Delphi 5.0x freeware Wizards |
[ ] [ 47,149 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 | D6 | C5 ] | ||
[IDEAutohide] Answer to the autohide feature in the Microsoft .NET IDE, an autohide plugin for Delphi or C++Builder editor. The plugin provides extra features for the Delphi SDI window style and user can customize virtually any window in the IDE. Shrink type: Caption, Short Caption and line shape. Shrink action: normal, bring to top and bring to topmost. Added: 14-10-2002 | Version: 1.00a | Downloads: 1125/1125/5
[ ] [ 18,500 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
Delphi wizard that creates Win32 screen savers Added: 2-09-2001 | Version: 1.3 | Downloads: 4578/4578/4
[ ] [ 6,035 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
TWavePlayer component that plays and embeds ".wav" files Added: 2-09-2001 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 3119/3119/2
[ ] [ 9,069 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D5 ] | ||
A Delphi 5 wizard component for implementing those familiar wizard-like user interfaces. It supports page skipping, various wizard-related actions such as disallowing user to press next/back buttons until certain conditions are met, and so on. Added: 10-09-2000/1-10-2000 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 4679/4668/2
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