Delphi 5.0x shareware Charts |
[ ] [ 3,174,999 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 | D6 ] | ||
APMap is a shareware component library for reflecting numeric data on geographical maps and schemes in your programs. APMap automatically paints objects of your map patterns in different colors associated with data for corresponding territories, so you receive obvious graphic view of territorial data from your databases. APMap is not a complex GIS (geoinformation system) but a set of components for geographical representation of data. [more] There are 3 editions of APMap: APMap Library Standard (compiled Delphi units) - $99 APMap Library Professional (source codes) - $199 APMap Data Viewer (application for viewing territorial data on map patterns) - $49. Added: 23-07-2001/18-09-2001 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 720/717/2
[ link: Rt-Tools2D.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
Rt-Tools2D is a selection of components to generate two dimensional Cartesian plots: *TRtCaptionEdit This is a special edit control supporting enhanced styles as bold, italic, underline, strikeout, subscript, superscript and symbol font. This is especially interesting to alter TRtLabels which supports the same styles. *TRtLabel Label supporting enhanced styles as bold, italic, underline, strikeout, subscript, superscript and symbol font. It can be drawn in any angle. *TRtGraph The main component of a 2D-plot Just place on a form and the plot will be drawn automatically. Supports unlimited number of line series, unlimited number of axis in any position, auto zooming, grids ... *TRtAxis The axis of the 2D-Graph You can add as many of them to the graph as you like to any position: top, bottom, left or right. You can alter fonts, scaling, tick marks ... *TRtRealVector, TRtLiveVector, TRtDBVector The components to store the numerical data The data added to the LiveVector will automatically update also the ranges of the connected Series, which will update the axis ranges. You can place as many Vector components as you like to a form and connect also to different series. You can add a unlimited amount of real data to each vector as to a dynamic array or a list which automatically adjusts its size. TRTDBVerctor is a database linked version for the usage with series. *TRtLineSeries, TRtDataSeries, TRtDataWithErrorSeries, TRtArrowSeries, TRtBarSeries These components represent the lines of the 2D-Graph. You can place a unlimited number of Series to the form and connect to the 2D-Graph. The X-and Y-data can connect to any data vector as described above. The data can also be assigned any Axis available with the graph. *TRtLinerRegressionLine, TRtPolynomLine, TRtFittedLine, TRtInterpolatedLine, TRtDifferential, TRtIntegral Calculated Lines updating automatically. *TRtLegend Place this component to a form or inside the 2D-Graph and connect to the graph. It will automatically display a legend including the settings of the Series and their captions. also available for Delphi 7 and C++ Builder 6 Added: 3-12-2002/18-08-2003 | Version: 2.20 | Downloads: n/a
[ ] [ 1,149,979 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 | D6 ] | ||
The OrgChart is a fully functional VCL component, designed for the display and editing of hierarchical tree data structures. Each node of the tree can have a limitless number of children, displayed horizontally, directly below a given node. OrgChart enables An incredibly wide number of possibilities to manage the contents and appearance of both the entire chart structure as well as each individual node. With the OrgChart, you have at your disposal an incredible number of customization features including: Zooming Auto page resizing(when printing) Preview(before printing) And much more... Price : 70$ (including full source) Added: 25-01-2005 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 77/77/2
[ ] [ 408,812 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 ] | ||
SimChart is a component for creating charts. One of it's feature is it can display hint for each chart element. For example, if you move the mouse pointer over a slice on a pie chart, a hint window then shows up displaying percentage value of the slice. This feature will make your application more interactive. SimChart is small but support many chart types. Current version support line, stair, area, bar, clustered bar, stacked area, stacked bar, stacked 100 area, stacked 100 bar, hi-lo, hi-lo-close, open-hi-lo-close, candle-stick, pie and doughnut chart, horizontal bar and radar chart. This component was developed using Delphi (Kylix) and has been tested to work on C++Builder too. Unfortunately OBJ files are not available so you will need to license the source code and recompile. Added: 22-12-1998/12-07-2004 | Version: 3.1 | Downloads: 2252/2006/8
Compatible files: [ K1 ] |
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