Delphi 7.0x shareware
Maths, Stats & Algorithms

[ ] [ 298,956 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
Advanced Calculator
A fast run-time expression evaluator manipulating on 5 type.

- 5 base type - Integer, Extended, Boolean, String, DateTime;
- Arithmetic operators ( +, -, *, /, Div, Mod, ^ );
- Comparison operators ( >, <, =, <>, >=, <= ) for all types;
- Logical operators for boolean types (And, Or, Xor);
- Recognition of expression's type;
- Multilevel If - Then - Else statement;
- 47 build in functions;
- Unlimited amount of On-Event evaluated functions and variables;
- Unlimited amount of run-time defined functions and variables;
- Declaration of functions with or without parameters;
- Using field names of dataset as variables;
- Pseudo compilation of text for fast repeated evaluation;
- Scientific floating point notations ( 1.2e-3 );
- Full error handling;
- Comments in a text of expression;
- Customizable String/Comment signs;
- Denotation of two StringSignes in string as one sign;
- String constant with DateTime format as DateTime constant;
- Multilevel calling of subexpressions in evaluated On-Events;
- Saving library of variables and functions in a file;
- Initialization of variables using expressions in an one text box;
- Links between variables of application and run-time variables;
- High speed (12 000 - 60 000 evaluations per sec. on 2ghz CPU);
- Full help and demo.

Price $60 with source. [more]
Requires the components DList v1.33 and Reader v3.01 distributed for free with sources.
Added: 9-08-1999/12-02-2003   |  Version: 5.22   |  Downloads: 6720/5154/43
Author:Qarsoft   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 386,659 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The CronJob component is the thread-based alarm implementation for Delphi/BCB which acts like cronjob utility in Unix. The component produces periodical OnAlert events by schedule specified in CRON format (actually it uses extended CRON format with new "seconds" field, to let the event to be triggered even every second). To specify the moments when the component should trigger the OnAlert event, the component uses the CRON format (all who worked in Unix must be aware about this utility, this is daemon of scheduled, periodically executed tasks). The authors of CronJob component has very liked an idea of describing the periodical events of any complexity, tiered to astronomical time, in simple text string. We have used slightly modified CRON format, added seconds field and altered the rules of describing the lists of numbers. The package includes 2 bonus components: * AccurateTimer -- thread-based timer which periodically triggers the OnTimer events by specified Interval, but unlike standard TTimer, which based on Win32API and thus loses timer messages on high application overload, this timer runs in the separate thread and accurately triggers each OnTimer event at right time. It also allows to specify the Interval with higher precision (less than 55msec, limited in Win9x) and does not dependent to the system-wide limitations.) * AwayTimer -- monitors user activity and increase its time counter when keyboard and mouse are inactive (user distracted from PC or goes away). Also it triggers special event when system is about to start the screensaver, or after some defined period of user inactivity.
Added: 7-06-2004/20-12-2004   |  Version: 1.2.1   |  Downloads: 88/87/0
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 14,021,493 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D6 | D7 | D2 | C6 ]
Dew Lab Studio 2.0 trial. Contains MtxVec 2.0 , DSP Master 2.0 add-on and Stats Master 2.0 add-on for MtxVec numerical math library and Dew Data Miner. Support for D6, D7, D2005 and CB6. MtxVec feature list: object oriented numerical library for Delphi and C++ Builder users. Complete support for complex numbers for all functions in single or double precision. Matrix operations: Solving a system of linear equations with refinment and condition number via LU, QR or SVD decomposition, Inverse of the matrix, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Sylvester equation, Teoplitz system solver, 2D FFT, Inverse 2D FFT, 2D real FFT, Square root of the matrix, Logarithm of the matrix... Vector operations: autocorrelation, circular convolution, cross correlation, forward and inverse discrete cosine transform, forward and inverse FFT, Geortz'el algorithm, Hilbert transform... Probability distributions PDF, CDF and Inverse CDF: binomial, geometric, hypergeometric, negative binomial, Poisson, discrete uniform, beta ,Cauchy, chi-squared, exponential, F, gamma, Maxwell, normal, Pareto, Rayleigh, Student (T), Continuous uniform, Weibull.. Sparse matrix operations: Solver for banded sparse matrices, Iterative sparse solvers: SGS, CG, BC, CS, GMRES, OM with LU preconditioning. Direct sparse solver for non-symmetric matrices. Conversions supported between: Banded, Dense, Sparse and Triplets matrix formats. Performance features: CPU specific optimizations, Critical functions optimized in assembler, symmetric multiprocessing, block processing support for vectors, fast object create and destroy, thin object layer, vector/matrix design. Special functions: complete elliptic integrals, Jacoby elliptic functions, Airy function and its derivative, Airy function of second kind and its derivative, Bessel functions: J, Y, I, K and H, associated Legendre polynomials. Math parser capable of parsing equations with real and complex numbers. Customizable operators, functions and variables. Polynomials: Finding roots, polynomial evaluation, Cubic splines, Linear and cubic interpolation algorithms, construction and evaluation of piece-wise polynoms, polynomial division (deconvolution) and multiplication (filter). Optimization methods: Brent, BFGS, Marquardt and Nelder-Mead minimization methods, numerical gradient and Hessian matrix and more... Management functions: save and load matrices in different formats: binary, text, matrix-market. View matrices with built-in viewer. Visualize vectors and matrices on the charts, Store data in different precisions. Edit and display complex numbers, A thread component allows you to quickly provide efficient progress indicators and cancel option for your numerical algorithm. Stats Master Features: Among others it containes: 19 different distributions (PDF, CDF and inverse CDF function), mean and variance for all 19 distributions, random generators for 15 distributions, parameter estimate for beta, binomial, exponential, gamma, geometric, normal, Poisson, continuous uniform and Weibull distribution. Descriptive statistics: histograms, ogives nth-Moment, percentile, range, Interquertile Range IQR, mean, harmonic mean, geometric mean, trimmed mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, standard deviation, root mean square RMS, minimum, maximum, covariance, correlation matrix, cumulative sum. Principal component analysis (PCA): PCA by using the covariance matrix, PCA Residuals, Barlett test for dimensionality, Hypothesys testing: Nonparametric tests (sign test, Wilcoxon tests) Parametric tests (one-sample t-test, two-sample paired/unpaired t-test), Z test, Regression models: linear (weighted, unweighted), multiple linear (weighted, unweighted), ridge regression, non-linear regression (using the BFGS, Marquardt or Simplex method) , one-way and two-way ANOVA. Optional install: Statistical charts (precondition - installed TeeChart v5 PRO) normal plot, QQ plot, XBar plot, SPS charts, Weibull plot, Box plot, Histogram plot. The package is built on top of MtxVec numerical library, and takes advantage of CPU specific optimizations, dynamic memory allocation and object oriented design. DSP Master features: A signal processing add on package for the MtxVec numerical library The algorithms include: IIR (butterworth, elliptic, chebyshev type I and type 2) and FIR (window, remez exchange, Savitzky Golay) filter designers, functions for order estimation of filters, autoregressive linear prediction with spectral estimators (Yule Walker, Burg, Covariance, Modified Covariance), window functions (Hanning, Hamming, Kaiser, Chebyshev...), phase unwrapping, group delay estimation, real and complex cepstrum, hilbert transformers, linear phase differentiators and integrators, chirp-Z transform, frequency domain integration and differentiation. Over 30 included components feature: Support for streaming pipelines, frequency analyzer with band statistics and peak marking, real time higher order spectral analyzer (estimates bicoherence), real time cross-spectral analyzer (estimates coherence and transfer function), signal generator, read/write different text, binary and wav files with streaming support, multi-rate multi-stage half-band interpolator, decimator and demodulator (zoom spectrum), envelope detection, audio playback and recording with trigger and monitor function, peak file creation for file browsing, threaded multimedia timer, peak interpolation in the frequency spectrum, spectral statistics (Noise floor, SFDR, THD, THDN, SINAD, RMS, SNR), TeeChart extensions include: two new TTeeTools for marking and measuring of signals, two new TChartSeries components for drawing of signals, two new TChart descendants allow visual connection of real time signals to charts for display. Support for 24 bit audio. Data Miner features: Data miner is a set of components for classification for Borland Delphi written in 100% VCL. The algorithms included cover: KNN and Naive Bayes plus a third completely new algorithm named Linear Classifier. The algorithms can work on real and discrete data and can be connected to a TDataSet descendant. They appropriatelly handle missing data and are all capable of incremental learning.
Added: 14-08-2000/25-07-2005   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 1856/1800/21
Author:Janez Makovsek   Dew Research   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 4,220,735 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
DSP for MtxVec is a signal processing add on package for the MtxVec numerical library The algorithms include: IIR (butterworth, elliptic, chebyshev type I and type 2) and FIR (window, remez exchange, Savitzky Golay) filter designers, functions for order estimation of filters, autoregressive linear prediction with spectral estimators (Yule Walker, Burg, Covariance, Modified Covariance), window functions (Hanning, Hamming, Kaiser, Chebyshev...), phase unwrapping, group delay estimation, real and complex cepstrum, hilbert transformers, linear phase differentiators and integrators, chirp-Z transform, frequency domain integration and differentiation. Over 30 included components feature: Support for streaming pipelines, frequency analyzer with band statistics and peak marking, real time higher order spectral analyzer (estimates bicoherence), real time cross-spectral analyzer (estimates coherence and transfer function), signal generator, read/write different text, binary and wav files with streaming support, multi-rate multi-stage half-band interpolator, decimator and demodulator (zoom spectrum), envelope detection, audio playback and recording with trigger and monitor function, peak file creation for file browsing, threaded multimedia timer, peak interpolation in the frequency spectrum, spectral statistics (Noise floor, SFDR, THD, THDN, SINAD, RMS, SNR), TeeChart extensions include: two new TTeeTools for marking and measuring of signals, two new TChartSeries components for drawing of signals, two new TChart descendants allow visual connection of real time signals to charts for display. [more]
Includes support for Delphi 7. On line help system at:
Added: 5-05-2003   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 397/397/1
Author:Janez Makovsek   Dew Research   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 2,052,130 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
Add-on statistical package for MtxVec includes: Among others it containes: 19 different distributions (PDF, CDF and inverse CDF function), mean and variance for all 19 distributions, random generators for 15 distributions, parameter estimate for beta, binomial, exponential, gamma, geometric, normal, Poisson, continuous uniform and Weibull distribution. Descriptive statistics: histograms, ogives nth-Moment, percentile, range, Interquertile Range IQR, mean, harmonic mean, geometric mean, trimmed mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, standard deviation, root mean square RMS, minimum, maximum, covariance, correlation matrix, cumulative sum Principal component analysis (PCA): PCA by using the covariance matrix, PCA Residuals, Barlett test for dimensionality, Hypothesys testing: Nonparametric tests (sign test, Wilcoxon tests) Parametric tests (one-sample t-test, two-sample paired/unpaired t-test), Z test, Regression models: linear (weighted, unweighted), multiple linear (weighted, unweighted), ridge regression, non-linear regression (using the BFGS, Marquardt or Simplex method) , one-way and two-way ANOVA. Optional install: Statistical charts (precondition - installed TeeChart v5 PRO) normal plot, QQ plot, XBar plot, SPS charts, Weibull plot, Box plot, Histogram plot. The package is built on top of MtxVec numerical library, and takes advantage of CPU specific optimizations, dynamic memory allocation and object oriented design. [more]
Includes support for Delphi7. On-line help available at:
Added: 20-08-2001/5-05-2003   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 355/355/1
Author:Janez Makovsek   Dew Research   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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