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  Mike Shkolnik, Scalabium [email][Home]




[ ] [ 1,333,112 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
The SMLogger suite contains the five components for logging of errors/exceptions, tracing of messages, events etc
  • TSMExceptionLog: drop this component and you'll receive the useful processing of errors and exceptions for your application in one place. Your user can automatically send to you a bug reports with screenshot in attachment. You can log the some wished exceptions only with extended filters of exceptions.
  • TSMAppLog: you can control your application in one place - message processing, hints, help, idle time, activation/deactivation, minimization/maximization, changing of selected control in any form, form changing, changing of windows settings etc
  • TSMDatasetLog: you can trace the work with dataset - scrolling, state changing, value editing etc Also you can activate/deactivate a logging in wished places of your application
  • TSMFileLog: you can trace the file/directory/drive changing - file creation, changing of size, attributes or time
  • TSMNTEventLog: you can control the standard log of NT events.
SMLogging is a native VCL engine with multilanguage support.
trial version for 30 days
Direct online registration:
Added: 17-10-2000   |  Version: 1.10   |  Downloads: 727/727/1
Author:Mike Shkolnik, Scalabium   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,038,644 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats:
  • text delimited file
  • text fixed width file
  • Paradox table
  • DBase table
The wizard component from suite (like wizard in MS Access) allows to define a settings of import process visually.
To add the import component is simple way to expand the own application. Give a nice feature with ultimate performance for your end-users. SMImport is a native VCL engine with multilanguage support.
You may use the shareware trial version for 30 days.
License fee is: $35 for SMImport full suite (with sources)
Added: 5-11-2000   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 805/805/0
Author:Mike Shkolnik, Scalabium   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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