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  Ali Hmer (Ali Hmer) [email] 

    Ever needed to print a DbGrid quickly as it looks, width, order.... etc, and want to print some fields of the dbgrid, wanna to Sum or get average of some fields only, need to change some properties of the page at run time but was tired of the lot of work it requires On top of that it takes a lot of code to make your prints look good TPrintOptionsButton is the answer for those "problems".




[ ] [ 838,156 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 ]
Ever needed to print a DbGrid quickly as it looks, width, order.... etc, and want to print some fields of the dbgrid, wanna to Sum or get average of some fields only, need to change some properties of the page at run time but was tired of the lot of work it requires On top of that it takes a lot of code to make your prints look good TPrintOptionsButton is the answer for those "problems".
Added: 16-04-2000   |  Version: 1.01   |  Downloads: 1167/1167/2
Author:Ali Hmer   Ali Hmer   [DSP files]


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