Delphi 3.0x shareware
Form Enhancement

[ ] [ 443,675 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
AnimationEffect component will add a smooth and extremely cool looking animation effects on opening and closing of your windows and dialog boxes. It draws animated frames based on mathematical matrixes. Currently available effects: Spin, Vortex, ScatterGather, Spike, Fireworks. Second, kind of bonus component, is the Win2kEffects, which allows to produce some special effects of the Windows 98 / 2000. You can show roll, slide and alpha-blending animation effects on showing and hiding windows, make your forms translucent, flash the caption bars and taskbar icons. [more]
Added: 13-03-2001/20-12-2004   |  Version: 2.2.1   |  Downloads: 2300/2296/10
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 625,197 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | C1 ]
The Anyshape Transparentform components allows you to create transparent forms fast and easy. What took hours before can now be done in minutes. And best of all is everything is WYSIWYG. There is even a preview at design time! The components also fully supports the combine modes of different regions. This makes it very easy to combine the components to create a very complex form without any programming!
Added: 6-04-1999   |  Version: n/a   |  Downloads: 2091/2091/0
Author:Louis Louw   MindBlast Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 687,847 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The AppBar component allows your form to behave like an Application Desktop Toolbar - to dock on the edges of the screen like usual taskbar or MS-Office panel. Though appbars are usually docked on an edges of the user's screen, they also can float as usual windows. User may dock or undock the appbar moving it with mouse pointer. A whole bunch of other features such like auto-hiding from screen, sliding, docking/sizing restrictions, registry saver etc. [more]
Help-file included.
Added: 13-03-2001/20-12-2004   |  Version: 1.8.9   |  Downloads: 1889/1850/7
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 666,708 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
Features of ElasticForm: 1) Resizes all visual components of a form as the form resizes; 2) Excludes any desired control from such resizing; 3) Makes the form screen resolution and small/large font size independent; 4) Can enforce min and max size and position of the form; 5) If desired, maintains the form's aspect ratio constant during resizing; 6) Tiles or stretches any graphic to the background of the form. This feature is applied to all forms including MDIforms where no direct access to the form's background is possible. 7) Automatic INI file and registry support; 8) Sizing of run time added controls; 9) Run time creation of ElasticForm (for dynamically created forms). 10) Multiple options for grid resizing. 11) "How do I ..." tutorial in the Help file. Learn how to push the performance of ElasticForm! 12) More detailed search into the component to find other font properties 13) Detailed programmer control on additional (non traditional) properties that may be resized. 14) Option on Resolution Independence 15) Added procedure DoNotResizeFontOf(aControl:TControl) 16) OnAfterResize event to allow coding after the resizing actions.
Now compatible with Delphi 7 and C++Builder 6
Added: 23-09-2001/27-01-2003   |  Version: 7   |  Downloads: 638/638/4
Author:Claudia S. Peck   Q-Systems Engineering   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 207,413 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | C3 | C4 ]
Tired of splitting forms with panels& splitters? Tired of twinkling when resizing such forms? Try elSplittedPanels! Split your forms into two areas with one click! Want to split into three areas? Just one more click! Improve your forms with elSplittedPanels RADically!
Added: 5-09-1999   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1406/1406/0
Author:Andriy Gerasika   Eleks Software, Ltd.   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 452,200 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
Tired of splitting forms with panels& splitters? Tired of twinkling when resizing such forms? Try elSplittedPanels! Split your forms into two areas with one click! Want to split into three areas? Just one more click! Improve your forms with elSplittedPanels RADically!

Sources will be mailed on purchase

Added: 3-10-1999/19-12-1999   |  Version: 1.04   |  Downloads: 1646/1646/0
Author:Andriy Gerasika   Eleks Software, Ltd.   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 575,887 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The FileStorage component capable to upload and hold any data files within your Delphi/BCB forms (within the body of the EXE-program). If your software requires any additional files (.DLL's, WAV's, .TXT's etc), these files could be uploaded straight onto your form and be extracted from executable file at run-time. Also you can access to stored files directly from memory without extracting them to disk. With FileStorage you can supply your customers with just one executable file! Package contains bonus component, WavPlayer, which able to upload Wave sounds onto your forms and play them at run-time. [more]
Help-file included.
Added: 26-06-2000/8-11-2004   |  Version: 3.0   |  Downloads: 1809/1782/1
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 875,073 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Greatis Form Designer - Runtime Form Designer Component.
An extremely convenient component for moving and resizing any control on your form in run-time.
Added: 18-12-2001   |  Version: 3.21   |  Downloads: 683/683/1
Author:Dmitry Vasiliev   Greatis Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 1,064,050 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The FormHelp component adds the context-sensitive help features to your Delphi/BCB forms without any bulky help files. It traps the context-sensitive help calls and creates its own popup windows from a control's hint. You can choose whether to interpret the hint string as plain text or as kind of rich text allowing you to apply different fonts colors, styles and line breaks. Don't worry about your hints - FormHelp uses the secondary part of a control's hint that is separated by a vertical bar "|". Mouse hints still works as well. With FormHelp, neither help context numbers nor extra help files are required to display context sensitive help. FormHelp's popup windows looks and feels like native context help in standard Windows applications. The FormHelp component can apply the "What's This?" menu item to every control with context-sensitive help in the secondary part of hint, and invokes the help after pressing the "Help" ("?") button on the title bar or after selecting "What's This?" menu item. For easement of context-help developing, component contains a WYSIWYG help designer (drop FormHelp onto your form and try to edit secondary part of Hint property of any visible control like TButton, TCheckBox or TGroupBox) and may have an additional button on form's title bar.
Help-file included.
Added: 13-03-2001/20-12-2004   |  Version: 3.7.1   |  Downloads: 1237/1234/1
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 260,312 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The FormHints component applies the balloon-style hints for your controls instead of regular, rectangular hints. You may specify the default balloon direction, text alignment, degree of transparency and other features that affect on hint appearance. One component changes hint appearance for all form's of entire application. [more]
Help-file included.
Added: 13-03-2001/20-12-2004   |  Version: 2.9.1   |  Downloads: 1480/1477/4
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 250,098 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D2 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
The FormMagnet allows to magnetize your forms to an edges of screen / work area, borders of parent window and to other forms. Forms can glue each others, so when user moves the form, others, "glued" forms will be moved too. With FormMagnet, your forms can looks and feels like windows of famous WinAmp player. With FormMagnet forms obtains following abilities: 1. to be attracted to edges of screen or work area (considering placement of task / appbars) 2. to be attracted to borders of parent form (for child windows). 3. to attract other forms (with FormMagnet on them) to itself. 4. to glue other forms to itself (when user move form, others, attached forms will be moved too) 5. to move forms, dragging by client area. [more]
Added: 13-03-2001/20-12-2004   |  Version: 2.2.2   |  Downloads: 1423/1408/1
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 323,225 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Greatis Form Skin - Window Skin and Transparency Components.
Components that allow you to create form with transparent areas and with arbitrary shape.
Added: 18-12-2001   |  Version: 1.01   |  Downloads: 888/888/2
Author:Dmitry Vasiliev   Greatis Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 328,741 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 ]
Automatic resolution independence and form/component scaling for Delphi and C++Builder forms. No coding is required. Design your form at any resolution--large or small fonts--drop the GTSizer on your form, and run it at any resolution; your form will still look good! SameSize property allows you to keep forms the same size at different resolutions and monitor sizes. Supports resizeable native, third party, and custom components as well as dynamic (run-time) control creation.
Compiles into your exe with no runtime fees or royalty. This is a fully functional IDE-limited trial version. To run your executable, Delphi/C++Builder must be running and a form with a GTSizer must be open in the IDE.
Added: 5-09-1999   |  Version: 1.2   |  Downloads: 1706/1706/0
Author:GenoTechs, Inc.   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Compatible files:  [ D1 | D2 | D4 | C1 | C3 ]

[ link: df1x.exe ] [ size n/a ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 ]
DesignerForms is a group of components you can use to enhance the look and functionality of the forms in your applications. DesignerForms provides a no code solution to: Creating forms with caption bars of any height; Displaying buttons, graphics and
Added: 29-11-1998   |  Version: 1.2   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Baltic Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | C1 | C3 ]
Features of the component: 1) resizes all visual components of a form as the form resizes; 2) excludes any desired control from such resizing; 3) makes the form screen resolution and small/large font size independent; 4) can enforce min and max size and position of the form; 5) if desired, maintains the form's aspect ratio constant during resizing; 6) tiles or stretches any graphic to the background of the form. This feature is applied to all forms including MDIforms where no direct access to the form's background is possible. 7) automatic INI file support; 8) sizing of run time added controls; 9) run time creation of ElasticForm (for dynamically created forms). 10) Multiple options for grid resizing. 11) "How do I ..." tutorial in the Help file. Learn how to push the performance of ElasticForm! 12) More detailed search into the component to find other font properties 13) Detailed programmer control on additional (non traditional) properties that may be resized. 14) Option on Resolution Independence. 15) Allows coding to apply AFTER resizing using the OnAfterResize event
Also compatible with D5, CB4, and CB5. Component is fully functional "nagware". Registered component US $30.00. Source US $65.00; Visit our site for more information on the component.
Added: 1-03-1998/20-08-2000   |  Version: 5.04   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Claudia S. Peck   Q-Systems Engineering   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: formskin.htm ] [ size n/a ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Greatis Form Skin - Window Skin and Transparency Components. Form Skin pack contains components that allow to create forms with transparent areas and forms with arbitrary shape. You don't need to prepare your form, just place skin component into your form, set Active property to True and enjoy! Form Skin unit contains 3 components: TCustomFormSkin Base parent component for all skin components. It defines all methods, properties and events needed to create skinned forms. TSimpleFormSkin This component just publish some properties and events, derived from TCustomFormSkin. TBitmapFormSkin This component allows to create form skin by bitmap. Just draw your form in any graphic editor, load it into Skin property and set transparent color. You can use TCustomFormSkin component to create your own skin components. Just derive your component from TCustomFormSkin and override any virtual methods. TCustomFormSkin and TSimpleFormSkin features: Simple controlling of system areas (caption and borders) transparency Simple controlling of controls transparency Form auto-size by skin size Moving window by client area for non-caption forms Simple defining form transparency rules Simple defining of any form areas as system areas (caption, caption buttons, resize borders, etc.) Additional features of TBitmapFormSkin component: Skin and TransparentColor properties to simple defining shape of form Skin image preview in design-time Free trial versions and user manual are included.
Added: 20-05-2001   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Dmitry Vasiliev   Greatis Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 414,735 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Adds the new Windows 2000 layered windows effects to a Delphi form providing forms with translucency or color keying. FadeIn and FadeOut effects are added while color keying makes creating irregular shaped forms easier than ever.
Added: 26-06-2000/25-06-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1640/1640/1
Author:TMS software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 132,718 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 ]
How about round buttons? How about any-shape buttons? How about buttons with shadow? With real shadow which is rendered over any background? How about transparent text labels? Real-time original transparency images. Fuzzy controls. Transparent buttons. Various frame masks. Various luminosity effects. No DirectX needed.
Fully Functional, Source on Purchase/Registration
Added: 6-04-1999   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1406/1406/0
Author:Alexey Lavnikov   [DSP files]
Compatible files:  [ D4 | C3 | C4 ]

[ ] [ 88,496 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
After dropping the TMagnet component onto the form, it will obtain several additional properties, which outwards will looks like the forms of WinAmp player. Form will obtain the following properties
  • Ability to magnetize to other forms (on which there is the same TMagnet).
  • Ability to magnetize to borders of the parent form or Desktop boundaries (including in view an arrangement of system TrayBar)
  • Ability to be glued to the magnetized forms and drag another forms at moving.
  • Ability to drag and drop form at client area.

Added: 5-09-1999/23-06-2000   |  Version: 1.4   |  Downloads: 2021/1965/0
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 120,299 bytes ] [ Shareware ] [ No Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 ]
TOxygenWndTranslucency Component for Borland Delphi versions 3,4,5 allows to change transparency of all pixels painted by the window in specified color. Smooth rendering without the flicker, automatically repainting underlying windows.  Demonstration program with full source code included. Works only under Microsoft Windows 2000 operating systems family. Shareware. Registered version includes 100% source code and costs $15.
Added: 12-03-2000   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1293/1293/0
Author:Oleg Fyodorov   Oxygen Software   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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