Delphi 8.0x shareware Dialogs |
[ ] [ 103,719 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
PBFolderDialog is the professional SHBrowseForFolder dialog with extended support for shell-folders (system-independant paths), automatic localization of captions (without external files). Work with paths or ItemIDLists. Can show both 'NewDialogStyle' for Windows ME/2000/XP and traditional style. BOTH styles can show path above the list and create new subfolders. Supports all the new flags like 'IncludeFiles'. Browse folder-shortcuts like normal folders. Supports IFolderFilter for XP. Supports local paths, UNC paths and 'MyNetworkPlaces' folders. Any path/shellfolder and even a combination can be used as start-folder as well as rootfolder. Unit 'PBShellFolders' contains functions, that makes it easy to work with shellfolders, can be used without the dialog. Using shellfolders instead of hard-coded paths is one of the requirements for getting the 'Designed for Windows...' logo. Context-sensitive help is included. A demo with source lets you test all the properties. [more] Added: 5-12-1999/4-07-2005 | Version: | Downloads: 15923/14734/8
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