Delphi 4.0x shareware Messaging |
[ ] [ 188,052 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
PBSharePack contains 6 (+ 2) easy-to-use components using DYNAMIC-sized filemapping to share memory between applications/processes/threads or exe and DLL. Automatic Singlewrite-multiread access locks. Works simultaniously or selectively as client and server. Max performance - share bytes or megabytes without changing properties - the components automatically resizes the shared memory - no AVs nor memory-waste. Internally the components use a TStream descendant to read/write to the shared memory - making it easy to share any variable/record/object with/without streaming capabilities. The components fire events when other components change the shared memory. Multiple components can be dropped on a form or created at runtime. TPBShareSingle is a universal sharecomponent giving you direct access to the sharestream. Reading and writing via callback-events with direct access to the stream. TPBShareMulti shares a dynamic list of different-sized elements. Only one element in local memory - to save memory. Reading and writing via callback-events with direct access to the stream. TPBShareStringList shares a TStrings object - either an internal list, maintained by the component, or an external - like Memo1.Lines. AutoUpdate property. TPBShareMemIni shares an internal TMemIniFile - with or without an external file. AutoUpdate property. TPBShareImages shares a dynamic list of DIFFERENT sized bitmaps. Only one bitmap in local memory - to save memory. TPBCustomShare and TPBCustomShareMulti are the two base classes the components are derived from. Makes it easy to create your own specialized components. TPBShareOneInstance is a small component that limits your app to one instance. 2nd instance sends the commandline back before terminating. Context-sensitive help is included. 10 demos w/source included. Compiled demos can be downloaded from my homepage. [more] Added: 27-02-2000/8-11-2004 | Version: | Downloads: 7479/7014/2
[ ] [ 635,297 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
TOxygenSMS component allows you to send SMS messages through any SMS centre, automatically generates events as SMS message or delivery report come. It also allows to read and delete messages from SMS storage. The component supports Nokia 5110, 5130, 5190, 6110, 6130, 6150, 6190 GSM phones. This component is shareware. Registered version without nag-screen doesn't add ads to messages being sent and costs $249. This component is compatible with Borland Delphi 3,4,5. Added: 5-11-2000 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 1395/1395/6
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