C++ Builder 6.0x freeware
System Components Win API based

[ link: ] [ size n/a ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ]
ShellShock provides a set of components that let you customize applications with the functionality available in the Windows Shell & Windows Explorer, all without writing code. The components are written in native VCL for Borland Delphi & C++Builder.
released under Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
Added: 4-02-2003   |  Version: 1.02   |  Downloads: n/a
Author:TurboPower ShellShock Project (Sourceforge)   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ kantowner20.zip ] [ 6,164 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ With Source ]
[ D6 | D7 | C6 ]
NTSetOwnership is a Delphi component for setting owner of a file or a directory in Windows NT/2000/XP Pro
To work this component requires the user that calls it to have granted one of the following permissions
Backup Files and Directories
Restore Files and Directories
This component is usefull also when writing NT sevices becouse SYSTEM account have such priviledges
Added: 3-12-2002/7-01-2003   |  Version: 2.00   |  Downloads: 2140/2098/12
Author:Kiril Antonov   Kiril Antonov - Hronos Ltd   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ osc_per_v21.zip ] [ 2,290,282 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | C5 | C6 ]

Ortus Shell Components Personal Edition v2.1

Add Microsoft® Windows® shell functionality to your applications with this component package!

Ortus Shell Components is a component package for the Borland® developer community containing 10 outstanding shell components. Full context sensitive component help file is included.

  • Use TOrtusShellTreeView, TOrtusShellListView and TOrtusShellComboBox for applications that need the "look and feel" of the Explorer, including OLE drag & drop from your application to the shell and vice versa. Control the drag & drop behaviour using the drag & drop effects properties.
  • Use TOrtusShellFolderChangeNotifier and get informed about folder changes.
  • Use TOrtusShellChangeNotifier and get informed about folder and global changes in the shell, including notifications about new media being added or removed. The component is capable to monitor a list of folders, including special folders!
  • Use TOrtusShellSearch and TOrtusShellSearchResultListView to scan disks and folders. The search runs in a separate low priority thread.
  • Use TOrtusShellTrayIcon to create a system tray icon application and add icon animations that can be started and stopped through a simple method call. Balloon tooltips support is included.
  • Use TOrtusShellLink to create shortcuts from within your application.
  • Use TOrtusShellFileAssociation to associate a file extension with your application.

This personal edition has no limitations but you may NOT use it for any commercial or business purpose.
If you want to create royalty free commercial applications with this software you will have to purchase a commercial license.

Added: 5-05-2002/3-02-2003   |  Version: 2.1   |  Downloads: 1445/1402/8
Author:Ortus   Ortus   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

[ osd_per_v15.zip ] [ 612,649 bytes ] [ Freeware ] [ No Source ]
[ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C5 | C6 ]

Ortus Shell Dialogs Personal Edition v1.5

Get access to the Microsoft® Windows® shell dialogs & wizards from within your applications using this component package!

Ortus Shell Dialogs is a component package for the Borland® developer community containing 12 shell dialog & wizard 'wrapper' components. A context sensitive component help file is included.

  • Use the TOrtusShellControlPanel to display the control panel or one of the control panel aplets.
  • Use the TOrtusShellAbout, TOrtusShellOpenWith, TOrtusShellNewShortcut, TOrtusShellBrowseComputer, TOrtusShellBrowseFolder, TOrtusShellRun, TOrtusShellExitWindows, TOrtusShellDiskFull, TOrtusShellFormatDisk, TOrtusShellProperties and TOrtusShellOrganizeFavorites to launch the corresponding shell dialog.

This personal edition has no limitations but you may NOT use it for any commercial or business purpose.
If you want to create royalty free commercial applications with this software you will have to purchase a commercial license.

Added: 5-05-2002/3-02-2003   |  Version: 1.5   |  Downloads: 1413/1405/10
Author:Ortus   Ortus   [Homepage]   [DSP files]

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