C++ Builder 5.0x freeware Shareware Protection |
[ avlockg5.zip ] [ 2,967,150 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
The most improved package of the AVLock series. This Delphi component let you to convert your application to time limited trial in a very easy way!! In the version 5 all tasks has been integrated into a new utility called AVLockManager, namely: Configure the component. Run the application to evaluate your settings. Unregister the application in order to try again. Manage all users for each application. Generate Keys and ship it to your users. AVLockGold also allow you: Rent your software sending a new Registration Keys for each new period. Manage up to 254 extra modules. Two lock strategies; install code based and user name based. Take full control of your application through registration codes, each one of them for the main application or for a extra module, each one with its own registration settings. Manage the number of users logged to your app at the same time (instances of your app). Generate Generic Keys which allow you to register all users with the same version of your app with only one Registration Key. Utilities by generation and manipulation of registration keys. Registration data encripted for a more secure operation. Four demo applications included. Documentation in english and spanish languages. Strong Rijndael encryption algorithm used in RegKeys, registration data and all sensitive files. In v5.2 a new feature "MoveReg" has been added in order to move to another computer all registration data. Free for not commercial use. Limited edition $39.95 Standard edition $74.95 Developer edition (all sources included) $149.95 Added: 18-10-2004/1-02-2006 | Version: 5.3.3 | Downloads: 695/686/37
[ avlockgX5.zip ] [ 2,301,694 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
The ActiveX version of AVLock Gold 5 the most improved package of the AVLock series. This component let you to convert your application to time limited trial in a very easy way!!! In this version all tasks has been integrated into a new utility called AVLockManager, namely: Configure the component. Run the application to evaluate your settings. Unregister the application in order to try again. Manage all users for each application. Generate Keys and ship it to your users. AVLockGold also allow you: Rent your software sending a new Registration Keys for each new period. Manage up to 254 extra modules. Two lock strategies; install code based and user name based. Take full control of your application through registration codes, each one of them for the main application or for a extra module, each one with its own registration settings. Manage the number of users logged to your app at the same time (instances of your app). Generate Generic Keys which allow you to register all users with the same version of your app with only one Registration Key. Utilities by generation and manipulation of registration keys. Registration data encripted for a more secure operation. Four demo applications included. Documentation in english and spanish languages. Strong Rijndael encryption algorithm used in RegKeys, registration data and all sensitive files. Free for not commercial use. Commercial version $74.95 Added: 18-10-2004/4-04-2005 | Version: 5.3.2 | Downloads: 511/474/11
[ BlindGuardian.zip ] [ 10,382 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C1 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
Protects Shareware programs against illegal copying and manages trial period handling. Added: 25-06-2000/22-06-2000 | Version: 1.2 | Downloads: 14413/14413/9
[ link: ] [ size n/a ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
OnGuard is a library to create demo versions of your Borland Delphi & C++Builder applications. Create demo versions that are time-limited, feature-limited, limited to a certain number of uses, or limited to a certain # of concurrent network users. Added: 4-02-2003 | Version: 1.13 | Downloads: n/a
[ TTrialSoftware.zip ] [ 811,349 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D5 | C5 ] | ||
This component will allow you to make any program that you distribute a SHAREWARE program for an specified number of days, also you can use this component to limitated your software like in DEMO program. Added: 28-12-2000 | Version: n/a | Downloads: 2675/2675/0
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