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InVisible Components

[ ] [ 2,415 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 ]
This component registers a system-wide key combination to the operating system. When the key combination is created anywhere in the operating system, this component will get the keypress first and call the OnHotKey event. The application does not have to be active or visible for the OnHotKey event to be fired. The HotKey property in our implementation consists of a TShortcut so that any key combination you can register in a normal shortcut, you can also register as a HotKey.
Added: 4-06-2000   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 3454/3454/4
Author:Delphi Central   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 18,930 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 ]
TFloatMinimizer 1.1 - Suppresses the default Delphi apps behavior when minimizing the main form: they just hide. Dropping this component restores the normal animated behavior towards/from the task button. - A bug with forms created PRIOR to the main form is now FIXED.
Freeware w/src. Commercial use should mention the author's name in app's credits. NOT freeware for Bryant H. McGill :-) who has to pay US$10.00 for registration. Source was originally compiled with Delphi 4.0 but should work from Delphi 2.0 (except for th
Added: 22-11-1998/21-12-1998   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 3179/3154/1
Author:Christophe Porteneuve / The Magix Team!   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ fngb1501.exe ] [ 62,054 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 ]
TFnugryAppPath - a simple yet useful component that automatically maintains an 'AppPath' key for your application.
See LEGAL.TXT for more information
Added: 28-09-1997   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 1209/1209/0
Author:Gleb Yourchenko   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 4,164 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
a component and a function to use the win95-SHFormatDrive-api to format disks and drives
Added: 30-08-1997   |  Version: 0.1   |  Downloads: 1548/1548/0
Author:Markus Stephany   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 4,706 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 ]
A component that enhances the properties of a form by allowing it to accept files, to have a minimum and maximum tracking size, and to easily save and restore its size and position.
Added: 13-06-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1553/1553/0
Author:Nikolai Botev   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 5,666 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 ]
TPosSaver component
Added: 25-05-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1544/1544/1
Author:Bogdan Horvat   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 7,975 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 ]
Form sizer component
Added: 30-08-1996   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1824/1824/0
Author:Giuseppe Madaffari   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 7,454 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 ]
TFormPositionKeeper - simple component that keeps persistent size/position of the form it is placed on
Added: 21-06-1996   |  Version: 1.00.00   |  Downloads: 1317/1317/1
Author:Glen Why   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 5,177 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
TFileSysMonitor Component abstracts most of the work necessary to monitor a file system for changes
Added: 20-09-1996   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1498/1498/0
Author:Keith Rome   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 118,080 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
MS-Office95(R) like gradient caption 32-bit Delphi(R) component
Added: 27-01-1997   |  Version: 1.0 beta   |  Downloads: 1292/1292/0
Author:Evzen Mayer   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 9,466 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 ]
Blind Guardian Component
Protection of the Shareware programs against illegal copying and set up the trial period
Added: 15-07-1999   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 4097/4097/2
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 122,742 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
TFileOperator Component - simple interface to SHFileOperation
Added: 21-08-1996   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 1242/1242/0
Author:Glen Why   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 109,669 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 ]
TFileResource Component - an easy way to keep file in application's resources
should also work with 1.0
Added: 30-08-1996   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 1561/1561/0
Author:Glen Why   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 14,514 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
A simple, fast LZW compressor components collection
Added: 20-09-1996   |  Version: 1.00   |  Downloads: 1898/1898/1
Author:Glen Why   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 99,363 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ]
Delphi component which allow to use HTMLHelp instead of usual Windows Help intercepting OnHelp event. Using this component you can still use HelpContext properties of the components.The single event allow to create training cards for your program. Compiled demo included.
Added: 1-05-2001/18-04-2003   |  Version: 1.2   |  Downloads: 2027/2025/1
Author:Ainars Skangals   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 6,975 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 ]
THQClearAll v1.0 will allow you to clear all the TEdit boxes on a form with a single line of code. You may also select to change the text in all the TEdit boxes instead of clearing them.
Added: 31-01-1999   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2085/2085/0
Author:Erez Yearot   MiSoftware   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
Delphi2 componente to capsel some toolhelp32 calls to obtain information concerning running processes and their associated modules ...
Added: 12-03-1997   |  Version: 2.0   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Dr. Peter Plass   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
Delphi2 componente to capsel some toolhelp32 calls to obtain information concerning running tasks and their opened windows and properties ...
Added: 12-03-1997   |  Version: 2.1   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Dr. Peter Plass   [Homepage]   [DSP files]
Compatible files:  [ D1 ]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 ]
Component that lets you eject ZIPs JAZ and other removable disks and check if there is any disk in the drive. Also comes with complete IOCTL header for WinNT/95/98.
Completely free.
Added: 17-05-1998   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Daniel Polistchuck   [DSP files]

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | C1 ]
Drop it on your form, set a few properties, add a function to call it and you have a Most Recently Used (MRU) file list. Can be positioned anywhere on your menus, and it will save and restore the list from INI or registry.
Added: 31-12-1996/29-03-1998   |  Version: 2.15   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:Bradley D. Stowers   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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