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[ ] [ 31,219 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 ]
Very powerful component that replaces the Delphi MessageDlg call. You can edit the message in the object inspector, use custom icons, use parameters like in TQuery.Params, use custom sound and many moore. Has preview function already at design tim
Free for all use
Added: 27-09-1998   |  Version: v3.05   |  Downloads: 2221/2221/0
Author:Tom Peiffer   Tom Peiffer   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 490,625 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 ]
Many users just use resource files (*.res) for the purpose of saving icons or wave files in them. After compilation, the icons and waves are included in the executable file, so that they need not to be distributed the the application. With this component, you may include any file, also other executables, inside a resource file. The component is able to export these files again and write them to your harddisk. In this way, you can store complete other files inside your application. [more]
Added: 20-02-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2782/2782/0
Author:Tom Peiffer   Tom Peiffer   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 13,242 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 ]
This is probably the most easiest way to work with data from the registry. Drop the component on your form, create an own class, fill out the properties and you may access registry data just by calling the properties of your registry class. There are no special methods needed. Just access the registry by reading the appropriate properties.
Added: 27-02-2000   |  Version: 1.0 beta   |  Downloads: 5621/5621/2
Author:Tom Peiffer   Tom Peiffer   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 20,532 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 ]
In Delphi, you got powerful classes to access both the Windows registry and work with INI-files. But there is still a lot of code needed, to work with these classes. With this component, this becomes much easier. And values from your inifile or registry key are loaded directly into published properties in a predefined class. Just call the Load method, or even more easy, set the LoadOnCreate property to true, and your values are loaded in your published properties at startup of your application. Make changes to your properties and call the Save method (or set SaveOnExit to true) and the values are stored back to registry rsp. inifile. All you need to do is define a new class derived from TApplValues and define published properties in this class. Now, in the values property of the component, define for each published property a location where to store the value (section, subkey, default value if key does not exist etc.). For the rest, one single line of code is needed: MyValues := TMyValues.create (Self,AP) ; {supposing that the component name is AP, and your derived class from TApplValues is called TMyValues, where MyValues is a pointer to this class } Confused? Then take a look to the demo project and you'll discover the power behind it.
Added: 17-09-2000   |  Version: 2.1   |  Downloads: 3909/3909/3
Author:Tom Peiffer   Tom Peiffer   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 26,085 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
Two components enabling interprocess messaging in a simple an effective way. Define Text commands that you may send from one application to another. The commands are received automatically with 2 lines of code and fire an event in the destination application. You have the option to add parameters to each command, and be able to react appropriatly in the fired event in the destination process. If a destination application isn't launched yet, this is done automatically. If the destination application is already running, your can optionally avoid the start of a second instance. In the destination application, this makes no difference.

The package comes with 2 components:

  • TModuleSwitcher, which allows the sending of commands with parameters. The component only needs to be placed in the sender application. The actions can be automatically linked to a menuitem or a speedbutton. The icon can be extracted automatically from the destination file. Just drop a speedbuton and/or an idle menuitem and set the appropriate properties in the component.
  • TCommandReceiver, which is responsible for receiving the commands from TModuleSwitcher, identify the command and extract its parameters values to a TStringList. The component is placed on the mainform of the destination application, and activate by 2 lines of code.
    • in the OnShow event of your main form (for example only, place it where you need it), and call the Run method.
    • Prepare the main form of your application to receive the windows messages, by adding this code:
      interface uses Switchmodules ;  type   TYourForm = class (TForm) CommandReceiver : TCommandReceiver ; private     { Private-Deklarationen }     { ADD THIS LINE }     procedure WMCopyData(var Msg: TWMCopyData); message WM_COPYDATA; ... end ;  implementation   { ADD THIS PROCEDURE } procedure TYourForm.WMCopyData(var Msg: TWMCopyData); begin      CommandReceiver.ForwardMessage (Msg) ; end ;  end.

Two techniques are used for receiving the commands. First is by interpreting the startup paramaters (when the destination application is first launched), of by receiving a windows message (if the application is already running and a second instance shell be avoided.

Added: 23-08-2004   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 899/899/10
Author:Tom Peiffer   Tom Peiffer   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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