Category: Form enhancement


Site Name ( Author )UpdatedDSP page
 X-ternal Design, Russia
    Creating VCL
10-03-2002[DSP page]
 John Deatherage
    WeekCal is a component that shows seven days. It can show multiple users with a different color for each user.
13-05-2001[DSP page]
 Acz Group
    DB-Aware component. Setting the property DataSource, you can attach the AczDbTreeView control to your own database and access all tree nodes' IDs, expand status and images to your database. Support all DBMS, including local databases and C/S ones. Every tree node in the AczDbTreeView control has an unique ID automatically. Allow you to get any tree node's ID and its parent's ID. Allow you to get the entire path from the root of any tree node.
25-02-2002[DSP page]
    Components make Life easier! JSSplash a spash screen in a component. JSJustAbout a nice about screen in a component, includes version info and system info by default. JSVersion Retrieves version information on your program, or another program (compare and stop Help emails before they start.) TJSSysInfo System information in a component, just drop it on and read the property you want to know about. JSGrid A sorting grid that accepts variant arrays to populate itself :-) JSFormTools an easy way to have your form remember where the user put it. Can also store other info with the form. JSCapNHook A journal hook limited to keyboard and mouse in a component. JSAppReg Run on startup with a click and more. JSLog Log files in a component (Great for debugging timing sensitive bugs. JSURLLabel Yep it's a Label that links to a url.
24-06-2002[DSP page]
 Giles Nutkins
    This is a Borland Delphi template that automates the creation of a Windows 'Wizard97-style' wizards. It does not use Microsoft's over complicated common controls, but is designed to completely reproduce its specification outlined in Windows SDK using Delphi. By using Visual Form Inheritance, descending from this template facilitates the rapid creation of Wizards, leaving the developer to concentrate on the functionality of the wizard.
09-02-2004[DSP page]

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