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It's a component Interface Framework that give you flexible 'Manager' to administrate your Plugins in Applications. It's understand your Plugins by 'Services', so you can load many new functionalities without recompile your main project. You can add new Menu, Forms, Layout for your application, the only limit is your imagination and when you need to debug 'Services' you simply add the unit to 'uses'. The unit NucaMenuService.pas is an example of native service that can be debugged. The Nuca Plugin have the same concepts of Delphi IDE that it allows you to incorpore new functionalities to the environment based on ' Services'. Try it NOW ! Have examples ! It's LIKE Delphi IDE !!!! Added: 1-08-2002 | Version: 0.1 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: ] [ size n/a ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D6 ] | ||
It's a component Interface Framework that give you flexible 'Manager' to administrate your Plugins in Applications. It's understand your Plugins by 'Services', so you can load many new functionalities without recompile your main project. You can add new Menu, Forms, Layout for your application, the only limit is your imagination and when you need to debug 'Services' you simply add the unit to 'uses'. The unit NucaMenuService.pas is an example of native service that can be debugged. The Nuca Plugin have the same concepts of Delphi IDE that it allows you to incorpore new functionalities to the environment based on ' Services'. Try it NOW ! Have examples ! - Go to site for other Delphi version ! It's LIKE Delphi IDE !!!! Added: 6-08-2002/19-08-2002 | Version: 0.1 | Downloads: n/a
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