Delphi 2005 freeware
Data Base Programming

[ ] [ 53,917 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
AdoKADBGrid is a standart DBGrid descendant Howewer you can make it descendant of your favorite dbGrid AdoKADBGrid has an special menu attached to it Just click on red arrows in the top left corner of the grid an a popup menu will appear AdoKADBGrid Can work only with Delphi 2005/Borland DbGo TAdoTable Dataset Menu contains the following topics: Select Index - gives the user an opportunity to change current index (TAdoTable.TableDirect must be True) Sort - gives the user an opportunity to sort the table Filter - gives the user an opportunity to filter the table Find - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data Seek - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data (TAdoTable.TableDirect must be True) Quick Find - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data based on currently selected column in the grid Quick Seek - gives the user an opportunity to search for specific data based on currently selected column in the grid (TAdoTable.TableDirect must be True) Auto Size Columns - resizes all coumns for best fit (since entire table is calculated do not use on big tables) Frame Index Fields - makes a red border across the fields that are parts of an index (works only if an index is selected) Choose Visible Fields - gives the user an opportunity to select which fields to be shown in the grid Save as - export as Excel, Paradox, DBF, TXT, HTML etc.. (ONLY IF CONNECTED TO MS Access Database!!!) Select All - Selects all records in the grid DeSelect All - Deselects all records in the grid Cut - Cut records to Clipboard Copy - Copy records to Clipboard Paste - Paste records from Clipboard (MSOffice format fully supported) Office-compatible Clipboard - Turns MSOffice Clipbord formatting ON/OFF
Added: 4-04-2005   |  Version: V1.0   |  Downloads: 396/396/6
Author:Kiril Antonov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 6,497 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D8 | D2 ]
KA Access Helper For Ado is a simple component to help programmers easy to open all database formats supported by Microsoft JET Engine via ADO Access Helper For Ado supports following ADO Database components: 1. TAdoConnection by Borland 2. TaoADOConnection by Aloha Oi Software 3. TKAAdoDatabase KA Ado
Added: 4-04-2005   |  Version: V1.0   |  Downloads: 320/320/10
Author:Kiril Antonov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: index.php?Page=DownloadExcelExport ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 ]

The TscExcelExport component is an advanced, powerfull but easy component to export all records of a dataset from Delphi to MS Excel (97, 2000, XP or 2003). Many features are provided to change the layout, to add totals, to create groups, ...

Properties All kinds of settings to change the layout of the worksheet are provided.

  • Name of worksheet and file
  • Header texts
  • Begin row of header, titles (=fieldnames) and data (fieldvalues)
  • Width of columns or autofit
  • Font of header, titles, summary and data (Alignment, WrapText, Orientation)
  • Backgroundcolor and borders of header, titles, summary and data
  • Summaries for numeric or given fields (SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG)
  • Create groups with given fields
  • A lot of other options to customize the result
  • To define the background color and font color, size, name and bold style of each cell
  • For exporting data without using a TDataset
  • Export to Excel
  • Save worksheet as XLS, HTM or CSV
  • Show print preview
Type library / COM
  • This component uses the Office server components from the Borland COM type library (Excel97 or Excel2000).
  • So MS Excel should be installed on the PC when using this component.
Demo application
  • A full demo application is supplied to view and test all features of the component.

If you like this component and/or you are using it in a commercial environment then you can register it. The registration cost is #30 or 30 US$. You can register yourself online on the website of Reg.Net (ID = 11696) :
Added: 9-08-2004/14-02-2005   |  Version: 3.3   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Stefan Cruysberghs   Stefan Cruysberghs   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 731,265 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D8 | D2 ]
KADao is a native DAO component for Delphi VCL.NET (D8 and D2005) It is the first freeware component to completly access all databases supported by Microsoft DAO (Data Access Objects) including mdb, xls, dbf etc.. BDE is not required. Microsoft(r) DAO(tm) must be Installed in order component to run. Support for Microsoft(r) Access'xx-Access'97 and Microsoft(r) Access'2000-2003 Features: 1. Create, Repair, Compact, Encrypt Access'97 and Access'2000 MDB files 2. Create tables, add indexes, and fields to existing tables and so on. 3. Work as a Table an Query Component supporting both Queries and QueryDefs 4. Compatible with all data aware controls 5. Master/Detail support 6. Locate, Lookup support 7. Find_First, Find_Next, Find_Last, Find_Prior 8. Seek_Nearest, Seek_NearestEx
Added: 4-04-2005   |  Version: V9.0   |  Downloads: 313/313/13
Author:Kiril Antonov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 642,568 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D8 | D2 ]
KADao Controls are FREE pack for enchancing work with KADao for VCL.NET KADao Controls can work ONLY With KADao KADao Controls include: KADaoDBGrid KADaoSortByButton KADaoFilterByButton KADaoFindButton KADaoSeekButton KADaoSelectIndexButton KADaoCVFButton KADaoDateTime KADaoExportButton KADaoSearch
Added: 4-04-2005   |  Version: V9.0   |  Downloads: 209/209/6
Author:Kiril Antonov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 22,323 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D8 | D2 ]
KA.SQL.AdoNet acts as an bridge between ADO.NET SqlConnection and Dataset and a Delphi VCL.NET TDataset. This gives the programmer ability to use ADO.NET SqlConnection as a Delphi TDataset and use all DbAware Controls with an ADO.NET SQLConnection KA.SQL.AdoNet uses Borland's TADONETConnector component to utilize this connection. It can be used with MS SQL Server only. KA.SQL.AdoNet have build in ConnectionString editor and TableName editor so programmer can easy build a SQL Server application. See demo application for details.
Added: 4-04-2005   |  Version: V1.0   |  Downloads: 252/252/9
Author:Kiril Antonov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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