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  Kim Madsen [email][Home]

    Kim Madsen is working in the company Optical Services - Scandinavia which have specialized in automatic OCR/ICR/Barcode reading, workflow and journaling.




[ ] [ 14,247 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 ]
MAPPER and Accessory Manager access from Delphi. Postcardware. No cost. Full source. [more]
Postcardware. Full source. No conditions except its use is your OWN responsibility.
Added: 13-06-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2033/2033/0
Author:Kim Madsen   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 117,348 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
TkbmMemTable is a 100% TDataset compatible in memory full featured table which is not dependant on the BDE at runtime. Features include: - 100% TDataset compatible - 100% compiled into the exe. - 100% independant of the BDE during runtime. - Blob compression - Full filter support not only through OnFilterRecord but also using an expression in the Filter property. - Several easy interfaces to the outher world (load/save data/structure to/from other tables or files) - Multilevel transaction control (undo insert/delete/updates since transaction start) using StartTransaction, Commit and Rollback. - Versioning and journaling for saving deltas of what has happened to the table in another table or file - Build in 100% extendable resolving capabilities of deltas and alot more. - Contains middleware capabilities through the resolver and deltas. Price for using as middleware?.... $0 - Contains designtime editor for designing the table. - 100% Thread safe. - Allows multiple cursors to same physical data. - Automatic persistency. Load from a file on opening and save to it on destruction/close. - Form persistency. Store default data at the form at designtime. - Extract or set the data as a commatext. - Snapshots. Save the complete table in a variant and load the table from a variant. - On the fly sorting on any fields ascending/descending. - Add data to the record without having a field using the record tag property. - Supports 99% of all fields supported by TTable/TQuery. - Lookup, Locate, FindNearest, SetKey, GotoKey, FindKey, EndKey, Ranges supported. - Bookmarks supported. - Unlimited number of real indexes supported. - Ressource strings translated to >10 languages. - Field types supported: ftString,ftSmallint,ftInteger,ftWord,ftBoolean,ftFloat,ftCurrency, ftDate,ftTime,ftDateTime,ftAutoInc,ftBCD,ftBlob,ftMemo,ftGraphic,ftF mtMe mo, ftParadoxOle,ftDBaseOle,ftTypedBinary,ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftFixedChar,ftWideString,ftLargeInt,ftADT,ftArray - Full Master/Detail support both as master and as detail table. - Many more internal routines available to the programmer by choise. - Extendable. Full source code included. 100% free. Infoware... let me know when you are using it! Middleware components/tools developed using TkbmMemTable must be released as Open Source and freeware. Find latest versions at [more]
Added: 25-01-1999/26-03-2000   |  Version: 2.33   |  Downloads: 19608/10892/14
Author:Kim Madsen   [Homepage]   [DSP files]


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