Delphi 7.0x freeware
Experts and Property Editors

[ ] [ 1,614 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D7 ]
Use this file for sorting the project files in Delphi 7 project manager window. Just include this file in any design package and then choose menu item Help->Sort project manager.
Added: 9-06-2003   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 971/971/7
Author:Serge Gavrilov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 9,157 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C5 | C6 ]

This property editor has been designed to get round two limitations of the standard Delphi string property editor:

  1. inability to handle multi-line strings (i.e. strings with embedded CR/LF characters).
  2. 255 character limit to string length.

The enhanced property editor works with all string and TCaption properties. It adds an ellipsis button to the right hand side of the data entry area in the property editor. Clicking the button displays a dialog box in which the property's value can be entered. Pressing return starts a new line. There is no practical limit to the length of strings that can be entered. The ability to type directly into the object inspector has been retained.

The edit dialog is resizable. Word wrapping can be switched on or off - and both settings are persistent. Text can be loaded and saved to disk.


[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
Object Inspector is a component suite that allows to change any property or event of any component at runtime like IDE's Object Inspector.
Object Inspector suite includes: TPropertyInterface component for easy access to any property or event of any component at runtime (the best object interface to the RTTI - Borland's RunTime Type Information) TCommonInspector abstract inspector control for inspect anything in your application TComponentInspector customizable full-functional runtime object inspector control TComponentTree tree view style control for easy selecting component TComponentComboBox control for easy selecting component TDBInspector ready-to-use database inspector control TIniInspector ready-to-use ini-file inspector control TApplicationInspector ready-to-use inspector control for changing Application properties at runtime TSystemColorsInspector ready-to-use inspector control for changing Windows colors Examples small and clean projects illustrating features of inspectors and TPropertyInterface components Source codes full source code of all components and useful internal classes Pro version of Object Inspector suite includes in addition: TCommonInspector abstract inspector control for inspect anything in your application Examples small and clean projects illustrating features of TCommonInspector, TComponentInspector and TPropertyInterface Source codes full source code of all suite's components and useful internal classes
Added: 6-12-2004   |  Version: 1.5   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Dmitry Vasiliev   Greatis Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 993,176 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ] contains:

(1) LsPictureEditor(v2.60) - a Design-Time Glyph/Icon/Picture Property Editor, that allows users to:

  • preview glyphs, icons and pictures;
  • select glyphs visually from your bitmap collections displayed in an array of speedbuttons;
  • select icons visually from built-in FileListView;
  • convert icons to bitmaps (in 16-, 256- or Hi-Color), with adjustable rectangle parameters;
  • save selected image to a .bmp or .ico file, or copy to Clipboard.
  • access frequently used bitmap/icon collections by Bookmarks.

(2) LsPictureExplorer(v2.5) - an executable utility program that demonstrates all the functions of LsPictureEditor.

Please refer to LsPictureEditor.txt for further information.

see LsPictureEditor.txt
Added: 20-10-1998/3-12-2002   |  Version: 2.60   |  Downloads: 8232/8076/17
Author:Leo D. Shih   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 12,460 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D7 | D2 ]
An update to the Library Path Editor to add support for Delphi 7 and 2005. It embeds itself into the path editor window as if it was part of Delphi and provides a directory tree to pick the paths to add to the Library Path. This update is only for Delphi 7 or 2005. For a version that works with Delphi 4, 5 and 6 search for
This version works for both Delphi 7 and Delphi 2005
Added: 8-10-2002/6-12-2004   |  Version: 7.0   |  Downloads: 1944/1943/16
Author:Richard Hollerich   [DSP files]

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