Kylix 1.0 shareware Grids |
[ ] [ 676,582 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D6 | K1 ] | ||
TAdvStringGrid Files : ------- : component files for Delphi 6.0 : component files for Kylix Release 1.0 BETA : ------------------ insert / delete rows & colums save / load to file save / load to stream save / load to CSV file copy / paste to clipboard + intelligent automatic series expansion, duplication save to HTML save to formatted text cell alignment, cell color, cell font color, read-only cells automatic printing with optional title, pagenumber, date, time, border, cell fonts, colors, custom drawing, fit to page, cell border automatic column/row sizing column sorting + full sort when clicking on column header + arrow indication (like Internet mail) automatic goto cell based on sorted column when key pressed event handler for setting hint of each cell automatic selection of next cell after edit insert / delete key to insert or delete rows automatic resizing with parent form automatic saving of user resized columns in INI file hide / unhide columns search capabilities with options for case sensitive, full/partial, regular expressions bitmaps, icons, imagelist elements, pictures fixed rows at bottom or right side of grid inplace editors : combobox, spinedit, ellipsedit, datepicker, checkbox, numeric edit, float edit, capital edit, mixedcase edit, radiobutton, enhanced mouse actions to select columns and rows disjunct row selection in rowselect mode Group / Ungroup methods and grouped sorting Multi-column filtering HTML formatted cells Added: 9-08-2001 | Version: 1.0 beta | Downloads: 1121/1121/4
[ link: tmsgridpackK1.tar.gz ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ K1 ] | ||
Cross platform development grid components offering printing, saving and loading for various file formats, a full range of special inplace editors, different types of graphics in cells, font, color and alignment control per cell, clipboard functionality, search methods, filtering, grouping, various sorting methods including multicolumn sorts ... The TMS Grid Pack for CLX adds TAdvColumnGrid with column based property management and TAdvSpreadGrid, the grid with built-in spreadsheet functionality and extendable mathematical function libraries. Added: 11-10-2001 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: n/a
Compatible files: [ D6 ] |
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