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TArtImg is a TImage descendant with many effects (ChangeRgb, AntiAlias, GrayScale, Laplace, HiPass, Sharpen, Soften, SoftenLess, FindEdges, Blur, GaussianBlur, SplitBlur, EdgeEnhance, DraftOutlines, Invert, Chalk, Emboss, RuggedRustyEmboss, TopographicalEmboss, CustomFilter, Contrast, Brightness, AddColorNoise, AddMonoNoise, Saturation, Mosaic, Solarize, Posterize, PencilDrawing, MonoBrushDrawing, DrawBrushStrokes, AddAlphaGradient, Interlaced, Spray, HorizontalMirror, VerticalMirror, AddSimpleFrame, AddGradientFrame, AddArtisticFrame, AddBitmapFrame, AlphaBlend, TileBitmap). Using TArtImg component is very simple, just install it, drop it onto the form, load a 24bit bitmap , and use one of the procedures. That's all. Added: 6-10-2003 | Version: 1.00 | Downloads: 245/245/1
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