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15-02-2006 |
[ IXSSetup_100.exe ] [ 13,449,312 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] | ||
What are the capabilities of Informix-Studio? Informix-Studio combines the possibility of administration multible Informix-Servers with the possibility of viewing and manipulating data, as well as changing the data structure. You can debug SQL- and SPL-scripts. The application requires at least version 2.40 of the client library SetNet32; we recommend version 2.81. Which Informix-versions will be supported? Informix-Studio was tested with the versions 7.3, 9.3 and 9.4 under SUN Solaris, HP-UX and Windows. [more] Added: 3-10-2005/15-02-2006 | Version: | Downloads: 11/11/1
[ link: locsetup.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] | ||
Localizer is a localization tool kit for applications written in Borland Delphi or C++ Builder. Using it you can get one executable file that supports as many languages as you want. It processes all string resources in your project: properties of components on the forms, resource string constants, VCL messages and messages from third-party packages. Support for additional language(s) can be added without recompilation the project even by the users of your application. To store localized resources Localizer can use resource DLLs (that is standard for localization applications in Windows) or special "language file" format which has less size and more easy in use. Other features of Localizer are the following: - minimizing of additional code required for application localizing. In some cases you don't need any code to add to your application; - you don't need use Delphi to translate application interface. It allows to separate application development from translation process; - you can process the resourcestring sections and, therefore, translate VCL and third-party components messages. - Special Language Repository helps you to store translations and re-use them in the future; - easy transfer from Borland's Integration Translation Environment; - "on the fly" language switching (Pro edition only). It does not require to restart your application when you switch between languages; - provides your translator with ability to increase size and position of the controls and forms, if it is necessary for some languages. Added: 1-02-2006/15-02-2006 | Version: 3.53 | Downloads: n/a
1-02-2006 |
[ ] [ 1,132,664 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] | ||
OO-Structure Maker is a CASE-tool for object description of any application data both simple and complex-structured. This data is called an object-oriented information structure or OO-structure. OO-Structure Maker is a CASE-tool that provides visual design of object-oriented information structures. It generates a ready-to-use source code in Delphi and provides visual design of component, collection, collection items and persistent classes, their inheritance and composition relations. Any OO-structure supports: references between structure elements, referential integrity of the whole structure, data saving into a stream or file, modification flag as a Modified property for every class, properties copying method by overriding the Assign method for every class, adding data to the collections by overriding the Add method. OO-Structure Maker has 3 explorers of the object-oriented structure: Inheritance explorer, Property Explorer and Composition Explorer. A class of OO-structure can have 3 type of properties: information properties (pure data), object properties (pointers to composition parts) and reference properties (pointers to owners). OO-Structure Maker uses UML-like language. OO-Structure Maker is fully integrated with Delphi 5, 6, 7. required Delphi 5, 6 or 7 to be installed Added: 1-02-2006 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 3/3/2
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