Top 20 Downloads Freeware Last update |
Downloads | File | Author |
70343 | | A Baars |
28559 | | Dejan Crnila |
27797 | | Hagen Reddmann |
21259 | | Kiril Antonov (Kiril Antonov - Hronos Ltd) |
20794 | | Leo D. Shih |
19659 | | Dmitry G. Barabash |
18669 | | Andreas Schmidt |
18378 | | Troels Jakobsen (Troels Jakobsen) |
17529 | | Michael Dürig |
17027 | | Thierry (Thierry | ANIROM) |
16183 | | Aleksey Kuznetsov (UtilMind Solutions) |
15704 | | Varian Software |
15552 | | Peter Ivan Dunne ... |
15385 | | Zloba Alexander |
15274 | | Andreas Hörstemeier |
15214 | | Andronov Igor |
14931 | | Sebastian Sauer (Dipesh) |
14922 | | Kambiz R. Khojasteh |
14802 | | Juan Luis Ceada Ramos |
[ ] [ 3,634 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 ] | ||
Tztimer : Similar to the vcl Ttimer component, but with a resolution of 0.1ms and accurate to 0.015ms. [more] Added: 13-08-1997 | Version: 1.00 | Downloads: 70343/70343/1
[ ] [ 148,579 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
A set of components for writing serial communication program. Components included: TComPort, TComDataPacket, TComTerminal TComComboBox, TComRadioGroup and TComLed. With these tools, you can write serial application faster and easier than ever. A Delphi context sensitive file included. Added: 11-10-1998/14-05-2000 | Version: 2.60 | Downloads: 45241/28559/47
[ ] [ 692,947 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ] | ||
Delphi Encryption Compendium Part I. A Compendium of various fast Hash-,Checksum- and Encryption algorithm, includes:
Added: 18-04-1999/5-09-1999 | Version: 3.0 | Downloads: 32252/27797/67
[ ] [ 400,286 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
KADao is a native DAO component for Delphi. It is the first freeware component to completly access all databases supported by Microsoft DAO (Data Access Objects) including mdb, xls, dbf etc.. BDE is not required. Microsoft(r) DAO(tm) must be Installed in order component to run. Support for both Microsoft(r) Access'xx-Access'97 and Microsoft(r) Access'2000-2002. Features: MDB files and QueryDefs Added: 21-05-2000/9-01-2006 | Version: 9.1 | Downloads: 26708/(21259)/(64)
[ ] [ 1,417,363 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ] | ||
LsFileExplorer28.pas (version 2.886) consists of three components, viz.:
Both TLsDirTree21 and TLsFileListview28 provide Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish language support in addition to default English language. Source codes and executable Demos are included. For detailed information please refer to LsFileExplorer28.txt. [more]Added: 3-07-1998/9-01-2006 | Version: 2.886 | Downloads: 25298/(20794)/(21)
[ ] [ 502,029 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
Pro VCL Extensions Library is a freeware component library for Borland Delphi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9 (2005) and Borland C++Builder 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6. It includes 28 components, several classes, procedures and functions. English, Russian, Ukranian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Danish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Turkish, Slovak, Korean and Traditional Chinese resources. Added: 16-08-1998/28-03-2005 | Version: 1.86 | Downloads: 31096/19659/0
[ ] [ 17,822 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
A Free Barcode Component - Code_2_5_industrial, Code_2_5_matrix, Code39, Code39Extended, Code128A, Code128B, Code128C, Code93, Code93Extended, CodeMSI, CodePostNet, CodeCodabar, EAN8, EAN13, UPC_A, UPC_E0, UPC_E1, UPC_Suppl2, UPC_Suppl5, EAN128A, EAN128B, EAN128C Added: 21-03-1999/3-10-1999 | Version: 1.15 | Downloads: 26078/18669/11
[ ] [ 355,879 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
CoolTrayIcon is a tray icon component with many properties to customize the icon's behaviour and appearance. Features include: * Various mouse and click events * Popup menu support * Methods for hiding and showing the main form * Can move to tray when user minimizes the form * Icon animation * Interactive balloon hints * Can convert bitmaps to icons * Design preview for easy experimentation * The component can be used in a service * Restores tray icon on Explorer crash Includes a descended tray icon component, TextTrayIcon, which allows you to show a tray icon with a text of your choice. Features include: * Text in any font and color * Background color or icon * Border 8 demos included (1 exe) Added: 7-06-1999/10-03-2003 | Version: 4.3.1 | Downloads: 21256/18378/16
[ ] [ 73,768 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C5 ] | ||
XStringgrid is an extended version of the stringgrid which offers a lot more flexibility. It's possible to apply different colors and fonts to each column and it's header and align the content of the cells. In addition it offers different inplace editors which can be assigned to columns to edit their cells. So far edit, combo, maskedit, updown, checklist, button checkbox and form inplace editors are implemented. TXStringgrid also implements a flexible sort mechanism. This version includes a simple mechanism to control the style (i.e. color, font...) of each cell. See the demo project to get started. Added: 18-03-1997/30-06-2003 | Version: 2.6 | Downloads: 18173/17529/40
[ ] [ 43,182 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | K1 ] | ||
free, cross platform and 100% standalone (no ADO no BDE no DLL) csv database system. mylittlebase 2 has a bunch of new features that mlb 1 had not. For example it handles Excel and ISAM files. Plus mylittlebase is now a true opensource freeware. (visit for lessons and api). Added: 12-03-2000/5-11-2001 | Version: 2.00 | Downloads: 17385/17027/13
[ ] [ 7,963 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
TCaptionButton Components Additional button on the form's title bar. Added: 15-07-1999/22-06-2000 | Version: 1.2 | Downloads: 16534/16183/4
[ ] [ 446,716 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Communications library which provides access to the serial ports under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. Modems, printers or barcode scanners, Async32 is easy to use with any type of serial hardware. Build your own comport server application. Varian Async32 is freeware, you are allowed to use the software in freeware, shareware and commercial software without registration fee. Support and full source code are available after registration. Added: 23-12-1997/17-10-2001 | Version: 2.00 | Downloads: 17128/15704/8
Compatible files: [ D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] |
[ ] [ 257,271 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] |
TImagePlus/TDbImagePlus TImageTwain/TDbImageTwain These Components make using Twain Scanners & Cameras simple Built-in popup menu with Cut / Copy / Paste // Open / Save As / Stretch / Center / Aspect // Select Source / Acquire image and more This release includes Flip & Mirror It maintains the correct aspect ratio when stretching images if Aspect is selected Now with Deutsch, English, Espanol, French, Nederlands, Turkish & Russian resources, Speak another language ?, translate gdaconst.rc and send it to us We are looking for somebody to help test this with C++ Builder Can you help to improve this product? contact us now! The Developers are members of the Global Developers Alliance, a programming group for developers by developers Added: 28-05-2000/22-04-2002 | Version: 1.4.7 | Downloads: 15681/15552/14 |
[ ] [ 12,733 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
ZLPortIO - This unit allow your application direct access port input and output under all versions of Microsoft Windows Added: 20-05-2001 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 15385/15385/30
[ ] [ 102,953 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
A stringgrid descendent with a lot of new and often requested features: alignment for cells, rows and columns; fonts for cells, rows and columns; hints for each cell; and a component editor which allows to set these properties and the cells at design time. Several import and export functions to file, stream or clipboard, cut and paste, and sorting. Online help included. Added: 14-12-1997/18-07-2001 | Version: V2.1 | Downloads: 17819/15274/21
[ ] [ 53,339 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | C4 ] | ||
This is The Button component (really Button, as it's based on TButton component) It provide the next Main functions: 13 default forms + User defined form; 7 Styles of Button Border; 3 Styles of gradient fill; Gradient Bitmap allowed; 3 Styles of Caption; Show/not show focus region, allow custom painting; The Button,Caption and Gradient Could be turned at any angle, (Also with User Defined form) Real Time Light/Shadow Calculating 3 Types of Animation (On Button Enter,Exit and Press) The Button Point of rotation can be selected Button Could Rotated at real Time even in Design Mode (Not using Timer) All Parts of Button could be placed at any part of Button. All Forms of Button (include User) could be freely resized undependly on X and Y axe RgnEditor is The Editor of Regions (Button Forms). It Provide the next main Function: Selection The region at any kind of Bitmap Selection provided as at Fore ground Color as at Back Ground Color You Can Use The not accurate on Colors Bitmaps to Choose Region (At Example Scanned Images) This is also Example of IAeverButton using. RotateRgn1 is Unit for back design of Regions from Microsoft inner presentation(couple of Rectangles) to PolyPolyline representation (With automatically calculation of multiplicity) and the border calculation. Added: 25-06-2000/22-06-2000 | Version: 1.12 | Downloads: 15214/15214/7
[ ] [ 492,940 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
A very small and powerful MP3-Player. MP3 Layer I, II and III supported, load/add/save PLS- and M3U-playlists (very fast), add directories (incl. subdirs), save as textfile or html-document, ID3-Tag Editor, Passwordprotection, can be run on fullscreen, maximized, minimized, normal or as trayicon, and many many more... Added: 9-01-2000 | Version: 1.01 | Downloads: 14931/14931/16
[ ] [ 133,161 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ] | ||
The Office Assistant Package provides an animated assistant manager similar to the Microsoft Office Assistant (or Microsoft Agent). The package contains also standard dialogs (balloon shape) like message boxes, hints, tips, and search. The actor editor, executable demo, and some actors can be found on the author's home page. Added: 23-01-2000/25-07-2005 | Version: 3.30 | Downloads: 15221/14922/13
[ ] [ 13,390 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
This component allows to capture images and videos from several sources (videocams, vcr's, webcams). Has been created using the AVICAP32.dll (from the Win32 API). Visit my web site ( There are examples for this component. Added: 13-02-2000 | Version: 1.4 | Downloads: 14802/14802/23
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