible to translate already created projects as well as new projects. Detailed description at TsiLang Components Suite home page. Added: 4-01-1998/19-12-2005 | Version: 6.0.1 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
TsiLang Components Suite allows you to build your multilingual applications in two minutes. It makes the process of building multilanguage applications so easy as writing "Hello World!" application. There are no limitations for amount of languages. You can build bilingual or multilingual applications as you decide. Using TsiLang Components Suite you're allowed to provide your user with ability to translate and adjust languages for your applications even without your assistance. Dictionary Manager tool included into delivery allows to share common translations dictionary between your projects and auto-translate functionality will translate your project by itself. There is possible to translate already created projects as well as new projects. Detailed description at SiComponents home page. Added: 17-10-1999/15-08-2001 | Version: 4.9.6 | Downloads: n/a
Compatible files: [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D6 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | K1 ] |
[ ] [ 354,045 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
The Interkodex Multi-Language Component is designed to help software engineers easily translate their Borland Delphi 5 and Borland C++ Builder 5 programs. Existing programs can be translated easily with the help of the IML Language File Editor. The IML Package consists of two parts; the IML Editor and the Component itself. Each of the parts has its own help file. Demo files included SWS (shareware with source upon registration) Added: 29-10-2000 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 779/779/0
[ ml42d5.exe ] [ 6,387,355 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
MULTILIZER turns your software multilingual in a snap. The modern RAD technology combined with the unique architecture provides outstanding scalability needed in any professional software localization project. Integrated glossary-based pre-translation technology boosts the productivity and assures translation consistency. The broadest support for RADs ensures the cost-efficient share and re-use of translations in any project across different programming environments corporate-wide. Includes VCL, Language Manager utility, comprehensive documentation, etc. Added: 7-11-1999/2-04-2000 | Version: 4.2 | Downloads: 974/934/0
Compatible files: [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] |
[ mlp401d5.exe ] [ 1,067,558 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
MultiLanguage Pack facilitates the process of creating multi-language applications in Delphi. Add support for as many languages as you like. Create a custom dictionary using the efficient MLEdit program included in the MultiLanguage Pack. [more] Sources and full version are available. Price for full version is 49$. Visit our WebSite for more details. The current version works with Delphi 5. All Delphi versions support! Added: 24-10-1999 | Version: 4.01 | Downloads: 822/822/0
[ multild5.exe ] [ 5,638,754 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
MULTILIZER turns your software multilingual in a snap. The modern RAD technology combined with a unique Dictionary-Translator Architecture provides outstanding scalability needed in any professional software localization project. Glossary-based pre-translation technology boosts the productivity and assures translation consistency. The broadest support for RADs ensures the cost-efficient share and re-use of translations in any project across different programming environments corporate-wide. Includes VCL, Language Manager utility, comprehensive documentation, etc. Added: 12-09-1999 | Version: 4.2 | Downloads: 751/751/0
[ ] [ 555,593 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 | D6 ] | ||
[Tony's Language Master] is a suit of VCL components for Delphi & BCB. You could create a multilingual software with just drop some components on the form, and write a language descript file. With this package, you could write a new project or update an exists project into multilingual quickly. It counld load all valid language descript file automatically, and detect the correct language to match the user's region settings. Or remember the user's language setting for the next use. It can support all vcl standard components and also all standard third party components. You can change the application's language at run time, and all sub forms and classes will load the new language immediately. Features Search the application's path for language descript file, or use specify language files. Customize the default language of application, or auto use the language that match the user's current region settings. Change the application's character set when load a language. Load all component's language when form create or change language. Could indicate which properties could be change when load a language. Support all vcl components, even unknown components. Easily create a language select menu, just need one line's coding. Support OnLanguageChanged() event, you could do some extra works that we havn't thought. Load the string from language descript file with parameter, you can do an combination. (just like Format() function). All forms and multilingual classes (have a member of TtlmObject) will update to the new language when you change the current language of application. Added: 25-08-2003 | Version: 0.07 | Downloads: 128/128/0
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