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Alberto Fornés | Informrtics de Denia (Alberto Fornes) | [email] | [Home] |
Files |
[ ] [ 1,280,790 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D6 ] | ||
With this components you add to your programs a complete WYSIWYG labels editor. You can: . Define label's measures, paper type. Circle labels. · Insert Text, Circles, Lines, Paragraph, Symbols, BarCodes and Images. · Edit, Move, Copy, Paste, Rotate and Delete this entities. · Send To Back, Bring To Front. Aligns. · Load and Save the labels. · Print and Preview. . Extract data from database (BDE or TDataSet descendant). . Move and Edit multiple elements. . Open Dialog to preview the labels. . Object Inspector to edit the properties. . Configure backsurface (Color, gradients or image) · Zoom and Snap To Grid. · Units in mm or inches. (precision 0,1 mm) . Component to preview all the label's in a directory. · There is a resourstring file in english, spanish and dutch, if you want to add another language you can change this file. There is a demo project, a help file and examples in english and spanish in our homepage. [more] Visit the web page and you will see demos and help files Added: 3-12-2000/4-02-2004 | Version: 1.6 | Downloads: 2417/2264/2
[ ] [ 237,775 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
With this components you add to your programs a complete WYSIWYG labels editor. You can: . Define label's measures, paper type. Circle labels. · Insert Text, Tables, Circles, Lines, Paragraph, Symbols, BarCodes and Images. · Edit, Move, Copy, Paste, Rotate and Delete this entities. · Send To Back, Bring To Front. Aligns. · Load and Save the labels. · Print and Preview. . Extract data from database (BDE or TDataSet descendant). . Move and Edit multiple elements. . Open Dialog to preview the labels. . Object Inspector to edit the properties. . Configure backsurface (Color, gradients or image) · Zoom and Snap To Grid. · Units in mm or inches. (precision 0,1 mm) . Component to preview all the label's in a directory. · There is a resourstring file in english, spanish and dutch, if you want to add another language you can change this file. There is a demo project, a help file and examples in english and spanish in our homepage. Visit the web page and you will see demos and help files Added: 2-12-2003/3-05-2004 | Version: 1.7 | Downloads: 51/51/0
© 1995-2006 Robert M. Czerwinski ( The Delphi Super Page a.k.a. DSP ). All rights reserved. |