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  Diamond Tools (Ilya Andreev) [email][Home]

    We offering lot of cool VCL components - Diamond Access - native components for MS Access Diamond ADO - native components for MS ADO Diamond TMetadata - native components for MS Jet Engine Daimond Grid - powerful, flexible DBGrid for Delphi and CPP Builder




[ ] [ 1,792,442 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | C4 ]
We are proud to announce the Release of Diamond Grid 1.15 for Delphi and C++Builder - companion product for Diamond Access and Diamond ADO! Diamond Grid is an extension of TDBGrid, that provide a lot of new features without huge overhead. Key features: - Multiline titles - Incremental search - Columns footers or total grid footer - You can using your controls for edit data in grid! - Minimize column to least data value (as M$ Excel) - Cells Hints - Columns titles hints - Attached ImageList and event for draw images in cells - Grid Editor in run-time: for set colors, fonts, captions to columns, footer settings and hidden/showing columns - Sorting - Some useful events (like OnGetCellParams) - Drawing ellipse in the end of cell's text - More ... Diamond Tools Team
Diamond Grid is an extension of TDBGrid, that provide a lot of new features without huge overhead.
Added: 21-11-1999   |  Version: 1.15   |  Downloads: 1304/1304/1
Author:Ilya Andreev   Diamond Tools   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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