![]() | Delphi 4.0x shareware Components Collection |
[ link: ahmmaild40rel.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
The AHM E-Mail Components are a set of e-mail components that will allow you to send/receive e-mail from as many Accounts as you like using the POP/SMTP/MAPI interface respectively. Each mail component includes the ability to send and receive e-mail in design time. Each mail component supports multiple messages and each message supports multiple attachments. TAHMAccountManager is included to enable the ability of sending and receiving e-mail using several accounts. Added: 17-02-2002/1-04-2002 | Version: Triton 2000 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ahmmenusd40rel.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
The AHM Menu Components contain menu components that are directly inherited from the original Borland menu classes. These menu components will allow you to create and specify sidebars, gradients, font styles, background textures, images as menu items and contain a ton of other features usually not available to menus. In addition we included two components that allow you to modify the menu attached to your application in the system tray and the form in the caption bar. All components make use of a special menu designer and can be tested in design time from within this unique tool. Added: 17-02-2002/1-04-2002 | Version: Triton 2000 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ahmstandardd40rel.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
The AHM Standard Components are a collection of over 40 controls that will make your development easier. Most of these components are implementations which are needed in your daily programming. Added: 17-02-2002/1-04-2002 | Version: Triton 2000 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ahmsystemd40rel.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
The AHM System Components are a collection that contains over 100 non-visual components and classes. Use these components to interface to many of the internal windows functions and enable functionality for which you usually have to create several components and write several lines of code before it becomes possible. All of these components were build to work with your IDE in the best resource saving abilities. See our online information for full details on each of these unique components. Some of the Components included are : TAHMRASManager - Full RAS Management, Establish connections and create/modify RAS information directly from within your application TAHMAppManager - receive important system events, enable auto start with windows, use tray icons, create true file associations, manage your instances and many more TAHMSystemManager - modify system properties, remove icons/taskbars and other applications from the desktop, handle system keys, empty the recycle bin, shutdown and restart and many more TAHMFormManager - run your form inside panels located on other forms, change the layout of your forms, store form specific settings, receive system messages, create additional buttons in the caption bar, allow the dropping of files, make your form stay on top of all applications running, etc. Added: 17-02-2002/1-04-2002 | Version: Triton 2000 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ahmtt2000d40rel.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Visual and non-visual, data-aware and standard components for different purpose, such interface elements, file and system operations and so on. There are over 130 components in the Trial Package and 18 components in the Freeware Package. This includes the AHM Standard, Enhanced, System, E-Mail, Dialogs und Menu Component sets. Added: 1-08-1998/1-04-2002 | Version: Triton 2000 | Downloads: n/a
Compatible files: [ D3 | D5 | D6 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] |
[ link: zieglercollection.asp ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
ZieglerCollection one" is a collection of Delphi 16/32-bit components together with a lot of functions and procedures. The collection is made to make your life as a Delphi or C++Builder programmer a lot easier. Added: 11-07-2005 | Version: 2.20 | Downloads: n/a
[ ichikubs.zip ] [ 223,316 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 ] | ||
Shareware version of Ichiku barcode components. -Nag screens - Source available with registration. [more] Barcode Components for Delphi 2,3,4. Added: 11-05-1999/12-05-1999 | Version: 1.11 | Downloads: 1082/1082/0
[ ied11d4.zip ] [ 1,051,123 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Image processing component suite. Load/save file formats, process images, vetorial objects, measurements, handle TWain, video capture, and other... Added: 25-01-1999/29-03-1999 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 106/0/0
Compatible files: [ D3 ] |
[ IocompComponentsEVDelphi4VCL.exe ] [ 6,158,656 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Iocomp Instrumentation and Plot Pack VCL Component Evaluation 3.0.0 SP0 for Delphi 4. Includes evaluation versions of our complete set of 60+ VCL Instrumentation components included with our Instrumentation Pack Pro and 3 VCL Plot components included with our Plot Pack products. The components have the same class names as our fully licensed version, so you can develop with these components today and install our full products later without the need for code modifications. Components will time-out after 10 minutes of runtime. Restart your application to restart the 10 minute evaluation. Note: Note that these evaluation components are being distributed as Borland Packages. You will need to turn on "Build with runtime packages" in your project options when using these evaluation components. The full product does not require this as you will receive full VCL and CLX source code. Added: 25-09-2000/18-04-2003 | Version: 3.0.0 SP0 | Downloads: 564/560/1
Compatible files: [ D5 | D6 | D7 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] |
[ jcw2rc1.zip ] [ 5,109,569 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
Jazmine Calendar/PIM Widgets suite (JCW) is a set of visual components that allows you to create elegant and sophisticated PIMs, Calendar, Task or Scheduling type applications. JCW suite includes all the components necessary to get the job done quickly and efficiently! Standard views like Microsoft Outlook's Calendar/Task and Lotus Organizer's Planner are available. Custom scheduler can be created by manipulating and combining any of the relevant controls. JCW is resource-centric, so creating those resource schedulers (conference room, doctor/patient, operating room, etc) is a breeze! Added: 19-06-2001 | Version: 2.0 | Downloads: 834/834/1
[ lmdt5_d4.zip ] [ 7,400,139 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
LMD Tools 5.X is a collection of 236 native VCL components that can be compiled into your application royalty free, and without the need of additional files for distribution. Buttons, Dialogs, Multimedia, System, Data-aware, Container, Standard, Label, and Extended controls will allow the developer to produce professional applications, quicker and easier than ever before. Added: 29-11-1998/17-10-2000 | Version: 5.01 | Downloads: 734/680/0
Compatible files: [ D3 | D5 | D6 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] |
[ ndb195st.exe ] [ 4,470,322 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
NativeDB for Sybase SQL Anywhere is a set of Delphi/C++Builder/Kylix components that connects directly to the SQL Anywhere database engines, skipping both the Borland Database Engine (BDE) and Microsoft ODBC or OLEDB layers. Instead it connects directly to the database layer as provided by the database manufacturer. The result is high performance data-access, with less code overhead compared to any standard database interface available today. NativeDB for SQL Anywhere supports the following releases of SQL Anywhere: * Watcom SQL 3.2 * Watcom SQL 4 * SQL Anywhere 5 * Adaptive Server Anywhere 6. * Adaptive Server Anywhere 7. * Adaptive Server Anywhere 8. * Adaptive Server Anywhere 9. Added: 7-11-1999/9-05-2005 | Version: 1.95 | Downloads: 1722/1379/2
Compatible files: [ K1 | K2 | K3 ] |
[ orgshape.zip ] [ 408,106 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 ] | ||
The Organic Shape Pack includes: Organic Shape Form, Organic Shape Button, Organic Shape Image. All these components have in common the ability to shape itselfs according to a bitmap used as a mask. It means that they can easily have any shape you like, simply by providing a bitmap. This is great for building cool interfaces. Supports automatic skin saving and retrieval. All these features are demonstrated in several demos included with this package. It works with Delphi 3 and Delphi 4. Register to receive the full source code. Added: 21-03-1999 | Version: 1.5 | Downloads: 1181/1181/1
[ pplus20.zip ] [ 1,032,549 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 ] | ||
Set of 14 components for Delphi 3 and 4: OpenMaster-register file extension with icons and actions or delete it; PathsWizard-show about 15 system paths; ChortCutMaker-this component will help you create shortcut on desktop, startmenu and so on; TrialGuard-turn your software in trial period; Bug-catch and save your program bugs in file; ShortLabel-make long file path to short like that: c:\...\testen1\testen2\filenaam.pas; CryptIni-save your data to ini file with encryption; CryptRegistry-save your data to registry with encryption; CurrencyEdit-this component implements the Windows Calculator input style, including a fixed decimal part; StartUp-run your program on Windows startup or not? PrintMemo-print memo with date, page number and so on... PrintImage-print selected image. Runner-run selected application with Application options, e-mail with default e-mailer and WWW with default browser. ComponentSaver-save your selected component options to file. These package with 14 components will help you in writen your application. [more] Registration Page: http://shareit1.element5.com/programs.html?productid=106538 Added: 24-10-1999 | Version: 2.0 | Downloads: 871/871/0
[ ppsetup.zip ] [ 2,380,043 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
ProjectPLUS 3.0 package consists of 45 components to help make development using Delphi a little easier. Included are large collection of functions and routines. Some components providing functions you may have seen used in non-Delphi applications as well as a few additional ones providing additional special effects and facilities. Some of the components are listed below: TShortCutMaker: create shortcut on any places of windows TOpenMaster: register file extension with program TPathsWizard: find out almost all Windows system paths TTrialGuard: turn program in trial with anti debugging TInvisibleApp: totally hides the application from a user TPasswords: find out saved passwords of Internet explorer TDateRoutine: over 25 procedures and functions of date routine TKeyboard: watch and record every press of the keyboard Many, many more Online Order Page: Added: 21-02-2001 | Version: 3.0 | Downloads: 545/545/0
[ rapsold4.zip ] [ 685,166 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Rapid Solutions - is powerful shareware library for Delphi and C++ Builder based on RapidTree, FlyTreeview RE. With RapidSolutions you will be able to create the most advanced programs. For more info and latest news please visit http://www.imcasys.com/rapsol.htm Added: 20-02-2000/30-09-2001 | Version: 2.6 | Downloads: 1266/1202/0
Compatible files: [ D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] |
[ RBSuperPack.zip ] [ 2,982,751 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
RBSuperPack is Borshack Software Solutions' package of 6 PIM and GUI components for Delphi and C++ Builder - RBTimeView, RBBar, RBContactsTable, RBCTButtonsBar, RBCalendar and RBTreeView. Using these cutting edge GUI controls you can build state of the art Microsoft outlook# looking PIM and other types of applications. Sophisticated schedule view, multi-month calendar, icons tool bar and contacts table are some of the features you'll get out of the box without writing a single line of code! Added: 1-05-2001 | Version: 1.00 | Downloads: 604/604/1
[ SDLsuite70D4.zip ] [ 3,733,007 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
The SDL Component Suite for Delphi offers over 1700 functions in 28 units covering a wide range of applications in science and engineering, e.g. math, statistics, chemistry, data visualisation, Fourier transform (FFT), 3D plots, geographic maps, curve fitting, etc. [more] Please note that there are additional versions for the Delphi 6/Personal Edition, Delphi 7 and C++Builder 6. Visit http://www.lohninger.com/download.html to get a copy. Added: 8-10-2002 | Version: 7.0 | Downloads: 198/198/0
Compatible files: [ D3 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] |
[ secb__s2.zip ] [ 762,634 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
VCL package for easy adding multiuser, privileges and user rights functionality to your Delphi and C++ Builder 5 application. Allows you to control the user access to your application GUI components (menus, buttons, check boxes, radio groups, etc. everything connected to an Action) as well as to non visual functionalities. Just drag/drop and connect and you get a securized multiuser application. With Security Builder you can: - Build the security model of your Delphi application at design time with just few mouse clicks, - Add and remove users on fly (if you have Supervisor rights), - Change users profile on fly, Add and remove securized items on fly, Securize your non GUI functionalities, - Set predefined User Groups - Supervisors, Power Users, ... - Much more... The library consists of three component: - abSecurity - control center encapsulating the application security template, implementing all Security Builder functionalities, - abActionList - ActionList control providing a connection to abSecurity component and to it's control center functionalities, - abAction - an TAction derivative, adding the ability to Enable/Disable and change Visible/Invisible status. Sources on Registration Adds multiuser, privileges and user rights support to your Delphi Added: 27-05-2002 | Version: 2.0 | Downloads: 304/304/1
[ sweetcontrols.zip ] [ 6,918,371 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
CodeAccelerate's SweetControls is a collection (more than 80 controls) of native, professional, new fashion, time-saving and high-quality Delphi VCL components for various actions. They are all native VCL controls written in Delphi. They do not inherit from any standart controls or OS specific controls. All are fast, easy to use and great looking. The suite consists of 7 groups: 1. Standard Controls: Label, Edit, Memo, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, SimpleListbox, Panel, Progress, SpinButton, Scrollbar, GroupBox, Trackbar, ButtonSet, Tabset, Header, StatusBar, ControlSizer. 2. Additional Controls: GraphicButton, PictureList, ImageBox, MaskEdit, ListboxEx, VirtualListbox, ComboboxEx, VirtualCombobox, CheckGroup, RadioGroup, Calendar, Splitter. 3. Edit Controls: FrameEdit, Combobox, Popupbox, ButtonEdit, HyperlinkEdit, SpinnerEdit, IntSpinEdit, FloatSpinEdit, CurrencySpinEdit, TimeEdit, PopupCalendar, PopupColors. 4. Database Controls: DBLabel, DBEdit, DBMemo, NavButton, DBButtonEdit, DBHyperlinkEdit, DBIntSpinEdit, DBFloatSpinEdit, DBSpinnerEdit, DBCurrencySpinEdit, DBCheckBox, DBRadioGroup, DBComboBox, DBComboboxEx, DBListBox, DBListBoxEx, DBImage, DBPopupCalendar, DBTimeEdit, DBProgress, DBTrackbar, DBScrollbar. 5. Font and Color Controls: FontName Listbox, FontName Combobox, Color Listbox, Color Combobox, FontSize Listbox, FontSize ComboBox, FontCharacterset Listbox, FontCharacterset Combobox. 6. Panel Controls: Panel Group Container, Advanced Panel, Advanced Listbox, Panel Style Controller. 7. Color Controls: Color Palette, Color Selectbox, Color Selector, Color Gradient, HSV Gradient, Hue Slider, Luminance Slider, RGB Slider, RGB Roller, Colorbox, PopupColors [more] Added: 7-03-2004/16-11-2004 | Version: 3.4.0 | Downloads: 270/260/0
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