Delphi 5.0x freeware Installation |
[ ] [ 73,019 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
Windows Installer custom action type 1 sample written in Delphi. Added: 15-08-2001 | Version: 1.01 | Downloads: 3125/3125/4
[ ] [ 59,867 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
Visually checks pakage / softwares distribution copy. This program makes easy checking your software distribution for novice user without any programming experience. If you're an active developer and often make a large copy of your softwares regularly, especially when they put on CD, then this program is for you. (Let them do it for you and you can concentrate with delicated algorithm within your spaghetti codes without any longer disturbtion). This program could also simply be used for (customizable) directories / files comparison. [more] Added: 2-04-2000 | Version: 1 | Downloads: 6839/6839/0
[ ] [ 61,930 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 ] | ||
eUpdator is a free system for adding version control to your applications. New versions of your application may be provided via intranet or internet to make sure that all installations are up to date. External eUpdator Application responsible for downloads and updates. Key benefits are: * VCL component is self-contained, no external files, libraries or DLLs are required * http and ftp support for internet solutions * can automatically read version information from resource * fully mutli-threaded background operations without user interruptions * eUpdator Application, providing visual overview of all applications, automatically installs from internet * Supporting English and Swedish language. Added: 12-02-2001/18-02-2001 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 2856/2856/0
[ link: download.htm?dl=mRegistTimes ] [ size n/a ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 | D6 ] | ||
TRegistTimes A registration-component who gives you the possibility to decide how many times your application is to be used, before the user have to register. Requires DateUtil.pas, StrUtils.pas and (supplied in ZIP) Sourcecodes and demos supplied. Added: 29-09-2003 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: n/a
[ ] [ 139,814 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
TFileCheckSumComp is freeware Delphi component which allow to check program exe file for changes and if found, use Windows installer service to reinstall program. Demo installation package included. Added: 7-04-2002 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 2042/2042/10
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