C++ Builder 5.0x freeware Classes and units |
[ hashtrie.zip ] [ 103,040 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | C3 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
HashTrie is a new high efficient data structure for fast searching. It combines in herself properties of the hash-tables and trie (digital-trees). As against the usual hash-tables the size HashTrie is not fixed, that allows to work with a unknown beforehand amount of datas. Added: 10-12-2000 | Version: 1.0 | Downloads: 4559/4559/17
[ shellnkr.zip ] [ 237,782 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
ShellLinker is a unit that allows you to easily create, read, and execute shell links (shortcuts). It can handle links to files, folders, or virtual objects like printers or system folders. You can set/get all properties of a link, such as parameters, icon, hotkey, and show state. Exe-demo included. Does not work with D2. Added: 15-08-1999/19-08-2002 | Version: 2.0.0 | Downloads: 3934/3879/6
[ smpltimr.zip ] [ 11,145 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ With Source ] [ D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 ] | ||
SimpleTimer is a timer class. It has the same timer resolution as TTimer, but it is more lightweight because it's derived from TObject in stead of TComponent. Furthermore, the same handle is shared between multiple instances of SimpleTimer. This makes it ideal for developers who need a timer in their own components or applications, but want to keep the resource usage minimal. Demo included. Added: 22-04-2002/24-02-2003 | Version: 2.0.1 | Downloads: 4295/4232/13
[ XMLPars2_4_15Free.zip ] [ 3,532,927 bytes ] | [ Freeware ] [ No Source ] [ D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | C4 | C5 ] | ||
XML parser component for Delphi [more] validating XML parser for Delphi (source code available in registered version), native Delphi component Added: 17-10-1999/14-04-2002 | Version: 2.4.15 | Downloads: 2501/2487/5
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