C++ Builder 5.0x shareware
Winsock and Communications

[ ExoTrans2.zip ] [ 540,613 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | C5 | K1 | K2 ]

ExoTrans is a set of Delphi components that simplify the creation of client-server applications delivering both a flexible and reliable communication tool and a very small overhead (less than 50k) in program size.

Each client request and corresponding answer from the server are achieved through an event-driven transaction (thus the name ExoTrans). A transaction consists of a sequence of events where the relevant data being transfered from both ends of the connection can be delivered and retrieved.

ExoTrans main features:

  • Client and Server applications can either run on the same machine or over the LAN or Internet.
  • Uses either TCP or file system to communicate over the LAN thus working even if no TCP drivers are installed (protocol-independent).
  • Clients can automatically locate the servers they want to connect to in the LAN (or locally).
  • Servers can also automatically locate other servers running in the LAN (or locally).
  • Each client request can be assigned a request priority which will be considered by the server when processing concurrent requests.

Added: 24-06-2002/8-07-2002   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 770/770/4
Author:Exotics Components   Exotics Components   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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