![]() | Delphi 6.0x freeware Winsock & Internet |
[ KACDOPro10.zip ] [ 119,990 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D6 | C6 ] | ||
KACDO Proffesional is a Delphi implementation of Microsoft's CDO for Windows 2000 CDO for Windows 2000 is a bigger set of functions to compose and send mail. It will work only on 2000/XP machines. KACDO Proffesional is a set of 3 powerfull components: KACDO Message - Message, SMTP, NNTP, Encoding and Decoding Component KACDO Manager - For managing IIS SMTP Folders KACDO TreeView - For displaying and modifying structure of complex messages Various options are: SaveToFile LoadFromFile SaveToStream LoadFromStream Attaching messages by URL and generating message body from URL Powerfull MimeList class for assosiation between file extension and MIME type Generating MHTML files (all html files and images embedded in one file) Text extraction from HTML (Very usefull option from Microsoft) Various encoding types (7bit, 8Bit, Base64, Binary, MacBinHex40, QuotedPrintable, Uuencode); Various authenthication methods (Anonymous, Basic, NTLM) Build in MIME Coder class implementing Encoder and Decoder for all encoding types (MacBinHex40 - only decoder) Build in conversion between various language encodings: big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,gb2312,iso-2022-jp,iso-2022-kr,iso-8859-1,iso-8859-2,iso-8859-3,iso-8859-4, iso-8859-5,iso-8859-6,iso-8859-7,iso-8859-8,iso-8859-9,koi8-r,shift-jis,us-ascii,utf-7,tf-8 Build in Attachments editor Full support of OnArrival event to intercept incoming/outgoing mail (trough COM server) Added: 11-09-2002 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 1300/1300/16
[ magiphlp18.zip ] [ 339,493 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D6 | D7 | D2 ] | ||
Magenta Systems Internet Protocol Helper Component is a set of functions implementing the the Internet Protocol Helper (IP Helper) APIs. They enable the retrieval and modification of network configuration settings for the local computer. The component loads all functions dynamically so applications will still run on earlier Windows versions that did not support certain IP Helper functions. The component returns the various parameters returned by the APIs as Delphi records, for ease of integration into applications. A comprehensive TCP/IP/ARP Monitor application is included using all the APIs to display TCP and UPD Connections (and the names of applications using them), IP address and routing tables, network adaptor information (such as MAC and IP addresses), ARP table, network statistics and dynamic DNS server addresses. Added: 21-11-2005 | Version: 1.8 | Downloads: 103/103/17
[ magmonsock11.zip ] [ 1,138,071 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D6 | D7 | D2 ] | ||
Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components are a set of Delphi components designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and interpreted, and statistics maintained about the traffic. Uses of packet monitoring include totalling internet traffic by IP address and service, monitoring external or internal IP addresses and services accessed, network diagnostics, and many other applications. The component includes two demonstration applications, one that displays raw packets, the other that totals internet traffic. The components include various filters to reduce the number of packets that need to be processed, by allowing specific IP addresses to be ignored, LAN mask to ignore local traffic, and ignore non-IP traffic such as ARP. Added: 21-11-2005 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 91/91/14
[ MoreWebB.zip ] [ 4,270 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 | D6 ] | ||
TDBWebBrowser & TMemoWebBrowser components: Data-aware and TStringList TWebBrowser controls, shows HTML from a text/memo database field or a TStrings object Added: 2-09-2001 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 3947/3947/7
[ MyNetWorks.zip ] [ 42,228 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ] | ||
MyNetWorks component can:
Added: 26-05-2003 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 2938/2938/23
[ php4delphi.zip ] [ 691,728 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 | D6 | D7 ] | ||
PHP4Delphi is a Visual Development Framework for creating custom PHP Extensions using Delphi. PHP4Delphi allows to write PHP extensions using Delphi and includes ZEND API, PHP API and a toolkit for writing them with Delphi. PHP4Delphi also allows executing the PHP scripts within the Delphi program directly from file or memory. You can read and write global PHP variables and set the result value. PHP4Delphi allows you to embed the PHP interpreter into your Delphi application so you can extend and customize the application without having to recompile it. With psvPHP component you can use PHP as a scripting language for your Delphi application. Features: * PHP API and ZEND API converted from C to Delphi * psvPHP component written completely in Delphi without additional C wrapper DLL * phpLibrary component which allows to add new build-in PHP functions to psvPHP component * New visual PHP extension development framework to create PHP extensions using Delphi. Added: 25-11-2002/2-11-2004 | Version: 6.0 | Downloads: 3976/3903/13
[ quickrtti.zip ] [ 259,070 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
QuickRTTI is a project to allow easy access to RTTI data. It quickly evloved into a way to import and export XML from and to persistent objects. The XML parser was moved out to a class, and now we have three parsers : "Lowx", fast and stupid, "middlex", not as fast-not so stupid. "MSDOMXML" , MS's XML parser - slow, but handles schemas. Other parsers can be added realtively quickly once I get a good handle on how they work (OpenXML, etc). New features in 2.2: 1) With DeformsRTTI you can use Definedproperties and even recreate a form from XML! Support for defined properties is separated until everyone starts asking for it to be included in the base package. sample project included. 2) With QRemote (a custom SOAP-like protocol), you can create simple web services (sample included). PureSOAP support to be added later to allow for industry compatability. Interface will be abstracted to allow for multiple transport mechanisms. 3) Standard QuickRTTI now processes TComponents. 4) TXMLAware is a new base class you can use that adds SaveToXML and LoadFromXML .. no more fussing with QuickRTTI calls... just save it out. Added: 28-05-2000/9-08-2001 | Version: 2.2 | Downloads: 5146/4991/6
[ rasobj50.zip ] [ 1,683,196 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 ] | ||
TMagRasis a set of installable Delphi non-visual components, supplied with several demo and example programs and a help file, for accessing Dial Up Networking or Remote Access Services functions. It allows Delphi developers to add full RAS functionality to their applications, including dialling and monitoring multiple connections, creating and editing phonebooks (without using Windows dialogs), and getting performance information for connections. TMagRas supports Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP and 2003, allowing an application to support all the various RAS extensions in NT/W2K/XP, including sub entries for multi-channel ISDN connections. Performance statistics are returned separately for each connection in NT4 and each channel in W2K/XP. Incoming calls to NT4 RAS Server may be monitored. Includes full help and eight example and demo programs. Note: Source code may be purchased. Compiled demo and example programs are available from the http://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/ Added: 13-02-2000/21-11-2005 | Version: 5.0 | Downloads: 5045/4674/14
[ shwobs.zip ] [ 50,826 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
This component was born out of frustration, since I wasn't able to connect to an existing instance of Internet Explorer AND catch the events it fires. Using this component you can, and you can perform actions when a new instance is started or an existing instance moves to a new location. [more] Updated by Michel Hibout Added: 10-12-2000/9-09-2001 | Version: 1.2 | Downloads: 4132/4088/4
[ synapse.zip ] [ 408,596 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
SYNAPSE library aims to create complete library of classes and functions that would markedly simplify application programming of network communication using Winsock. Supported TCP, UDP and ICMP socket, or any type of protocol via RAW socket. All sockets using blocking technology. Supported standard protocols: DNS, SMTP, HTTP, SNMP and SNTP. Supported MIME e-mails with automatic character conversion, etc. Added: 17-10-2000/30-09-2001 | Version: 25 | Downloads: 6553/6550/17
[ TNapsterFreeInclDemo.zip ] [ 1,484,613 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D6 ] | ||
TNapsterFree is a peer to peer (P2P) filesharing component that implements fully the Napster protocol. It is easy to use and fast. You DON'T have to know socket, internet or Napster programming! Simply put TNapsterFree on your project set some events call some functions and you've got your filesharing application, that is compatible with Napster. (for example WinMX uses the Napster protocol) Look at the demo application to see how easy it is! Some of the functions: Searching, sharing, file down- and uploading, firewalled down- and uploading, hotlist, chatting, usercontrol and many more! This is the freeware version of TNapster. Please visit the homepage for more information or registration. http://delphi.pogorzelski.de Added: 11-09-2002 | Version: 1.01 | Downloads: 551/551/1
Compatible files: [ D3 | D5 ] |
[ TswSnmp14.zip ] [ 64,578 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 | D6 ] | ||
TswSnmp is a SNMP Component based on WinSnmp.dll. It is very easy to use it and a demo is included. It acts as a Snmp Manager, communicates with the Agent in Snmp Protocol. Added: 16-06-2003 | Version: 1.4 | Downloads: 642/642/6
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