Delphi 5.0x freeware
Common Controls

[ ] [ 1,207 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 ]
Descendent of TEdit with alignment property. This zip file includes: alignedit.pas - the source code of the component and alignedit.res - the ressource file
Added: 5-12-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2890/2890/0
Author:Istvan Mesaros   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 240,715 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 ]
AVCalcEdit is the combination of an editor of fixed decimal point numbers and a calculator. This component is freeware for non-commercial use. If you want to use it in commercial applications then you must to buy the source code. Exe demo included. Source code price = $25.
Added: 26-07-2004   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 575/575/8
Author:Alcides Valega   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 8,472 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
TCheckedComboBox Ver 1.3 tested on D3,D4 and D5 ComboBox with CheckListBox for multi selections When you check/uncheck an item this is added/removed in the visual part of combo separated by comma delimiter. It has also a popup with Select all, unSelect all items Added enhancements [more]
Added: 27-12-1999/9-04-2000   |  Version: 1.3   |  Downloads: 7809/7713/3
Author:Antonis Tsourinakis   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,073 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
This component inherits from TCheckListBox and provide a easy way to show/hide columns in a TDBGrid. It is useful when you want to implement a method that allows the user to show/hide dynamically the data grid columns.
Added: 26-11-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 4164/4164/2
Author:Eugen Mihailescu   Cubique Development   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 9,998 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 ]
A set of controls with added events OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut, e.g. TDaveButton, TDaveMemo plus more. [more]
Added: 5-12-1999   |  Version: 1   |  Downloads: 3431/3431/0
Author:Dave Ponting   QSE   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 2,093 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
This component inherits from TLabel and provide a easy way to to make a label to looks like a hot link. It allows you to select the label foreground color as it allows you to select the active link color and visited link color.
Added: 26-11-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 3175/3175/0
Author:Eugen Mihailescu   Cubique Development   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 2,372 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
This component inherits from TLabel and provide a easy way to to make a label to looks like a hot link and also to work as a hot link. There are several link types disponible: ltCustom, ltFile, ltFTP, ltGOPHER, ltHTTP, ltHTTPS, ltMAILTO, ltNews, ltTELNET, ltWAIS. Very useful when you want to include in your form links to open automatically your default web browser to your specified URL or when you want to send a email to your specified email address, etc.
Added: 26-11-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 3508/3508/1
Author:Eugen Mihailescu   Cubique Development   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 6,156 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 ]
A simple Edit Component for IP-Addresses, they need comctl32.dll Version 4.71 or higher. The Tab and Arrow Keys work now correctly ! Color and Font Support are include. Tabstop property are implemented. Problems : with some Fonts the Dots in IP-Address are not visible.
Please compile the sourcecode. For Additional Infomation please read readme.txt
Added: 19-02-2001/18-11-2001   |  Version: 1.7   |  Downloads: 4617/4615/6
Author:Jörg Friebel   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 5,098 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 ]
Simple component similar to tmemo but with the appearence of a notebook. [more]
Added: 4-03-2001/13-03-2001   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2727/2727/2
Author:Rafa Jurado leon   Rafa j   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 13,084 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | C4 ]
MinModal - minimizer for modal windows. Why we can't minimize an application when a modal window is active? Drop this component to the form, open form by method 'ShowModal' and try minimize this form at run time. Your application will be minimized !
Added: 28-05-2000   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: 4238/4238/0
Author:Sergey Zimin   Sergey Zimin   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 4,966 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 ]
This component works like a Tmemo but looks like a computer monitor or a tv.
Added: 13-05-2002   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 874/874/1
Author:Rafa Jurado leon   Rafa j   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 477,800 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 | D6 ]
TNCalendar is a Perpetual Calendar, covering from BC 1000 to AD 9999. It displays and provides all Moon phases for each month with minute accuracy. It has also many useful functions and properties such as Weekday, Day of Year, Leap Year, Julian Day, and date formatting procedures. TStringGrid descendant. It shows how to incorporate subcomponents. It runs smoothly across the Julian and Gregorian reform boundary that occurred by October 1582. It has a lot of useful variables and functions as it is demonstrated on the included Demo. It works on Delphi 5, 6 and 7. [more]
Source Code costs $10.00 and is Available through Registration
Added: 13-11-2002   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1038/1038/6
Author:Salvador Raggio   NazcaWeaver   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 33,764 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D5 ]
RichEditor components with own special user interface. The user can choose the font property, font color for the selected text, can copy / paste into / from the clipboard, can maximize / minimize the editor, can access all the formatting commands from some speedbuttons. The package contains two components: a simple RichEditor, and a DBAware, used to save a RichText in a BLOB field of a TTable or TQuery. Set the fontname, font size, font color, bold, italic and underline style Set the alignment of a paragraph (center, left, right) Place bullets in the text Transform in upper/lower chars the selected text Set the indents of the text Copy, cut and paste from/to the clipboard Maximize/restore the component on your form Customize the images of the component's buttons This zip file includes: DBRichEditor.dcu - the DBAware component RichEditor.dcu - the simple component DBRichEditor.dcr - the ressource file for the TDBRichEditor RichEditor.dcr - the ressource file for the TRichEditor edImages.bmp - the images to place into a TImageList component, containing the images of the buttons from the User Interface of the component. The component's IMGList property must be set to this TImageList.
Added: 28-02-2001   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2669/2669/5
Author:Istvan Mesaros   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 37,491 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D5 | D6 ]
Set of Windows XP Visual Styles supporting controls. New in version 2.30: - TXPBitBtn - TXPSpeedButton
Added: 6-01-2002/30-06-2003   |  Version: 2.30   |  Downloads: 5916/5827/15
Author:Michael Frank   micro dynamics GmbH   [DSP files]

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