Delphi 7.0x freeware Debugging |
[ ] [ 71,287 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ] | ||
PBWatcher is a supplement to the Delphi Watch debugger. Watch variables and expressions inside/outside the Delphi environment at both runtime and designtime with/without breakpoints. Use it anywhere in your code, even before any forms are created. Easy to At designtime it acts as a Delphi add-on and at runtime it acts as an add-on to your application. Settings are automatically saved and loaded. Save/load/print and search the watchlog. AutoSave. View one line per variable or add continuously. Change settings (show/hide watchwindow, enable etc.) at designtime/runtime. Watch for instance local variables and timerevents/paintevents realtime without breakpoints. Debug your components designtime/runtime interface. Help-file is included. Version split into design/runtime package - makes designtime watch easier. [more] Added: 6-08-2000/8-11-2004 | Version: | Downloads: 9273/9047/14
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