Delphi 2.0x freeware
InVisible Components

[ ] [ 3,789 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 ]
Component that allows you to launch any application. Also allows switching between any active delphi apps that have the component installed, if app is not active, component will automatically lauch app. (Bug Fix, was interfering with ocx's) [more]
Added: 11-01-1998   |  Version: 1.01   |  Downloads: 4875/4875/1
Author:Edward de la Rey   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 310,349 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | C1 | C3 ]
T(Adv)Excel is the Excel 4/5/7/8 DDE driver + data transfer component. Orders of magnitude faster than OLE automation or any other known mechanism.
New: Online help [more]
Online help and code for extremely high data transfer rates (1000+ items in less than 25 milliseconds on a PII) are available.
Added: 3-11-1997/27-09-1998   |  Version: 3.0   |  Downloads: 9468/9468/7
Author:Stefan Hoffmeister   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 23,381 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
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This is a Windows Stay on Top component whit full scr. Whit this component you may put in your aplications a OnTop option and a OffTop Option. [more]
*FREE TO USE* But see the register.wri please
Added: 23-02-1998   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 3537/3537/1
Author:Karlos Jorge Pinto   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 3,689 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C4 ]
I've come across so many components with system information, some lack in one area, where others lack elsewhere. So having got fed up with this, I decided to write a component that would contain EVERYTHING. Now this contains about 95% of all the system paths available (I think). The ones I've left out have been left out because I didn't think they would be needed.
Added: 10-03-2002/27-10-2003   |  Version: 0.2   |  Downloads: 4178/4148/20
Author:Raoul Snyman   Saturn Laboratories   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 71,583 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
Third release of the AnotherReg - registry-aware component collection. Contains also TSoundEvent, TStringProfile, TComponentProfile, and TFormRestorer
Added: 7-07-1996   |  Version: 1.04.00   |  Downloads: 0/0/0
Author:Glen Why   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 5,958 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 ]
The TAppInstance component watches all running instances of a program in a LAN. The count of users and the count of instances can be limited.
Added: 6-12-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 3414/3414/1
Author:Thomas Schubbauer   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 10,213 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
TAppEraser can remove the application which contains this component, used dlls and other files (in the same directory) and even the directory itself. may be useful for deinstall-programs to erase itself after their work is done, sample included
Added: 12-10-1997   |  Version: V1.0   |  Downloads: 2099/2099/0
Author:Markus Stephany   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 6,145 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
A component that allows you to execute easily applications
Added: 30-08-1996   |  Version: 1.01 - 08/07/96   |  Downloads: 3996/3996/1
Author:Patrick Brisacier   Patrick Brisacier & Jean-Fabien Connault   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 107,261 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | C1 | C3 ]
TAppRunner will execute a specified application. It has properties and events that enable you to monitor whether the executed application is ready for action or has finished running. [more]
Added: 30-08-1998   |  Version: 1.0.2   |  Downloads: 6184/6184/3
Author:Jan Goyvaerts   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 11,158 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 ]
This object Locks a program after a Idle Time.
Added: 23-02-1998   |  Version: V1.1   |  Downloads: 2778/2778/0
Author:Albert   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 10,988 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 ]
Never Ever Wondered how to store a Variable to use anytime anywhere at you Application ? This object stores any variable type at the registry.
Added: 19-09-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 2040/2040/0
Author:Albert   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 43,656 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 ]
TSaveCheckState is a deceptively simple component that can save and restore the Checkmarks of all items in any TMainMenu or TPopupMenu component. Menu Items can be nested as deep as you want in Submenus. Handles Actions too.
Full Source Included
Added: 19-01-1999/28-02-1999   |  Version: 2.01   |  Downloads: 2999/2916/1
Author:Y-Tech Corporation   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 10,864 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 ]
Allows for the easy creation of Windows 95/98/NT file associations. Also saves the old association so that if you un-associate the file extension, the old association is restored.
Added: 6-12-1998   |  Version: 1.0.0   |  Downloads: 4292/4292/1
Author:Larry J. Rutledge   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 2,936 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
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ASTrayIcon is inherited from RXTrayIcon, but add one the very useful thing - is possible to remove display of a task of taskbar [more]
Added: 30-08-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 3469/3469/0
Author:Andrey Abakumov   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 22,362 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 ]
TAsyncTimer - Asynchronous timer component
Added: 21-06-1996   |  Version: 1.00.00   |  Downloads: 2202/2202/0
Author:Glen Why   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 4,975 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ]
Once you drop this component onto your main form and set up necessary properties, the program will be automatically loaded after each restarting of the computer. Works with System Registry
Added: 7-06-1999/25-06-2000   |  Version: 1.1   |  Downloads: 9343/9022/8
Author:Aleksey Kuznetsov   UtilMind Solutions   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 3,628 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D2 ]
TSysInfo component gets details about your computer. eg. Registered Organisation and Owner, etc..
Added: 29-11-1996   |  Version: 2.1   |  Downloads: 2009/2009/0

[ ] [ 11,764 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
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btBeeper uses the PC speaker to produce various sounds. In fact you can make it play entire songs. Now threaded. Totally useless, just for fun. It may be usefull though when a sound card is not present.
Added: 4-10-1998/27-05-2001   |  Version: 0.04   |  Downloads: 6937/6909/2
Author:Theo Bebekis   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 9,910 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 ]
btBeeper uses the PC speaker to produce various sounds. In fact you can make it play entire songs. Now threaded. Totally useless, just for fun. It may be usefull though when a sound card is not present.
Added: 4-02-2002   |  Version: 0.06   |  Downloads: 1594/1594/3
Author:Theo Bebekis   [DSP files]

[ ] [ 28,956 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D2 ]
A Component for the Windows95 BrowseForFolder Dialog. Including all Options and CallBack's for the Systemdialog. [more]
Added: 6-08-1997   |  Version: 1.0   |  Downloads: 1941/1941/0
Author:Matthias Zartmann   [DSP files]

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