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  Gwen Carpenter (Gwena) [email][Home]




[ ] [ 456,024 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ]
ExeMod is a unit that adds a lot of unusual capabilities to your Delphi programs. Just add ExeMod to your uses clause after placing ExeMod.pas in the library path or in the project directory and you can do all of the following.... -Create self-modifying programs. -Store almost any sort of data in your exe. -Retrieve data easily from your exe at runtime (from ram or disk). -Make self-extracting archives (like installers). -Create programs that can update themselves live from a website. -Make password protected programs. -Easily make image viewers that contain the images within the exe. -Easily make audio players that contain the mp3 file in the exe. -Add data to other exe files (does not harm the exe files) -Stuff data into data caves in your exe... get the data from ram at runtime. -Have your exe store data inside itself at startup,shutdown or runtime. -Use ExeMod to store data in the exe instead of using ini files or registry. -Create copy protection schemes. -Make program generators by saving altered copies of the original exe. -Create ExeMod programs that can work ok even when stored on a CD. -Add another exe file to a delphi stub exe which runs before the other exe runs. And much much more is possible.... lots of fun stuff becomes easy to do once you can easily modify your exe ! -------> Demo package w/compiled demos + source included :-)
Added: 4-11-2002   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 2666/2666/19
Author:Gwen Carpenter (Gwena)   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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