![]() | Delphi 4.0x freeware Classes and units |
[ regfuncs.zip ] [ 11,674 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 ] |
This is a library for easily accessing the system registry without using the Registry unit (that uses the SysUtils, Classes and Consts units). These System registry routines using only the system and windows units. Takes 2KB EXE space. Added: 23-05-1999 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 3084/3084/1 |
[ regrw.zip ] [ 10,575 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
Registry viewer and writer Added: 21-07-2000 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 2466/2466/2
[ riniplus.zip ] [ 2,824 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 ] | ||
TRegistryIniPlus adds ReadColor/WriteColor, ReadFont/WriteFont to TRegistryIniFile, and also provides methods to retrieve/restore a window (or control's) size & position at runtime. [more] Added: 20-02-2000 | Version: 1.12 | Downloads: 3202/3202/13
[ rwregexp.zip ] [ 4,075 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
Regular expression library that stores compiled regular expressions as long strings. Optimized for syntax parsing. Uses a subset of the Perl regular expression format. Does not support sub-pattern matching. Added: 19-06-2001 | Version: 0.1a | Downloads: 3007/3007/5
[ sevents.zip ] [ 130,469 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
Using TDEventRecorder Class to store Delphi events and change run-time behavior of your application. Article + Source code + Example of using included. Uploaded by author. Added: 21-02-1999 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 2747/2747/1
[ shellnkr.zip ] [ 237,782 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
ShellLinker is a unit that allows you to easily create, read, and execute shell links (shortcuts). It can handle links to files, folders, or virtual objects like printers or system folders. You can set/get all properties of a link, such as parameters, icon, hotkey, and show state. Exe-demo included. Does not work with D2. Added: 15-08-1999/19-08-2002 | Version: 2.0.0 | Downloads: 3934/3879/6
[ smpltimr.zip ] [ 11,145 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
SimpleTimer is a timer class. It has the same timer resolution as TTimer, but it is more lightweight because it's derived from TObject in stead of TComponent. Furthermore, the same handle is shared between multiple instances of SimpleTimer. This makes it ideal for developers who need a timer in their own components or applications, but want to keep the resource usage minimal. Demo included. Added: 22-04-2002/24-02-2003 | Version: 2.0.1 | Downloads: 4295/4232/13
[ SpeedParser.zip ] [ 6,818 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
An expression parser for Delphi, intended to be very fast, though yet not a real compiler Added: 5-11-2001 | Version: 0.3 (06/09/2001) | Downloads: 3195/3195/10
[ storages.zip ] [ 19,888 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 ] | ||
Delphi4 classes: TStream descendant for IStream objects and TStorage class for IStorage objects. This unit unificate access to IStream and plain files. Sample source for IStorage viewer/editor included. Added: 5-07-1999 | Version: 2.0 | Downloads: 1776/1776/0
[ strcon.zip ] [ 81,750 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D4 | D5 ] | ||
(New version) Very large collection of string functions. Makes use of default parameters and function overloading. Extensive help file included (can be integrated into Delphi). Added: 1-08-1999/9-04-2000 | Version: 1.5 | Downloads: 6742/4954/10
[ StringTree.zip ] [ 138,165 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
TStringTree is a class for handling a tree-structured stringlist. TStringTree was born out of frustration of actually using a stringTree in the the same way as stringTrees are represented in TTreeView, all the housekeeping of nodes and child objects with potential "hang errors" during creating/destroying processes. Corrected a bug in version 1.1, added 18/12/2003) Added: 10-03-2002/23-12-2003 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 2044/2044/8
[ time2txt.zip ] [ 4,925 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 ] | ||
Convert the Actual time to alphanumeric ASCII. string Added: 7-08-1998 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 2833/2833/0
[ Tkimlik.zip ] [ 7,869 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 ] | ||
With this component you can do a human's First,last name, father and Mather name, Birth Place, Birth date write and it calculate 11 digit charecter a Person Number. Maybe it calculate different person identity same number. Not Warranty. fill firstanme,lastname,father,mather name, birthplace,birthDate call calculate method. Result personNo (int64). Added: 22-04-2002 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 1278/1278/3
[ tlame.zip ] [ 390,006 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
Use this components to utilize CD ripping and MP3 encoding processes in your Delphi applications. Lame project can be found at http://www.sulaco.org/mp3. Released under LGPL Added: 1-10-2000/26-12-2000 | Version: 1.1.2 | Downloads: 2800/2797/4
[ transcmp.zip ] [ 9,150 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
TTransactable allows you to create ttransactable oriented components, Also included is an object to group transactable components together under a larger transaction (which is itself transactable), allowing large trees of commit/rollback behavior if anything fails. Included is an ADO transactable object, allowing you to create multiple ADO connections to separate databases under one Native-Delphi controlled transaction. Later I will add my QuickRTTI and toadbase components to make the transactions somewhat recoverable even if your computer crashes. Added: 28-05-2000 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 1943/1943/0
[ twainh.zip ] [ 19,918 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 ] | ||
twainh.pas / Unofficial translation of the Twain header file (twain.h is provided by the Twain Working Group). Fixed TW_BOOL type to WordBool. Added: 21-03-1999/23-05-1999 | Version: 1.803 | Downloads: 4546/4082/0
[ ucfg.zip ] [ 3,107 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
TUCFileGrep is a component for simple text search in files. This maybe helpful for finding tags in files or for any text search applications. Added: 25-02-2001/25-03-2001 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: 2132/2130/0
[ ucsaf.zip ] [ 2,984 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
TUCStatusbarAutofeed This component catches the onHint event of TApplication and displays the hint in the desired statusbar panel. Place this component on the same form as your statusbar, select panel (if the statusbar hasn't the SimplePanel property set to true) and the hints will appear. Tested with Delphi 5 but it should also work with D3 and D4. Added: 5-02-2001 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 1488/1488/0
[ ucwr.zip ] [ 2,781 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
TUCWinRestore A component to set forms position and measures to values when form closed last time. Simply set "RegKey" value to the registry key in which the settings shall be stored. Tested with Delphi 5 but it should also work with D3 and D4. Added: 5-02-2001 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 1401/1401/0
[ ukill13.zip ] [ 134,368 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
U_Kill.pas A Delphi 3/4/5 unit to kill process for Windows NT. A Delphi 3/4/5 unit to enumerate process for Windows NT. Added: 17-09-2000 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 1908/1908/0
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