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  DWP-Group (Immo Wache) [email][Home]

    DWP the Delphi WDosX Project offers anything for programming native 32-bit DOS programs with Delphi and WDOSX. Create modern event driven software with classes, components, events, exceptions, threads, TCP/IP sockets and much more. There is available the DWP Library (DWPL), an Open Source cross-platform library (based on FreeCLX). Delphi together with WDOSX is the best visual development environment for real time programming of Embedded PC (PC/104), Industrial PC (IPC), Programmable Logic Controls (PLC), Computer Numerical and Robot Controls(CNC/RC).




[ dwpl.exe ] [ 1,864,754 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 | D7 ]
DWPL stands for Delphi WDOSX Project Library. This library is for creating native 32-bit protected mode DOS programs with Delphi 5-7 using the WDOSX DOS extender as the core. The goal of the library project is to make the usage of the Delphi/Kylix OpenCLX library easier and to provide support for things which are missing when using Delphi with pure WDOSX. DWPL is a open source library and (like OpenCLX from Borland) released by the GPL licence. [more]
Added: 8-09-2003   |  Version: 2.4.0   |  Downloads: 530/530/9
Author:Immo Wache   DWP-Group   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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