Delphi 8.0x shareware Charts |
[ ] [ 408,812 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 ] | ||
SimChart is a component for creating charts. One of it's feature is it can display hint for each chart element. For example, if you move the mouse pointer over a slice on a pie chart, a hint window then shows up displaying percentage value of the slice. This feature will make your application more interactive. SimChart is small but support many chart types. Current version support line, stair, area, bar, clustered bar, stacked area, stacked bar, stacked 100 area, stacked 100 bar, hi-lo, hi-lo-close, open-hi-lo-close, candle-stick, pie and doughnut chart, horizontal bar and radar chart. This component was developed using Delphi (Kylix) and has been tested to work on C++Builder too. Unfortunately OBJ files are not available so you will need to license the source code and recompile. Added: 22-12-1998/12-07-2004 | Version: 3.1 | Downloads: 2252/2006/8
Compatible files: [ K1 ] |
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