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Files |
[ odac_d3.exe ] [ 425,623 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) library offers some nonvisual components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. They serve for access to Oracle RDBMS. ODAC is an alternative to standard way processing data by Borland Database Engine (BDE). Version 1.75 ODAC includes following components: TOraSession, TOraQuery, TSmartQuery, TOraSQL, TConnectDialog, TOraErrorHandler, TVirtualTable. Added: 2-08-1998/6-04-1999 | Version: 1.75 | Downloads: 971/792/0
Compatible files: [ D4 | C3 ] |
[ odac_d4.exe ] [ 429,009 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) library offers some nonvisual components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. They serve for access to Oracle RDBMS. ODAC is an alternative to standard way processing data by Borland Database Engine (BDE). Version 1.75 ODAC includes following components: TOraSession, TOraQuery, TSmartQuery, TOraSQL, TConnectDialog, TOraErrorHandler, TVirtualTable. Added: 6-04-1999 | Version: 1.75 | Downloads: 852/852/0
Compatible files: [ D3 | C3 ] |
[ odac_c3.exe ] [ 612,009 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ C3 ] | ||
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) library offers some nonvisual components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. They serve for access to Oracle RDBMS. ODAC is an alternative to standard way processing data by Borland Database Engine (BDE). Version 1.75 ODAC includes following components: TOraSession, TOraQuery, TSmartQuery, TOraSQL, TConnectDialog, TOraErrorHandler, TVirtualTable. Added: 6-04-1999 | Version: 1.75 | Downloads: 737/737/0
Compatible files: [ D3 | D4 ] |
[ odac4.exe ] [ 526,029 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | C3 | C4 ] | ||
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) library offers some nonvisual components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. They serve for access to Oracle RDBMS. ODAC is an alternative to standard way processing data by Borland Database Engine (BDE). Version 1.85 ODAC includes following components: TOraSession, TOraQuery, TSmartQuery, TOraSQL, TOraTable, TOraStoredProc, TOraProvider, TBDESession, TConnectDialog, TOraErrorHandler, TVirtualTable. Added: 7-06-1999 | Version: 1.85 | Downloads: 946/946/0
© 1995-2006 Robert M. Czerwinski ( The Delphi Super Page a.k.a. DSP ). All rights reserved. |