![]() | Delphi 3.0x shareware Data Base Programming |
[ link: navigator3.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 ] | ||
The navigator pack features a DBNavigator that you can specify the orientation, the glyphs (thru a great editor), perform lookups and print the current record (2 new buttons). Several controls included! Full Source: $45.00 Added: 10-01-1999/23-01-2000 | Version: 3.0 | Downloads: n/a
Compatible files: [ C3 | C4 ] |
[ link: dbldr12.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
Tool for managing tables,triggers, stored procedures (supports local file-based databases as Paradox,dBase,FoxPro and Access or SQL-based Databases as Interbase MS SQL, SYBASE 11, SYBASE ANYWHERE 5.0 and Informix and others can be easily added price 79$ Added: 25-04-1998/19-07-1998 | Version: 1.21 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: dbisamtr.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 ] | ||
The DBISAM Database System is a proprietary database system designed from the ground up to merge the best features of the various local database formats available for the Delphi developer. Trial version with nag dialog when running outside of the Delphi IDE. Full version is $199US and can be ordered online from www.elevatesoft.com Added: 16-08-1998 | Version: 1.02 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: smq.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
Simple Query pack allows you to include end user oriented SQL query builder into your application. When you use Simple Query your users receive the ultimate ability to build their own queries and get all the data they want. Users do not need to understand your database design or table relationships. They do not see real tables and real field names and see only the table names and field descriptions you want them to see. Operators can be spelled out (e.g. "is equal to" instead of mathematical symbols), field values can be replaced with descriptions (e.g. "MasterCard" instead of actual values like "MC") that makes interface more friendly. Users describe requests by creating their native language sentences and receive the results. Simple Query can parse existing SQL statement and build query by it. Package is easy translatable to any language. BDE Alternatives (ODBC Express, DBISAM and others) are also supported. No-time-limit technical support and free updates for registered users Added: 1-08-1999/23-02-2004 | Version: 4.15 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: adosol11.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
AdoSolutio provides Delphi developers with data access using Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) technology. AdoSolutio replaces the BDE with the seamless integration of ADO into the Delphi environment. US$ 149.00 per developer Added: 31-05-1998/2-08-1998 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: dsentry.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 ] | ||
Win 95/NT 4.0 desktop database maintenance utility for Paradox and DBASE tables. Checks and repairs corrupted tables/indices. Copy, clone, empty, delete, rename and pack functions also. Includes API for table repair in your 16 or 32-bit apps DataSentry $89; SelfCheck API $69; Combo (both) special $99 (limited time); DataSentry licensed per user; source to API only (royalty-free API dist) Added: 21-07-1997 | Version: 1.11 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: fastsrch.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 | C1 ] | ||
Rodney's FastSearch creates and maintains a fulltext index against a BDE table and allows to search the whole table - similar to the "Find" function in Win95's new online help. The component is very! fast at searching. without source code US$ 49.- with source code US$ 99.- Added: 13-09-1997 | Version: 1.1 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: rdbtri.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 ] | ||
Real Database is a non-bde,self-contained, native database VCL. Features include network support, 32 indexes, variable sized records, grid, navigator, search vcl, and more. Also includes Record Wizard utility to convert Delphi forms into live fie Price with source: $190.. (requires Real Controls; included) Current Real Controls customers pay only $95.00 for rsDB. Unlimited EXE distribution license. Added: 12-02-1998 | Version: 2.00 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: auto32d3.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
Auto Components Library Desktop. Components wich allows to create complex database application without coding. Includes improved database controls with instant table filtering, sort, lookup, search support $120, Sources available with registered version Added: 17-08-1997/25-04-1998 | Version: 1.15 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: auto32_3.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
Auto Components Library Client/Server Library of 25 components and Expert wich allows to create complex database application without coding. Includes improved database controls with instant table/SQL filtering, sort, lookup, search support $120, Sources available with registered version Added: 17-08-1997/25-04-1998 | Version: 1.15 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: dbexp.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 | C1 ] | ||
This is TreeView based component which can show miltiple related datasets. In fact, you can organize all your application's datasets in one component. And more, you can add custom data sources, such as Registry, as well. This is a trial version. It works only with IDE running. Price - $69 Added: 12-02-1998/25-04-1998 | Version: 1.0.4 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: dblv_d3.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
A TDBListView component is a data-aware List View with all the capabilities of an ordinary Win32 List View control and plus custom draw, multiple select, check boxes and other features. A TDBListViewEdit and TDBLookupListView are also included. This is a trial version. It works only with IDE running. Price - $49 Added: 14-06-1998 | Version: 1.7 | Downloads: n/a
Compatible files: [ D2 | C1 | C3 ] |
[ link: dbtv_d3.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 ] | ||
The set of components allows manipulating data with a hierarchical structure. A table has to have a unique field and a field that refers to it. Does anything you can imagine. This is a trial version. It works only with IDE running. Price - $49 Added: 14-06-1998 | Version: 2.7 | Downloads: n/a
Compatible files: [ D2 | C1 | C3 ] |
[ link: DATEVAL.EXE ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 ] | ||
DateEditPlus with drop down calendar. The DateEditPlus features a customizable drop down calendar with over 35 different properties. Registration includes source $49.00 Added: 23-08-1997 | Version: n/a | Downloads: n/a
[ link: grdceval.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 ] | ||
The Grid Collection is a set of controls designed to seamlessly integrate themselves into a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid without requiring a custom grid. Set includes a set of incremental combo boxes, a date edit, a checkbox, and bitmap controls $119 U.S includes source. Added: 4-10-1997 | Version: n/a | Downloads: n/a
[ link: getme.cgi?cb4table.zip ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 ] | ||
CB4 Tables is a set of components that can be used anywhere you want to use dBase IV, FoxPro or Clipper tables, but don't want to use the BDE. It is a Delphi wrapper that uses Sequiter's CodeBase DLL. It has almost all functions a TTable has, and is developed to be completely compatible with TTable. It is a TDataset descendant, so it is compatible with all standard Database components. Added: 19-09-1999 | Version: 1.01 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: pg25eval.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 ] | ||
The TDBProgress component provides progress feedback, cancelling, and call tracing information on database operations. The TDBProgress can be linked to a gauge or label to keep the user posted on the current database operation or have BDE tracing in Added: 6-08-1997 | Version: 2.56 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: sg25eval.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 ] | ||
The DBSortGrid is the ideal business analysis grid with the following features:
Source Available. Helpfile included. demo: sortdemo.exe Added: 6-08-1997 | Version: 2.5 | Downloads: n/a
[ link: doad3.exe ] [ size n/a ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 ] | ||
The Direct Oracle Access components give you direct access to an Oracle database skipping the BDE. Now with support for Oracle8 LOB's and Object extension. Added: 7-12-1997/7-03-1998 | Version: 3.00 | Downloads: n/a
[ ibquery.zip ] [ 1,484,220 bytes ] | [ Shareware ] [ No Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ] | ||
IbQuery is a visual query builder especially for interbase. IbQuery did not only return the generated sql string, IbQuery also returns additional information about grouping, sorting, joins and joined fields. IbQuery is build as a dll, so you can use it in every development enviroment. IbQuery did not need the bde or any other layer as IbClient. IbQuery is currently in beta, so everyone who will subscribe to the beta test can use IbQuery without any restrictions ( including comercial use ) This version has a nag screen, after subscribing to the beta test ( of course free of any charge ) i will send you the download adress for a version without a nag screen Added: 5-12-1999 | Version: 0.6 | Downloads: 1086/1086/0
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