C++ Builder 4.0x shareware
Maths, Stats & Algorithms

[ bcParserEval.zip ] [ 102,653 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
TbcParser implements parse once-evaluate many times type of parsing for mathematical expressions given as strings. TbcParser is especially useful in scientific, engineering programs. It allows creation of custom variables and functions to be used in the expressions. It#s internal arithmetic uses #Extended# storage for floating point numbers. This mathematical expression parser component parses and evaluates a mathematical expression that may contain variables and functions. Examples to typical expressions are: SIN(3.14)+5^2+POW(2,7)-MAX(10,20) ( [ SIN(X)^2 ] + COS(1) ) * PI/2 '( COSH(2.71)+ SINH( COS(0.5) * POW(0.2345, 0.67) )) - LOG(1-X^2+X^5)' (90+292*POW(X,0.31))*(1+0.025*LOG(Y))*(1-1*POW(Y+X,1.09)) '25993.894*EXP(-1.53389*(X-32))*POW(X, 0.13547)*POW(Y, 0.38603)*EXP(-0.36222*Y)' The user can add/remove his/her own custom variables and functions to be used in the expression. To be efficient in repeated calculations, parser creates a parse tree at first and reuses this parse tree for each evaluation without the need to reparse. If Optimization is on, the parse tree will be optimized by calculating constant expression sections at once so that further evaluation requests will be quicker. TbcParser can be used with Delphi 4, 5 and C++ Builder 3, 4, 5 TbcParser full version comes with the Pascal source code and there is also a help file for reference and a demo application for aid in getting started.
Trial runs while IDE is running
Added: 17-07-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2173/2173/15
Author:Ali Demir   Ali Demir   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ BMath20t.zip ] [ 2,596,557 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
This shareware package of native Delphi VCL components implements flexible run-time mathematical expression parser and evaluator.

Key features:

  • All standard operators including relational, Boolean, bitwise and string.
  • More then 70 built-in functions.
  • Unlimited expression complexity.
  • User-definable variables and functions.
  • Support for arbitrary numeric system.
  • OnUnknownSymbol event.
  • Design-time expression execution.
  • Full design-time and run-time persistence.
  • Speed optimization.
  • Controllable case sensitivity.
  • Math-aware controls and more...

Includes context sensitive help and samples. Full source is available to registered users. Installation is fully automated.

Added: 9-04-2000/17-10-2000   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 1337/1294/0
Author:Branko Dimitrijevic   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ cronjob.zip ] [ 386,659 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The CronJob component is the thread-based alarm implementation for Delphi/BCB which acts like cronjob utility in Unix. The component produces periodical OnAlert events by schedule specified in CRON format (actually it uses extended CRON format with new "seconds" field, to let the event to be triggered even every second). To specify the moments when the component should trigger the OnAlert event, the component uses the CRON format (all who worked in Unix must be aware about this utility, this is daemon of scheduled, periodically executed tasks). The authors of CronJob component has very liked an idea of describing the periodical events of any complexity, tiered to astronomical time, in simple text string. We have used slightly modified CRON format, added seconds field and altered the rules of describing the lists of numbers. The package includes 2 bonus components: * AccurateTimer -- thread-based timer which periodically triggers the OnTimer events by specified Interval, but unlike standard TTimer, which based on Win32API and thus loses timer messages on high application overload, this timer runs in the separate thread and accurately triggers each OnTimer event at right time. It also allows to specify the Interval with higher precision (less than 55msec, limited in Win9x) and does not dependent to the system-wide limitations.) * AwayTimer -- monitors user activity and increase its time counter when keyboard and mouse are inactive (user distracted from PC or goes away). Also it triggers special event when system is about to start the screensaver, or after some defined period of user inactivity.
Added: 7-06-2004/20-12-2004   |  Version: 1.2.1   |  Downloads: 88/87/0
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ eurocalc14.zip ] [ 11,056 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C4 | C5 ]
TEuroCalc is a Euro calculating component for up to two currencies simultaneously. You can convert Euro in member state's currency and vice versa. All names, currencies and conversion rates of the member state's are implemented. Now with support for a third non-Euro currency.
Added: 17-10-1999/11-10-2000   |  Version: 1.4   |  Downloads: 3349/3096/0
Author:Robert Wachtel   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ exprs31_c345.zip ] [ 1,494,450 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Expression parser 3.1 is a library of components, that evaluates Pascal like scripts at run time. It is not an interpretator, but is a quasi compiler, so it works fast. Features:
  • user defined functions and aliases;
  • supports: if...then..else...;for...:=... to/downto ... do ; while...do...; repeat...until...;
  • try finally end; try except end; raising exceptions;
  • class creating, referencing any published property of any class;
  • and more than 800 registered public methods and properties of more than 100 useful Delphi VCL classes;
  • creating and referencing OLE automation objects;
  • links directly in a script to a runtime components, that can be also on a data module;
  • links to any runtime function or class method;
  • calling user defined scripts from the program;
  • executing a script generated script;
  • variables, can be a value, expression, DBField or a link to a runtime var;
  • syntax checking of the scripts, checks also for using a valid variables, functions and arguments;
  • request for used variables, by a given script, that need initialization;
  • on event evaluated functions and variables;
  • supports integer, hex, FP, boolean, date string and variant type constants;
  • design time editors for variables and functions, that can be loaded and saved in INI file;
  • special links of dependences, tracks the changes in related objects;
  • more than 200 build in functions;
  • enhance error handling;
  • full help and demo;
You will feel the Expression parser as a real extention of your favourite compiler at runtime.
price: $55.00; price with source: $95.00
Added: 21-03-1999/31-07-2001   |  Version: 3.1   |  Downloads: 2210/1586/0
Author:Todor Marholev   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Compatible files:  [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ]

[ genprog.zip ] [ 797,412 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | K1 ]
Genetic Programming component for Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix. Free with sources for non-commercial applications. Contact me for commercial license.
genetic programming
Added: 27-06-2001/15-10-2001   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 1508/1506/1
Author:Reason Able Software   Adi Andrei   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ kapars10.zip ] [ 73,443 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 ]
The TKAParser component is an expression parser, calculator and spread sheet engine. It can (1) Evaluate mathematical and string expressions that contain numbers, predefined variables and formulas. A mathematical expression may have any commonly used math functions. A string expression may have any commonly used string function. (2) Transparently track formula / variable dependencies. Consequently, the parser needs to re-evaluates a formula only when the value of a dependent variable changes, a feature that enables it to perform hundreds of complex expression evaluations every second. A caching mechanism further optimizes expression evaluation making the parser#well# Kick Ass! · Work with any number of user defined functions. (3) Gracefully handle undefined variables by assigning default user defined value
Added: 26-03-2000   |  Version: 1.02   |  Downloads: 1937/1937/0
Author:Vijainder K Thakur   Vijainder K Thakur   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ neuronalnetworktrial.zip ] [ 431,835 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
This Package implements an Artifical Neuronal Network (ANN), which is based on a Backpropagtion algorithm. Empower your Delphi or C++ Builder application with A R T I F I C A L I N T E L L I G E N C E !!! Have a look at the included demo first, if you don't know the power of ANN. The demo illustrate an easy way to implement a simple OCR-Solution with the Component. The demo is included as an Exe-File. No setup-procedure is necessary to run the DEMO. Limitation to the Trial-Version: Full functional, but each layer of the ANN is limited to max. 6 Neurons.
Source available for the full version
Added: 7-03-2001   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1914/1914/15
Author:Ralf Kronemeyer   logiware gmbh Germany   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ rapideval.zip ] [ 479,078 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C4 | C5 ]
The RapidEvaluator Delphi component is a real COMPILER of the mathematical expressions (formulas), such as "SIN(0.5)+COS(x)*2". It checks the expression syntax and generates the real machine code for evaluating given formula. The code generated is optimized to use FPU in order to achieve the maximal speed of calculations: it's even up to 2 TIMES FASTER THAN DELPHI'S 32-bit code. To satisfy your personal needs you can add external user-defined variables and functions in addition to built-in ones. Use RapidEvaluator to calculate formulas that is unknown at the stage of program compilation, for example to plot and tabulate functions, to make numerical computations and so on. The equation plotting demo program (project+EXE) included.
Works while IDE is running
Added: 19-12-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 955/955/0
Author:Andrew Tumashinov   Andrew Tumashinov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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