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  Cogen Software (Yi RayHyung) [email][Home]

    CoGen is the comprehensive program code generation tool for Database Application Developers. CoGen was designed to increase the productivity of the programmer by automatically generating the repetitive codes that are input every time a new project begins. For this purpose, CoGen provides a simple script(CGS) that is independent of the database and generates the database manipulation coding. Therefore, once a CGS is generated, it can be reused for any new project (more specifically, for new database). Since CoGen outputs and controls the text through CGS, it can be integrated with any of the available development environment including Form generating RAD tools like, Delphi and Power-Builder, PRO*C for batch processing, and CGI-application for Web-based development. Although it was not intended for the rather complex logic generation, CoGen was made simple to automatically generate the common part that are dependent to the target database and required for every functioning module,




[ cogentry.exe ] [ 1,059,486 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
CoGen is the comprehensive program code generation tool for Database Application Developers. CoGen was designed to increase the productivity of the programmer by automatically generating the repetitive codes that are input every time a new project begins. For this purpose, CoGen provides a simple script(CGS) that is independent of the database and generates the database manipulation coding. Therefore, once a CGS is generated, it can be reused for any new project (more specifically, for new database). Since CoGen outputs and controls the text through CGS, it can be integrated with any of the available development environment including Form generating RAD tools like, Delphi and Power-Builder, PRO*C for batch processing, and CGI-application for Web-based development. Although it was not intended for the rather complex logic generation, CoGen was made simple to automatically generate the common part that are dependent to the target database and required for every functioning module,
30-Days trial version
Added: 13-02-2000   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 767/767/0
Author:Yi RayHyung   Cogen Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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