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helicon software development (Andreas Prucha) | [email] | [Home] |
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Helicon Translator 4 makes it easy to localize applications written in Delphi. It uses Delphi#s native localization technology and generates localization libraries for all languages. Helicon Translator supports the translation of forms, resource strings, version resources, custom resources and so on. Helicon Translator keeps of the translations, so it#s not necessary to translate the whole project from scratch each time a modification has been made. The built-in spell-checker and the AutoTranslation feature makes the translation easier and quicker. Added: 6-04-2001/17-04-2001 | Version: 4.xx | Downloads: n/a
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Helicon Translator makes it easy to localize applications written in Delphi. It uses Delphi#s native localization technology and generates localization libraries for all languages. Helicon Translator supports the translation of forms, resource strings, version resources, custom resources and so on. It keeps track of the translations, hence it is not necessary to translate the whole project from scratch each time a modification has been made. The included commandline-version of the resource generator makes it easy to automize the build-process. Feature overview Translation and Localization
Project Management
Added: 19-12-2005 | Version: 6 | Downloads: n/a
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