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This component is used to Add, Reconfigure and Remove MS Access Datasource Names (DSNs) on the fly. Usually this is done via the ODBC32 control panel applet in any standard windows installation. Why would you want to do this? Quite often we (as developers at GWAcc) find ourselves having to climb into the control panel and muck around inside the ODBC32 applet. It gets annoying, especially if you have to do it several times in a row, even more so when it means having to switch between changing user names, passwords, paths, exclusivity... you get the idea! Simply set a couple of properties, add ONE line of code to your application, and you can Add, Reconfigure and Remove MS Access DSNs in a flash! [more] Added: 31-07-2001 | Version: 1.002 | Downloads: 736/736/0
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