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  Hansjörg Pfister [email][Home]

    The EasyPrint - Components are software modules for use in C++ Builder generated applications. You can implement very fast and easy a printing output in your application. Because of the basic conecpt of "TEasyPrint" with the EasyPrint Components the printing output can not be flexible shaped like it is possible with a good report generator, but the implementation is very easy and very fast realized. Mainly you have to hand over a pointer from a component to "EasyPrint", which contents you want to print (for example: TTreeView - Component).




[ ] [ 235,301 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ C5 ]
The EasyPrint - Components are software modules for use in C++ Builder generated applications (Delphi support comming soon). You can implement very fast and easy a printing output in your application. Because of the basic conecpt of "TEasyPrint" with the EasyPrint Components the printing output can not be flexible shaped like it is possible with a good report generator, but the implementation is very easy and very fast realized. Mainly you have to hand over a pointer from a component to "EasyPrint", which contents you want to print (for example: TTreeView - Component). Assume you want to print the contents of a TTreeView - object, you would have to programme a lot. With "TEasyPrint" it is just one line of code!
The EasyPrint - Components are using the Delphi Unit "TPrinter".
Versions for CBuilder 3, CBuilder4 and more information avaiable from my home
Added: 30-07-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 691/691/0
Author:Hansjörg Pfister   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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