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  Häger+Busch (Stefan Busch) [email][Home]

    Häger+Busch was founded in Germany in 1994 and is well known as a software develper for the telecommunications industry. Our products empower individuals and organizations to boost customer satisfaction and improve productivity by using computer technology to increase the power and flexibility of the telephone. One domain of us is the abstraction of complex interfaces in the section of Computer Telephony Integration (CTI). In 1998, we begun to develop the hbTapi Components class library because we needed TAPI functions within a project of us. Now, the hbTapi Components are approved in many projects and applications, we offer them to the worldwide delphi developers with the hope for easier, cheaper and more successfull development of TAPI enabled applications.




[ ] [ 2,631,595 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ]
Delphi VCL components allowing object-based access to Microsoft's TAPI. [more]
Added: 23-09-2003   |  Version: 1.7   |  Downloads: 152/152/0
Author:Stefan Busch   Häger+Busch   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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